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Avengers: Heroes Welcome #1

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The Avengers and Nova by the all-star team of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Brooks! What is a hero? When Sam Alexander, a.k.a. Nova, has a bout of doubt on how to best use his newfound powers, he gets advice from the Earth's Mightiest Heroes! Featuring Captain America, Thor, the Wasp, Luke Cage, She-Hulk and Iron Man!

14 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 29, 2014

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About the author

Brian Michael Bendis

4,380 books2,504 followers
A comic book writer and erstwhile artist. He has won critical acclaim (including five Eisner Awards) and is one of the most successful writers working in mainstream comics. For over eight years Bendis’s books have consistently sat in the top five best sellers on the nationwide comic and graphic novel sales charts.

Though he started as a writer and artist of independent noir fiction series, he shot to stardom as a writer of Marvel Comics' superhero books, particularly Ultimate Spider-Man.

Bendis first entered the comic world with the "Jinx" line of crime comics in 1995. This line has spawned the graphic novels Goldfish, Fire, Jinx, Torso (with Marc Andreyko), and Total Sell Out. Bendis is writing the film version of Jinx for Universal Pictures with Oscar-winner Charlize Theron attached to star and produce.

Bendis’s other projects include the Harvey, Eisner, and Eagle Award-nominated Powers (with Michael Avon Oeming) originally from Image Comics, now published by Marvel's new creator-owned imprint Icon Comics, and the Hollywood tell-all Fortune and Glory from Oni Press, both of which received an "A" from Entertainment Weekly.

Bendis is one of the premiere architects of Marvel's "Ultimate" line: comics specifically created for the new generation of comic readers. He has written every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man since its best-selling launch, and has also written for Ultimate Fantastic Four and Ultimate X-Men, as well as every issue of Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, Ultimate Origin and Ultimate Six.

Brian is currently helming a renaissance for Marvel’s AVENGERS franchise by writing both New Avengers and Mighty Avengers along with the successful ‘event’ projects House Of M, Secret War, and this summer’s Secret Invasion.

He has also previously done work on Daredevil, Alias, and The Pulse.

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5 stars
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746 (6%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews
Profile Image for Obsidian.
3,079 reviews1,090 followers
November 22, 2016
I honestly thought this was very cute with an uplifting message. There is no action so to speak. Just a teen costumed hero who seeks out the Avengers after sitting in a class listening to a teacher say how the Avengers and those who wear costumes/masks are not heroes. We then have some of our fav characters like Captain America, Luke Cage, etc. talk about what makes a hero. I even love the message Cap gives about how his outfit/costume is a symbol and is just not about America. And I even love them discussing evil and how many terrible things are going on in the world and how they can't be everywhere and cannot intervene always.
Profile Image for Ivy.
1,497 reviews77 followers
May 18, 2019
5 ⭐

Nova's class is asked to write an essay on, "What Makes a Hero?". Nova goes to ask the Avengers about being a superhero. The Avengers say about people doing good things inspire people to do good things. The Avengers and Nova are called to deal with an attack on the Wakanda Embassy.

I liked this comic featuring Nova and the Avengers. Yes, good people do inspire other good people/people. Would be cool to be an Avenger.

What makes a hero?
Profile Image for Danny.
248 reviews19 followers
November 28, 2015
It's a free and short comic, so complaints are obviously relative. However, this is a pretty trite little piece on heroism, which, apart from lacking originality, doesn't do much to setup this profound life lesson. I did like some of the artwork, however, but the reading experience on a Kindle is not that great.

Definitely don't read this if you're in a cynical mood.
Profile Image for Dave.
76 reviews2 followers
July 11, 2019
Don't know wether to laugh or cry with this one...
LMAO !!!
Profile Image for Luke Burrage.
Author 5 books658 followers
June 22, 2014
Free comic!

Underwear perverts discuss what it means to be a hero. Which is fun, in some ways, but it seems to me that *BOOBS* such a discussion only makes sense in a world *BOOBS* where the underwear perverts exist and work by the rules set out in underwear pervert comics.

I mean, there *BOOOBS* is some handy apologetics on display, but I can't help thinking, why not use your superpowers for real good, instead of *BUTTS* just violence? Iron Man has an amazing reactor in his chest... why not use that technology to *BOOOBS* reduce dependence on fossil fuels? If Bruce Wayne is a billionaire, why spend money on capes and cars and gadgets to fight inner-city crime... why not reduce poverty in those places, which *BOOOBS* is the best way to reduce crime? If you can create fire from nowhere, that could be really helpful to all kinds of industries. Superman could just crack a turbine and provide electricity *BOOOBS* to an entire small nation in Africa. Same with the Hulk and many other of *CROTCH* these super strong heroes.

Also, to spice up otherwise not so interesting conversation, there people chatting are sitting about in full costume, with all muscles and boobs on display at all times. Is this meant to be a joke? I can't tell. But constant pushing of body parts into my face is quite distracting.

I think superhero comics aren't going to be for me.
Profile Image for Daniela Rosas.
278 reviews17 followers
April 30, 2020

Esta DB/GN representa aquilo que muitos procuram num livro, a possibilidade de perceber o porquê de autores criarem super-heróis, o porquê de estas figuras de ação que todos nós conhecemos serem tão importantes no nosso imaginário.
Estes fazem-nos acreditar que o bem existe, que apesar de todas as guerras vai existir sempre alguém, que na nossa realidade será a polícia, os bombeiros, os médicos, etc... que nos irão ajudar e que estaram lá para nós.

Estes são os verdadeiros heróis
1 review
February 20, 2016
I chose this rating because it is a great book and it teaches you a lesson. I liked how the heroes discussed with each other. I would recommend this to 6-12 year-olds. If you read this book you will learn the difficulties of war.

I chose this rating because it is a great book and it teaches you a lesson about the difficulties of war.
Profile Image for Pauline.
22 reviews27 followers
July 22, 2015

Great life lesson that we often forget I feel like. Of course we shouldn't be doing good actions just to be recognized, and it's not because it is indeed not recognized by the entire world that it doesn't matter. :)
Profile Image for Hunnapuh Xbal.
Author 4 books33 followers
March 9, 2018
En realidad no soy mucho de Comics actualmente, de niño hice mi propia colección y los leía ávidamente, sin embargo, este era gratis y lo "compré" en la tienda de Amazon, lo tuve en la estantería hasta este día que tuve tiempo y me lo leí.
No debería contar como libro ya que solo tiene 14 paginitas con cartones y muy poco texto, pero aqui va mi impresión del comic.

Pero al final me gustó el comic, dentro de lo que he leído es un descanso dentro del descanso, una excusa para no volver al que sí me interesa.

¡Maldito Stephen Dedalus, no entendí casi nada de tus desvaríos camino a Sandymount!

Mejor sigo procastinando con otras lecturas, y así fallo por enésima vez en leer a Ulises.
Profile Image for Hestia Istiviani.
1,005 reviews1,841 followers
April 13, 2020
I read in English but this review is written in Bahasa Indonesia

Siapa yang tidak tergoda mengunduh komik ini ketika ia masuk dalam jajaran komik yang digratiskan oleh Amazon Kindle? (Sesungguhnya inilah alasan mengapa aku akhirnya memiliki akun Amazon Kindle).

Cerita tentang beragam kisah Avengers cukup membuatku tertarik. Teringat bagaimana dulu aku memanfaatkan kartu perpustakaan kampus untuk membaca komik-komik AS semacam Marvel dan DC karena tahu, harga aslinya yang masih sangat mahal bagiku (hingga kini). Ketika Avengers: Heroes Welcome #1 digratiskan, aku tidak lagi berpikir dua kali untuk membacanya.

Jangan berharap Avengers yang ada dalam komik ini membawa tokoh yang sama seperti yang kita lihat di layar lebar dari tahun ke tahun. Tokohnya ada yang berbeda--tentu saja--tetapi itu juga memunculkan cerita yang tidak kalah menariknya. Dalam Heroes Welcome volume pertama ini, hanya terdiri dari 13 halaman saja. Sama seperti judulnya, kurang lebih semacam perkenalan yang diawali dengan premis, "siapa sih yang disebut sebagai pahlawan?"

Ya, Avengers: Heroes Welcome #1 hanya sampai di situ sekaligus pemantik agar pembaca mau melanjutkan ke volume berikutnya.
Profile Image for Josh Houghtelin.
25 reviews
April 24, 2020
I don't suppose this should count to the total but I do enjoy comic books. Especially now on these super high definition extremely bright devices. Love it.
May 13, 2016
I was really into this book ! I'm a huge comic fan , and to see all my favorite heroes linked together is just mind boggling. It gave a wonderful twist on the kid heroes we all know & love and mixed it in well with action & gore. I would have liked it a lot more if i was able to keep up with the book better, i felt i was finding myself in new scenes and didn't know how i even got there. Other then that this book would be recommended to all my friends.
Profile Image for J.
3 reviews25 followers
March 19, 2018
Poignant Answers

Great for clarifying certain answers & great responses to what is a hero & what quantifies being a hero & if hero’s actually have a purpose in serving the people on Earth for a greater purpose & are they saviors of man kind or merely average people who happen to have amazing powers in addition to being perfectly mere mortals flawed in mind maybe & filled with doubts just as any normal person without special powers.
Profile Image for Kaotic.
439 reviews30 followers
May 4, 2017
What Makes A Hero

Not full of action, but a young hero raises a valid question, due to a school assignment. What makes a hero? Are we doing enough as heroes?

Heroes do what they can, but should they be made to do more, and is it ever enough - some say yes and some say no. But the point Iron Man makes at the end is a valid and interesting one to consider.
663 reviews1 follower
February 18, 2019
Always Fantastic!!!

Super Heroes are always FANTASTIC!!! This particular book just points out who they are. Most folks have heard of them all. But just in case you are new to the comics, now you know !
July 22, 2022
The speech Tony gives in this is one of my all-time favorite speeches in anything. The concept of the butterfly effect good acts can have, how a life can be changed forever by even just seeing the kindness of a stranger, is so intensely beautiful to me. This will always get five stars from me.

“But here’s something you won’t see on TV:
“Someone does a thing. A good thing. Something that helps. Someone puts others before themselves. They don’t even think about it. They just do it. A selfless act. A tiny miracle. But here’s the mistake… The mistake is thinking that’s the end of it. It’s not. Everyone who witnessed this, everyone who was affected by it… They stayed affected by it. Something like this, it can profoundly move someone. It can change their perception of themselves and the entire world. Not everyone. Of course not. Some people… the feeling will pass. But others- maybe just one person- changed. Forever. Moved to do something. To contribute to the world. To be a better person. Because they’ve seen firsthand what it looks like and how it feels to do something. How one person can change the world. And then by definition… the world is changed.
“And you know what? Just because you won’t see it on TV or in a newspaper… doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.”
Profile Image for David Caldwell.
1,673 reviews33 followers
December 29, 2016
The new, young Nova comes to the Avengers to discuss what makes a hero. Are they doing enough by stopping super powered bad guys? Should they be working on different problems?

This is a nice little discussion that tries to look at why superheroes do what they do. It is fairly short so don't expect deep philosophical truths to be revealed but it should be enough to make you think about what makes a hero. Perhaps, it might even lead you to coming up with a few truths for yourself.
Profile Image for Juan.
139 reviews2 followers
June 22, 2019
Awesome Avengers comic of what it means to be a hero

Awesome comic Avengers: Heroes Welcome.

Story is very good of what it means to be a hero, changing the world, why superheros wear armor/ customs that symbolizes to someone and themselves.

About helping others and influence to contribute others around the world.
1 review1 follower
August 2, 2020
Read this comic and learn why you too are a Hero

It's not just that it's well written. It's not just that it broaches a topic unrelated to smashing the next villain. What distinguishes this comic is that it asks an important question and provides a very well thought out and human answer that should resonate with in us all.
July 9, 2021
Navo wanted to learn more about heroes and he went to the Avengers to talk about heroes. And so they told him heros is a hero and so Navo went fighting and now he actually learn the true meaning about heroes

Because this rating tells that I loves the book
I like this book because there was a problem and now the problem is solved
Author 8 books
October 29, 2021

Sometimes the superhero genre is utilised for exploring real world issue. Sometimes people don't like it: "c'mon guys keep it unreal! "
But, sometimes, if you've got some good artwork with a lot of different perspectives and some valid questions with no definitive answer - then a bit of real-world discussion works just fine :-)
Profile Image for Utkarshbhan.
5 reviews
June 4, 2017
The best part was interface.

The experience of reading a comic on Kindle was simply awesome. I'm not a huge comic fan per se but wanted to read it none the less. And I've to admit that I might soon be reading another one
Profile Image for Louise White.
376 reviews20 followers
July 12, 2017
Avengers get philosophical

Not bad for a short read, the question of "what is a hero?" Is answered by the avengers, a bit philosophical but a fun read. I like the features of the graphic novel on the kindle.
Profile Image for Bella.
Author 5 books64 followers
July 28, 2017
Heroes define heroes

A random act of kindness can create a wide impact over the world. Just do it. Spread happiness and help others in every way possible. But don't make them lazy ;)
1 review
January 7, 2018
The Avengers are trying to persuade Nova that that what they do are bad after his teacher basically bashes all superheroes in his class lesson

I chose this rating becuase, the visuals were good, but in an Advengers book you expect action, and there was literally none
Profile Image for Noelle Walsh.
1,172 reviews62 followers
June 14, 2019
A great comic that, while lacking in action, does a fairly good job of trying to teach a life lesson. True heroism isn't about doing great deeds for recognition; it's about the impact on at least one person and changing at least their world for the better.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 224 reviews

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