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Tangled #1.5

Holy Frigging Matrimony

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What does Drew Evans have to say next? Find out in this forty page short story, filled with his sexy charm, unique advice and hilarious one-liners.

Marriage: the final frontier. Steven went first. He was kind of our test subject. Like those monkeys that NASA sent off into space in the fifties, all the while knowing they’d never make it back.

And now another poor rocket is ready to launch.

But this isn’t just any posh New York wedding. You’ve seen my friends, you’ve met our families, you know you're in for a treat. Everyone wants their wedding to be memorable. This one’s going to be un-frigging-forgettable.

Holy Frigging Matrimony takes place about a year after Tangled’s end and is from Drew’s POV.

40 pages, ebook

First published December 1, 2013

190 people are currently reading
9,065 people want to read

About the author

Emma Chase

62 books19k followers
Emma Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of romance filled with humor, heat and heart. Her books have been published in over 20 languages and the film adaptation of Tangled, Emma's iconic enemies-to-lovers rom-com, was recently released by Passionflix.
Emma lives happily-ever-after in New Jersey with her husband, two children, and two adorable, misbehaving dogs.

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163 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,524 reviews
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,862 followers
July 23, 2016
This was a super-short "extra" for fans of the 'Tangled' series. As far as stories go, this was more like a teaser or a chapter of a story. It was a short, but entertaining glimpse into the lives of one of our favorite couples.

It has been so long that I'd forgotten many of the supporting characters. Since this was such a short read, I have to admit that all of the details didn't come back to me either. I think I waited too long after reading the first book to dive into this one. If I had read it sooner, I'm sure I would've liked it even more.

That being said, I fell in love with Drew all over again. He had me laughing my ass off the entire time. His confrontation with Kate's ex-boyfriend, Billy, was hilarious!

Despite the fact that I had read the first book a long time ago and the details were hazy, I found this to be a highly enjoyable read. It was quick, funny and uplifting. I listened to the Audible version and it was fantastic. If you're looking for a short, uplifting read, this is a great choice!
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,976 followers
September 6, 2016
4.5 stars. I interviewed Drew for the Berner Zeitung. Please scroll down. It was fun!

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Matrimony...? Drew needs a smoke...and I tell you to get rid of it. Subito!

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Here we go…

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Sorry, I got sidetracked by the quotes. I'll give it another shot. Here we go again...

Hello Drew. I'm Baba, a freelance journalist for the Berner Zeitung.

Berner Zeitung? Never heard of that paper.

I'm from Switzerland.

Shoot! I've never been to Switzerland. It's the country of watches, fine chocolate, banks as white as snow, and the Alps, isn't it? As you can imagine I was a very attentive student. *makes an angelic face* What about your women? Are they beautiful?

*gasp* Drew, I thought you were going steady?

Sure thing. But I like to do a little…er…platonic research now and then to…how should I phrase that…to enhance my bedroom activities. Makes my sweet Kate happy, for sure.

I can show you a couple pics of women Made in Switzerland.
By the way, hands off, understood? All these women are either married or have a boyfriend.

*makes incoherent noises* Baba, put the frigging pics in a spoiler! What do you think is going to happen when my Kate sees them?
*puts a hurt look on his face* I would never touch them anyway. Why would you think such a despicable thing of me? I mean look at me...I'm such a sweet little cherub, don't you think?

Hmm…interesting question. Maybe she's going to give you blue balls. Sex deprivation? Squeeze your balls? Cut them off? Pinch you in the ass? Slap you? Scream at you? I know that women can get quite agitated. Also, being in such a state of mind they become…er…quite imaginative.
And to respond to your other question about being a sweet little cherub…? Well, maybe when pigs fly, right? You're such a sly devil, Drew.

You tell me! I would like to avoid any further complications.

Would you like me to give you a hint as to how you can soothe your sweet Kate?

Baba, you're my knight in shining armor. Go ahead please, I'm all ears!

Thank God it's Friday, Drew.
(Editor's note: the interview took place on a Friday). Baba adds a cheeky grin.

*quizzical stare* I'm sorry--I don't speak vagina. Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Holy Frigging Batman, are you still clueless? You told me that you've been a very attentive student.

Yes. And yes. But I'm sure you're going to broaden my horizon right frigging now. After all, learning never stops.

Tongue Goes In First.

Huh? Excuse me but you kinda lost me.

Never heard of TGIF before?

Um…yes, of course I'm not that clueless. *light bulb goes on* Baba, you just slammed my mind in the gutter! Are we finished yet? I need to get back to my sweet Kate to put my tongue…you know where.

Your honesty is so refreshing, Drew, and your dirty mind is incredibly entertaining! Thanks for the speed interview! I appreciate it very much. *Baba beams*

Drew…are you still here…? Get lost…right frigging now!

"Come on, Baba Dee's in her room. You're good to go."
I pull on her hand until she crashes against me. "I don't wanna go. I want to defile the prestigious Plaza Hotel by having you ride me like a slutty mermaid in the bathtub."

Baba scurries away to look for her camera in order to chronicle that earth-shattering event.

Say cheese!

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P.S. As expected it was a hilarious ride and I really enjoyed it very much! I don't whip out five stars because it was too short and the ending was a little bit too abrupt for my liking. *Baba makes a pouty face* Still, an entertaining, quick and dirty little number. Love me some Drew! *thumbs up from moi*

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Oh, and this is for you, Emma, coz I know you loved it.

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I think you put Drew under too much stress. He looks kinda rumpled and shaken. Crap. Maybe that's my fault? Was I too hard on him during my interview? *bats eyelashes innocently*

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15.2k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★1/2! Tangled, book 1.5. Drew Evans is back!

“You smell like sweat and sex…and me. It’s hot. Eau de Cum kicks Chanel Number Five’s ass.”

Books/BONUS chapters in the Tangled series should be read in (this) order:
Book 1: Tangled
Book 1.1: Working Late/The Kiss
– Best read after chapter 6 of book 1. PLUS Interview with Drew.
Book 1.2: The Bitch Strikes Back – 1 month after book 1
Book 1.4: What a Difference A Year Makes: Exclusive sneak peek into the future Tangled – 1 year later.
Book 1.5: Holy Frigging Matrimony
Book 2: Twisted
Book 3: Tamed

In Tangled we followed Drew Evans, manwhore extraordinaire in his descent into whopped. Holy Frigging Matrimony, book 1.5 is the continuation of his and Kate’s story. It takes place less than a year after the ending of book 1.

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Andrew Evans, Drew, the prodigal son; spoiled, jaded and privileged, with uncanny good looks… Five words to describe Drew: Sarcastic, witty, smart, insightful and unforgettable.

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Five words to describe Kate Brooks: Smart, beautiful, assertive, classy and loyal.

The reason it did not get 5 stars is as a novella it just wasn’t long enough… plus the ending felt a bit sudden!

Holy frigging Matrimony is the perfect “Drew fix” until book 2! I am highly recommending!

“Have I told you how cock-stiffeningly gorgeous you look tonight?”

Hero rating: 5+ stars
Heroine rating: 4.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Storyline concept rating: 4 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: 4 stars
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4 stars
Overall rating: 4.5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
December 5, 2013

This was a sexy and hilarious short story told to us from Drew's POV that takes place a year after the end of Tangled. 

While it was a very quick read (about 40 pages), it also put a huge smile on my face! As you can guess from the title, it does take place at a wedding but.... there was a bit of a twist to it! ;)

Despite it's short length, the story was packed with sexy times...

"There's no time to mess around - even for a quickie."

I stalk towards her. "A -- there's always time to mess around. B - it depends on your definition of quickie. My interpretation happens to be how quickly I can make you scream my name. Past experience has shown I can make that happen pretty damn fast."

... a fist fight ...

“I don’t even know what to say to you.”
I squirm – just a little. “He started it.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you serious?”
I think about it for a minute. “Kind of.”

... drama with an ex...

"Speak of the devil and he doth appear ... Yep, still hate him. He's like genital herpes -- he just won't go the fuck away."

... and there was even a moment of -- dare I say it? --  maturity from Drew! Yup, shocking, right?!

It may not have taken me very long to read but I totally enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book in the series!


For more of my reviews, book news and updates:
Main blog: Aestas Book Blog
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Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
654 reviews1,018 followers
July 10, 2016
Another dose of Drew Evans!


Emma Chase continues to spoil us with another treat through this short story which serves as a prequel to the next book, Twisted. At first I was kind of surprised because I really thought it will be 'their' wedding, but it wasn't. I was deceived. Lol. Buuut I loved all the scenes here. That fight between Billy and Drew was so hilarious af. And that shocking scene between Kate's mom and Steven's dad. *facepalms

Here's my favorite conversation between Drew and Kate:

"I want you to be surprised. You're going to lose it when you see me in it. It'll be your new favorite dress."

I kiss her forehead, and work my way down over her temple, across her cheek. "My favorite dress of yours will always be... the one on the floor."

This is yet another short story that teases. It was brought out in a way that simply entertains. Drew and Kate-- they're now my new favorite book couple! <3

"Relationships only work when both parties put the other person's feelings before their own. Without that? Things tend to implode rather quickly."

Pearl's Book Journey (1)

Profile Image for Mo.
1,394 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2013

I know, I know, it was way too short but a nice little teaser all the same. Cannot wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,240 followers
December 11, 2013
4 Hilarious Stars!

In this short story we have Drew, Kate and a wedding.
And exactly as everything where they are present, it will be awesome as hell.


This was a great way to have my Drew-fix before the next book comes out. I love him and his dirty mind and the way he just can’t help himself in saying /doing everything that comes into his mind.
It was a sexy, sweet and hilarious novella and this was basically my reaction through all the pages:


Can’t wait for their second book!!!
Profile Image for Christy.
4,347 reviews35.5k followers
December 8, 2013
4.5 Frigging Funny stars!

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Drew Evans is hilarious! In this short story that takes place after Tangled, we get all Drew’s p.o.v. My only complaint- it was too short! It was like a little tease that left me wanting more.

Sweet, sexy, and funny as hell! I’m so excited for book 2, I can’t wait!!! 

Drew ♥ ♥ ♥
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Profile Image for Tessa Teevan.
Author 43 books1,609 followers
August 5, 2016
*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

Here's the thing about Holy Frigging Matrimony. I loved it. And I hated it. What the hell? You're wondering. I know, I know. I must be crazy. I loved it so much because it was more Drew. I hated it because it was not enough Drew. But here's the thing about Drew Evans... you'll never, ever get enough.

That being said, I do think that my rating would probably be different if I'd been a paying customer. I know it says it's only 40 pages, but I don't think anyone expected it to be that frigging short.

11.28-Drew Evans is BACK and we have a date tonight!!!

First of all, Drew Evans is my #1 book boyfriend of 2013. He cannot be beat!! You can find my 5 Star Tangled review here --> Tessa's Tangled Review






Profile Image for Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️.
1,045 reviews1,543 followers
January 5, 2014
Ah, an early Christmas gift! More Drew in our lives!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Holy Fricking Matrimony is a quickie nouvella depicting the events of Delores and Matthew's wedding reception. In all Drew and Kate's hilarious relationship antics, we get another glimpse into the mind of Drew. He's childish, whorish, protective, and freaking hilarious! It's a quick half hour read full of comedy.

I have to say I'm so happy Ms. Chase won the award for Best Debut Goodreads Author in her book Tangled (Tangled, #1) by Emma Chase . This book brings you right back to all things Drew. He's so endearingly funny, a guy you wish you knew in real life as he just makes all things more entertaining. My guess is Ms Chase has some very fun men in her life that give her lotsa props for Drew antics! Wink wink!

A few favorite Drew quotes.....

“Have I told you how cock-stiffeningly gorgeous you look tonight?”

“I’m sorry—I don’t speak vagina. Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You smell like sweat and sex…and me. It’s hot. Eau de Cum kicks Chanel Number Five’s ass."
Profile Image for Lucia.
740 reviews907 followers
February 9, 2017
My Drew and Kate:

Do you remember Drew? This extra-snarky-super-awesome-sarcastic man that we had a pleasure to meet in Tangled? Of course, how could anyone forget him. Emma Chase comes again with story written in his POV, this time it is very short novella. It may be a really short one, but it lacks nothing in entertainment department.

Once again, Drew's thoughts made me laugh and I enjoyed reading this novella immensely. It wasn't what I expected, but I love to be surprised. And believe me when I say that surprised I was. In a best was possible. Holy Frigging Matrimony sets perfect premise for next book in the series - Twisted. This is a must-read for all fans of Drew and I cannot wait to read more about these characters!

*ARC provided by author as an exchange for honest review*

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,239 reviews3,695 followers
May 12, 2020
Fast forward to the future after a year during a wedding.
Funny sexy Drew is back!

“My favourite dress of yours will always be…the one on the floor.” 
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,961 followers
November 30, 2013

Note: This is a forty page short story meant to hold readers over until the next full length novel Twisted is released in March.

“Have I told you how cock-stiffeningly gorgeous you look tonight?”

Uh, no Drew. You didn’t, but that’s okay since you basically said I am ;) *waggles eyebrows*


There is no one, and I mean no one like the charming, hilarious, sexy, and fun-loving Drew!! I didn’t think it would be possible, but Ms. Chase has managed to fit humor, emotion, and heart all in one short book. Definitely kept me entertained and left me anticipating Twisted even more now!


ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Please note that the quote above is from an advanced copy and may be subject to change in the final edition.
Profile Image for Farah.
370 reviews500 followers
December 7, 2013
Drew ....

What can I say about you?
Well that's easy...

Love you!!!!

Anything to read with more of this delicious man, count me in!
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,670 reviews3,282 followers
December 6, 2013
4 Smart Ass, Male Mind, Lovely Snippet Stars * * * *

Oh... where to start.
I read Tangled a while ago before I started reviewing.
I devoured that book. Loved every single morsel.

I LOVE THE MALE POV. Yes, I know ... capitals are considered shouting...
Well, when it comes to Drew and all of the fantastic maleness that comes out of his mouth...
If we were having coffee together and shooting the shit... I would be laughing, howling with tears coming down my face trying to retell parts of the book where he lived. You, as my friend would be sitting there cracking up... because as friends that's what we do...

So this little gem.... and to be very honest.... This is a real little, meaning short, gem.
It is just a glimpse of a time with Kate and Drew... him suffering through a social gathering ... having to put up with established friends that have now co mingled in their lives. Kate's girlfriend has hooked up with Drew's buddy; of course, there is no love lost between them.

We experience the event... things happen, Drew is Drew and after it is all said and done... everyone is better for it. The End.

As I said... it is a real LITTLE gem. Yet much takes place, terrific dialogue happens, delicious sexy times are had and we get a little fix from Emma Chase to tide us over until we get the next book.

Now, Emma.... when am I getting my next Drew fix? I have friends I need to chat and laugh with?

Arc provided in exchange for an honest review.
December 7, 2013

It was wonderful but like everyone else says it was way too short! Not even a whole day in the life of Drew and Kate! And EM was a bit tricksy!

But at least we got a Drew fix till the next book, Twisted, which will be from Kate's POV. I'm definitely looking forward to that!

Here's hoping Drew never grows up!


Favorite quotes:

❤ “My favorite dress of yours will always be…the one on the floor.”

❤ "I want to defile the prestigious Plaza Hotel by having you ride me like a slutty mermaid in the bathtub.”
Profile Image for Barbara.
433 reviews83 followers
December 5, 2013
I missed Drew! He is hilarious!!!
Thank you so much Emma Chase for this little precious book!!

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Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
February 5, 2017

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Loved this novella!!
Drew Evans is still crazy sexy, lush, and laugh out loud hysterical!!

Of course you know there's going to be some dirty talking and hot sexy scenes!
But most importantly, there were so many times I just laughed so hard.
Drew always gets himself into trouble and poor Kate suffers from a bit of embarrassment.

Kate's ex, Billy, shows up at the wedding reception.
Drew is not happy that Kate still remained friends with Billy.
He doesn't trust him and Billy holds the same contempt for Drew.
Words are exchanged and holy shit, the pasta and sauce are flying as well.

Omg I laughed so god damn hard when Aunt Amelia reigned the two in!!
And you know Dee Dee exacts revenge on the both of them at the end of this book.
It was quite short, but a PERFECT GEM!!!

Can't wait for the next installment!!!

For a guy, there's something primordial about a woman covered in your scent--it's the most primitive way of taking your claim. Of showing every other peckerhead that a woman is very much taken. It's animalistic, sure, but that doesn't make it any less arousing.

Yep, still hate him. He's like genital herpes--he just won't go the fuck away.

The "friend" card is one of the oldest hook-up tricks in the book. Right up there with 'I think I might be gay.' He's just biding his time--waiting for me to screw up so he can be the shoulder Kate cries on. Then when she's all vulnerable and weak, he'll stick his tongue down her throat.
Not gonna happen. Not on my fucking watch.

And if the horrible gasp that sounds suspiciously like my girlfriend's voice is any indication? There's an excellent chance I'll go the rest of my life without ever getting head again.

Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,974 reviews1,520 followers
Shelved as 'considering'
September 10, 2013
OH.MY.GOD. I do not read in between noveallas unless I love the series and I am so excited about this!!!!!
Profile Image for Brenna.
583 reviews452 followers
December 8, 2013
Who can say no to more Drew Evans, even if it’s just forty pages? Yeah, not me! Loved this short story!

With the backdrop of a wedding, it provides the perfect setting for some crazy situations. Who can say no to more Drew Evans, even if it’s just forty pages? Yeah, not me! Loved this short story! Drew can’t stay out of trouble for long and his actions had me laughing out loud once again ♥

“I don’t even know what to say to you.”
I squirm – just a little. “He started it.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you serious?”
I think about it for a minute. “Kind of.”

And along the way we get our expected dose of crude, yet kinda sweet and dirty. I really can’t get enough of Drew and this series!

“I don’t wanna go. I want to defile the prestigious Plaza Hotel by having you ride me like a slutty mermaid in the bathtub.”

Enter to WIN in a SIGNED copy of Tangled and a SET of ebooks - Holy Frigging Matrimony & Tangled at No BS Book Reviews now!

Also 'like' us on Facebook. ♥
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,058 followers
December 12, 2013
4 stars
“My favorite dress of yours will always be…the one on the floor.”

Oh how I miss Drew, so proud of him for learning another lesson when dealing with us females, lol. Dee is such a meanie to my poor Drew, lol, even though he deserved it. Perfect fix until we get Twisted :)
Profile Image for Johanna.
212 reviews48 followers
December 6, 2013
Drew has the best male of POV ever.
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Drew does not disappoint, he is sarcastic, egotistical, and hilarious.
And like a dog who hasn't seen his master all day, my lonely cock lifts its head at the sight of her

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But its his witty sarcastic charm that captivates its reader.
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Unfortunately, it is extremely short. And your left feeling..
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All I can say is I WANT more Drew :D
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Cannot wait for more..............
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I need a Drew in my life LOL
Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews770 followers
August 30, 2016

Did Emma Chase deliver once again or did she deliver???

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Being inside Drew's head is one of my favorite places to be. Yes, it's up there with the beaches of Bora Bora and streets of New York at Christmas time so, if you ever experienced either, you can just imagine how much I ♥ Drew!

I read this over breakfast this morning and laughed through the entire thing! Yes, Emma does this to you via Drew's thoughts which are absolutely hysterical!

Now, is it bad that I didn't remember Dee Dee at all??? I mean who IS she??? I got that she is Kate's BFF but did she have a big part in Tangled??? Why can't I remember anything about her??? Methinks I need to reread Tangled now for two reasons: 1. to refresh my memory and 2. to spend more time inside Drew's head so I can have a good laugh.

I am only rating this 4 stars because it was just too damn short but it's an excellent follow up to Tangled!

As much as I am excited about the next book, I just don't care to get the story via Kate's thoughts. I know it sounds awful but I never warmed up to her. Prove me wrong, Emma!!! I know you can :)

P.S. This was a BDay gift from one of my GR friends, Andrea. Thank you, babe!! I really enjoyed it! xoxo
Profile Image for Jen .
811 reviews619 followers
December 7, 2013
Oh Drew, how I've missed your hilarious and twisted mind.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,150 reviews1,049 followers
December 5, 2013
“Have I told you how cock-stiffeningly gorgeous you look tonight?”

Aaaaahhh, Drew, you sweet talker!

This is a gorgeous little look at Drew and Kate about a year after the events of Tangled. Once again from Drew’s POV, it’s sexy and sweet and utterly, utterly hilarious!

Now in a committed relationship with Kate, Drew finds himself still madly in love and lust, but still navigating the waters of coupledom.

“I don’t even know what to say to you.”
I squirm – just a little. “He started it.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you serious?”
I think about it for a minute. “Kind of.”

At only 40 pages, it’s short, but with a wedding, ex drama, a surprise hook up, a smack-talking fist fight, and some steamy time, it’s full on from start to finish. And Drew’s commentary is, as expected, rude, crude, and absolutely perfect.

“My favourite dress of yours will always be…the one on the floor.”

“Not that I have anything against dancing. Some guys will tell you it’s effeminate but I’m not one of them. Today’s dancing is practically sex with your clothes on, dry humping in a room full of people. And I’m definitely into that.”"

Emma Chase does a fantastic job of bringing her characters instantly back to life, and it’s absolutely sensational.

I loved it – 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
October 26, 2015
This was a little 40 page story that gives us fast forward to the future. I have to agree with some of the reviews that this partly ruins part of Dee's story that is set to take place in book three, so seeing how Emma Chase will work that book in with this will be interesting.

This was Drew at his best, all smart ass. The guy you love so much you have to stifle the urge to punch him his his adorable face. Since this is one of those shorts that your really can't go into because it will ruin it for those that haven't read it, I will just say that it makes me crave the next book even more.

And overall, I am not sure if I really like Dee at all. I hope her friendly concerns can morph from overall bitchy for no reason to protective friend over the next few books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,524 reviews

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