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The secret passage to the house next door leads to a fascinating adventure.

Narnia... a land where the woods are thick and cold, where Talking Beasts come to life—an entirely new world where adventure begins.

One cold, wet summer in London, Digory and Polly meet and become fast friends. Their lives take a sudden turn when Digory’s Uncle Andrew, who fancies himself a magician, sends them hurtling to... somewhere else. They arrive in Narnia, just as it is born from the song of the great Lion, Aslan. Along the way, they encounter the evil sorceress Jadis, whose dark magic threatens everything. After a whirlwind adventure, they finally find their way back home.

221 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published May 2, 1955

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About the author

C.S. Lewis

1,172 books45.3k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Clive Staples Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954. He was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Mere Christianity, Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classics The Chronicles of Narnia. To date, the Narnia books have sold over 100 million copies and been transformed into three major motion pictures.

Lewis was married to poet Joy Davidman.
W.H. Lewis was his elder brother]

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Profile Image for Lisa of Troy.
831 reviews7,057 followers
August 18, 2024
One day in London, two children, Polly and Digory, meet, and they accidently encounter Uncle Andrew who sends them on an incredible adventure. The children find themselves in new worlds and meeting new world leaders. On their quest, they have to make many difficult choices and to whom they are going to listen. Get ready for a magically delicious journey!

Should have read this book years ago! It was wonderful in so many ways. First, the magic. One of my biggest pet peeves with fantasy is that I am not a visual person so I can't envision what the author is describing. Never fear! First, this book was more realistic fantasy so you didn't have to imagine all sorts of new inventions. Second, the book had illustrations.

The book was appropriate for children, but I also enjoyed it as an adult. The book had me laughing quite a few times. It also has some deeper meanings and provides some very good food for thought.

In terms of pacing, the first couple of chapters were a bit slow; however, the rest of the book was very action packed. It was a short book but conveyed so much, and the ending perfectly set up the next book. It was very satisfying.

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Profile Image for J.G. Keely.
546 reviews11.9k followers
February 19, 2016
Suffers from the same problems as Lewis' other books, both his children's fantasy and his pokes at theology: Lewis' worldview is not sophisticated, and his sense of psychology has a large blind spot. However, it's not his faith that is the problem--it certainly wasn't a problem for Donne or Milton.

Lewis is simply unable to put himself in another's shoes, which is very problematic for a writer or a theologian. He cannot understand the reasons or motivations for why someone would do something he considers 'evil'. Unlike Milton, he cannot create a tempting devil, a sympathetic devil, and so Lewis' devils are not dangerous, because no one would ever fall for them.

His villains are like Snidely Whiplash: they are comically evil, evil not due to some internal motivation, but because the narrative requires it. Yet Lewis is not reveling in the comedic promise of overblown evil, he's trying to be instructive. So he dooms his own instruction: it is only capable of warning us about dangers which are so ridiculous that they never could have tempted us in the first place.

Likewise, his heroes are comically heroic: they are not people who struggle to be good, who have motivations and an internal life, they are just habitually, inexplicably good. There is nothing respectable in their characters, nothing in their philosophies for us to aspire to, they are just suffused with an indistinct 'goodness' which, like evil, is taken for granted.

But then, Lewis' world is mostly a faultless one. People never act or decide, they are lead along by empty symbols of pure good or pure evil, following one or the other because they are naive. As usual, Lewis' view of humanity is predictably dire: always too naive, too foolish to know what good and evil are, even when they are right in front of us, and yet we are apparently still to be reviled and cursed when they make the wrong decision, even if we couldn't have known what we were about.

Like many of Lewis' works, this could have made a profound satire, but it's all too precariously serious for Lewis to be mocking. There is something unusual in the fact that, whenever the amassed evidence of his plot, characters, and arguments point to a world of confusion in which man is utterly lost, Lewis always arrives at the conclusion that we are fundamentally culpable, despite the fact that he always depicts us as acting without recognition.

The really frightening thing about Lewis' worldview is that we can never seem to know whether we are naively following good or naively following evil, but that the difference between the two is vital and eternal. Like Calvin, he dooms us to one or another fate, and we shall never know which, yet unlike Calvin, Lewis never really accepts the ultimate conclusion this worldview suggests.

There seems to be, at the heart of Lewis' works, a desperate pride, a desperate sense that we do know, even when we think we don't, even when Lewis shows us a hundred examples where we couldn't possibly know. But that is the crux of the fundamental paradox around which Lewis inevitably frames his stories, the paradox which defines his life, his philosophies, and the impetus for his conversion.

Like most of us, Lewis seems to feel a deep need know what is right--to be right. Yet his experiences have shown him, again and again, that we are fundamentally ignorant, despite our most devoted attempts to be knowledgeable. It's an impassable contradiction.

Lewis saw a world filled with pain, ignorance, selfishness, cruelty, senseless violence, and refused to accept that this was part of human nature; so he made it an outside thing, a thing which was, for him, always clearly defined. He spent most of his writing career trying to show how the effect of this thing could be the excuse for why man commits such terrible acts, but without making man himself evil--but many men are desperate to avoid the idea that their own mistakes, their own forays into 'evil', are ultimately their own fault.

He is never able to define the point at which mere naivete becomes guilt. The two opposing forces of ignorant evil and willful evil are always nebulous for Lewis, and he never succeeds in defining where one ends and the other begins, where foolishness becomes damnation.

He never defines it philosophically, theologically, or psychologically. Usually, he just draws a line arbitrarily between 'good people' (people like him) and 'bad people' (everyone else). Like Tolkien, he takes the comfortable and familiar and fences it off--a little peaceful island home, safe against an incomprehensible world.

It's a comforting worldview, one many of us feel drawn to, that sense of isolation, 'us against the world', the need to be right at all costs, to be different from those we habitually condemn, to know what is good and what is not--but it is not a coherent philosophy, it is not conducive to self-awareness, and it's certainly not the sort of thing we need to be feeding our children. Indeed, the only thing such self-justification invites is further ignorance, prejudice, and conflict.

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Profile Image for Justin.
308 reviews2,472 followers
November 14, 2016
It's mildly embarrassing that I've lived almost 32 years and I've only read one book from the Narnia series. Well, I guess I've read two now, but I feel like I should have read those a long time ago. As an adult, it's difficult to even rate this book fairly because the adult version of myself wants to be all critical and make comments about how this isn't Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, but it's not supposed to be. And that's fine with me.

Is this the first book in the series! Is it the sixth? Does it even matter? I'm reading it first because I conducted a very thorough investigation into the series and determined that my plan to read them this way is the right way to read them. However, my very scientific thorough analysis also concluded that this book can be read later and no one really cares and it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just read the series is all I'm saying, although I haven't even read the series myself so that may be moderately premature on my part.

It was neat to read about the origins of Narnia. Whoa... did I just say "neat"? That was an accident. Lemme get back to words I actually use in real life.

It was awesome to read about the origins of Narnia. The lamp post and the witch and whatnot. Aslan. That was just autocorrected to Asian so that was funny. I don't have any reason to believe he is an Asian lion, but I again haven't read the entire series yet so that could be explored in future novels where Aslan spends his childhood as a small lion cub in Beijing before creating Narnia later in life. I don't think that's accurate though.

Lewis really writes an engaging fantasy tale that is surprising full of beautiful descriptions rather than nonstop action. I appreciate the world building in the book which I found pretty detailed for a children's book. I also like that I don't really know some of the characters well, but feel like the less important ones are gonna be showing up later on down the road.

I'm excited to continue this trek through Narnia. My kids don't give a flip about it so I'm gonna be on my own. Maybe when their older they will have a longer attention span and a better appreciation of great books. Dad's gonna keep rolling in the meantime.

Profile Image for Baba.
3,914 reviews1,366 followers
January 15, 2025
Digory lives with his very ill mum, his Aunt Letty and his secretive and strange Uncle Andrew who has a forbidden attic room. Whilst playing in the loft spaces with pal Polly they find themselves trapped with Uncle Andrew in his room, where Polly is seen to disappear! Thus begins the Narnia origin story, a story set at the end of the Nineteenth century and unlike all the other books in the series, a lot of the story is set in our reality. I still finding this book utterly magical and enchanting.

On first reading this series, you should always read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe first, but chronologically this is the first book in the series. Interestingly C.S. Lewis being a lot more savvy than many creators today, ensures that this prequel (written years after the first book) fits like a glove with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and makes the series complete. Re-reading The Seven Tales of Narnia is liking vising an old friend. For me, an 8 out of 12 Four Star read about where it all began. :)

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews658 followers
August 24, 2021
The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6), C.S. Lewis

The Magician's Nephew is a high fantasy novel for children by C. S. Lewis, published by Bodley Head in 1955. It is the sixth published of seven novels in The Chronicles of Narnia (1950–1956).

The story begins in London during the summer of 1900. Two children, Digory and Polly, meet while playing in the adjacent gardens of a row of terraced houses.

They decide to explore the attic connecting the houses, but take the wrong door and surprise Digory's Uncle Andrew in his study.

Uncle Andrew tricks Polly into touching a yellow magic ring, causing her to vanish. Then he explains to Digory that he has been dabbling in magic, and that the rings allow travel between one world and another.

He blackmails Digory into taking another yellow ring to follow wherever Polly has gone, and two green rings so that they both can return. Digory finds himself transported to a sleepy woodland with an almost narcotic effect; he finds Polly nearby.

The woodland is filled with pools. Digory and Polly surmise that the wood is not really a proper world at all but a "Wood between the Worlds", similar to the attic that links their rowhouses back in England, and that each pool leads to a separate universe.

They decide to explore a different world before returning to England, and jump into one of the nearby pools. They then find themselves in a desolate abandoned city of the ancient world of Charn. Inside the ruined palace, they discover statues of Charn's former kings and queens, which degenerate from the fair and wise to the unhappy and cruel.

They find a bell with a hammer, an inscription inviting the finder to strike the bell. Despite protests from Polly, Digory rings the bell.

This awakens the last of the statues, a witch queen named Jadis, who, to avoid defeat in battle, had deliberately killed every living thing in Charn by speaking the "Deplorable Word".

As the only survivor left in her world, she placed herself in an enchanted sleep that would only be broken by someone ringing the bell. ...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: ماه ژانویه سال 2002 میلای

عنوان: ماجراهای نارنیا شش: خواهرزاده جادوگر؛ نویسنده: کلاویو استیپلز لوئیس 1898م - 1963م؛ مترجم: امید اقتداری سال 1330؛ منوچهر کریم زاده سال 1328؛ کتابهای کیمیا، خرید از تهران خیابان ولی عصر، بالاتر از میدان ونک، شماره 133؛ چاپ نخست 1379، هفت جلد در 1368ص؛ جلد ششم در شش و در172ص؛ شابک: دوره هفت جلدی 9647100116؛ چاپ سوم 1386؛ شابک 9647100108؛ موضوع: داستانهای کودکان برای کودکان از نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده 20م

مترجم: پیمان اسماعیلیان؛ تهران، قدیانی، بنفشه؛ 1387، در 256ص؛ چاپ دوم 1388؛

مترجم: آرش حجازی؛ تهران، کاروان؛ 1376، در 199ص؛ شابک 96491607؛

کتاب اول: شیر، کمد، جادوگر؛ کتاب دوم: شاهزاده کاسپین؛ کتاب سوم: کشتی سپیده پیما؛ کتاب چهارم: صندلی نقره ای؛ کتاب پنجم: اس‍ب‌ و آدم‍ش‌؛ کتاب‌ ششم: خواهرزاده جادوگر؛ کتاب هفتم: آخرین نبرد؛

این جلد (ششم) از نظر زمان چاپ، ششمین کتاب است، اما از نظر زمان رخدادها و وقایع، به پیش از زمان کتاب: «شیر، کمد و جادوگر»، برمیگردد؛ و در مورد نحوه ی آفرینش جهان «نارنیا» است؛ در این داستان «پالی» به همراه «دیگوری» خواهر زاده ی «دایی اندرو»، وارد دنیایی جنگلی میشوند، که همانند یک تونل، آنها را به دنیاهای دیگر میرساند؛ در دنیای نخست، یک جادوگر همراه با آنها، به دنیای خودشان راه مییابد؛ در سفر دوم، مرد درشکه چی و اسبش، دایی «اندرو»، «دیگوری» و «پالی»، اشتباهاً وارد «نارنیا»، که هنوز کاملاً بوجود نیامده، میشوند، و شاهد ایجاد «نارنیا» هستند؛ درشکه چی، و همسرش نخستین شاه و ملکه ی «نارنیا» هستند، و نامهای آنها در «نارنیا»: «فرانک» و «هنی» است؛

برگزیده از متن کتاب: (نارنیا، نارنیا، نارنیا، بیدار شو، عشق بورز؛ اندیشه کن؛ سخن بگو؛ درختهای روان باش؛ جانوران سخنگو باش؛ آبهای ملکوتی باش)؛ ص 107، از کتاب

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 14/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 01/06/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 39 books15.6k followers
September 15, 2022
My autistic-spectrum son Jonathan is fascinated by the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He wants to know what her motivation is. "Why is she always so angry?" he asks. "Why does she hate Aslan? Who is she like?" These are good questions. I have suggested that he should read The Magician's Nephew, but Jonathan only reads the books he wants to read and ignores recommendations. A pity, I would like to discuss it with him.

The White Witch is the best character in the series, and it is indeed difficult to think of anyone who strongly resembles her. She is a little like Auntie Medusa in The Rescuers, another of Jonathan's favorite films, and she's also a little like the Sea Witch in The Little Mermaid, Madame Mim in The Sword in the Stone, and, of course, the Wicked Witch of the West.

But there are some important differences. The other witches are ugly, and it's plausible to believe that they are motivated by envy of the heroines' effortless youth and beauty. This is perhaps most evident with Auntie Medusa; I love the scene where she's removing her false eyelashes and Penny involuntarily recoils in horror. The White Witch, however, is genuinely beautiful, not just using magic to cast an illusion of beauty as Madame Mim and the Sea Witch do on occasion. She doesn't order Maugrim to kill Susan and Lucy because they're better-looking. It is, rather, a political decision: she is concerned that they will take her throne. Nothing personal, just business.

In general, it seems to me, the White Witch is motivated entirely by love of power, and she hates Aslan because he is stronger than she is. She is in fact a rather good children's book adaptation of Milton's Satan. But why did C.S. Lewis decide to make her a woman? I'd love to know the background to that artistic decision.
[Update, Sep 14 2022]

Jonathan has been thinking more about Narnia, and yesterday he had an interesting question. Aslan's superpower is that he can make bad people into good people, as you see with Edmund and Eustace. So why can't he make the White Witch into a good person? It would seem like a much easier solution.

I was surprised that I had never considered this myself. My guess, after some reflection, is that he can only do it when the person in question wants to change: Edmund and Eustace repent, and so he can save them. But I am not really sure I believe it. In particular, it seems to me that Edmund only repents because the White Witch turns on him after he fails to deliver his siblings, and his repentance is consequently not worth much. You really wonder what would have happened if she'd given him more Turkish Delight and sweetly asked him to help locate the other kids.
Profile Image for Steven Serpens.
52 reviews37 followers
February 7, 2025
CALIFICACIÓN REAL: 3.5 estrellas

Polly y Digory son dos niños capaces de viajar por diferentes mundos gracias a un par de anillos mágicos que tienen en su poder, los cuales fueron forjados para dicho propósito. Pero estos son mundos a los que únicamente es posible llegar por medio de la magia, pues, aunque pretendiéramos recorrer cada rincón del universo, podríamos siquiera acercarnos remotamente a tales lugares, ya que no se encuentran en nuestro plano existencial.
Lo que nunca se imaginaron, es que, debido a estos viajes pluridimensionales, los protagonistas presenciarían el génesis de un nuevo y magnífico mundo; teniendo trato directo con una deidad demiúrgica de aquel misterioso confín, quien los hará embarcarse en una aventura, con la intención de enmendar sus errores y aprender de ellos.
Todo esto y mucho más es lo que nos ofrece la primera historia de la saga de Las crónicas de Narnia.

Como obra, El sobrino del mago es bastante básica y sencilla, y realmente no da para hacerle una reseña que sea muy profunda o extensa al respecto, excluyendo sus alegorías y paralelismos que comparte con el cristianismo. Por ejemplo: Aslan agrupando a parejas de ciertos animales para , se podría equiparar con lo de Noé reuniendo un par de cada especie animal para salvaguardarlos en su célebre arca por el diluvio universal; las manzanas plateadas y el jardín en que se hallan claramente son una representación del fruto prohibido y del mítico Jardín del Edén, aunque también comparte algunos elementos con el Jardín de las Hespérides, de la mitología griega; asimismo, en dicho jardín, las propuestas e insinuaciones de Jadis podrían simbolizar a la serpiente tentadora de los relatos bíblicos, etc.
Además, en concordancia con lo recién mencionado, encontraremos obvias alusiones e inculcaciones de carácter valórico y moral, como que los niños buenos no deben robar y otras cosas de ese estilo.
Tampoco olvidar algo que Digory menciona en cierto momento: «No sé si me gustaría mucho seguir viviendo después de que todos los que conozco hubieran muerto. Prefiero vivir el tiempo habitual y morir e ir al cielo». En donde una vez más podemos apreciar cómo el autor nos está colando su religión y principios; pero, si consideramos que este es un título infantil-juvenil (lo que en realidad significa que es una lectura apta y disfrutable para todo público, al menos en este caso), todo eso está muy bien aplicado. Lo está, dado el carácter de la obra, ya que seguramente más de un niño pudo haber sido influenciado para bien gracias a esto; aunque por detrás haya habido intenciones religiosas de forma explícita. Es como si C.S. Lewis hubiera asumido el rol de ser un portavoz de sus principios y religión.
Igualmente, en algún punto de la aventura, se da un claro y agradable mensaje animalista que es muy bien recibido, ya que no está rebuscado ni es populista, como muy probablemente pudiese serlo en una lectura de tiempos actuales, con sesgados fines sociopolíticos.

Por otra parte, debo tocar este punto que podría ser polémico. Y es que, en algunos momentos, Lewis suele hacer un par de comentarios algo sexistas (que no es lo mismo que machista, aunque tampoco es que justifique y/o que minimice el asunto por hacer esta comparativa). Mucho menos tengo interés en leer otras reseñas sobre este título, ya que me imagino la horda de quejidos y lloriqueos al respecto. Simplemente, hay que tener en cuenta dos factores: la época en que esta novela fue escrita y que los protagonistas son niños. Pero, bueno, la mayoría de estos comentarios se dan por peleas entre ellos mismos, y si realmente somos objetivos, neutros y realistas, sabemos que se dicen cosas totalmente normales a como los menores podrían tratarse cuando están en algún conflicto entre ellos, sobre todo hace más de 50 años atrás. Precisamente eso es lo que ocurría en el programa número #1 de la televisión humorística: El Chavo del 8, en donde muchas veces se decían cosas muy similares a lo que podemos encontrar aquí.
No obstante, es todo lo que mencionaré acerca del supuesto ‘’machismo’’ del autor, ya que bajo la mirada con la que veo y analizo a esta lectura, no considero que pueda afectar en algo. De igual forma, les incluiré algunos de estos comentarios. Siéntanse libres de comentar al respecto si difieren de mí:

- [...] «por muy excelentes que puedan ser para muchachitos, criados, mujeres e incluso la gente en general, no pueden aplicarse bajo ningún concepto a estudiantes concienzudos, grandes pensadores y sabios». En este primer caso, se puede ver cómo se les da un carácter de inferioridad a las mujeres junto con otros grupos demográficos, en comparación con quienes supuestamente están en un nivel diferente de superioridad intelectual; pero insisto, no se trata de machismo como tal, ya que también se incluyen a hombres dentro de esto. No es algo en contra de las féminas per se solo por el hecho de ser mujeres.
- «Bien, bien, supongo que es natural que un niño piense eso, en especial uno que ha crecido entre mujeres, como es tu caso. Cuentos de viejas, ¿no es así?» Aquí se aplicaría el mismo criterio que en el ejemplo anterior, con la ligera diferencia que, si efectivamente quieren catalogar de machista al autor, eso podría tener un poco más de sentido; aunque, de forma bastante rebuscada. Pero ¿es tanta la atrocidad?
- «¡No lo entiendes porque eres una chica! Las chicas nunca quieren saber nada que no sean habladurías y tonterías sobre bodas de blanco»... Y en este último ejemplo, se da a entender que las mujeres solo piensan en cosas banales y románticas, es decir: un estereotipo (nuevamente) sexista.

Y como ya mencioné, mi intención no es defender al autor ni justificarlo; pero no sean tan llorones ni exagerados. Criticar este libro en base a todo esto es una completa estupidez. Se me hace inconcebible que puedan haber sensibilidades afectadas por comentarios tan irrelevantes o infantiles. No van a cambiar el mundo por quejarse de algo así.

Pasando a otro tema, me di cuenta de que en esta entrega hay un par de incoherencias, pero que son mínimas e insignificantes. Por ejemplo: Jadis puede leer las mentes o los pensamientos, cosa que la hace prever traiciones; pero está muy insistente en que el tío Andrew realmente es un gran rey y hechicero, y ella cree que le mienten cuando le niegan eso. Si ella podía leer las mentes, ¿cómo no notó que le decían la verdad? A lo mejor su poder no funcionaba en la Tierra o tal vez se encontraba debilitada por lo que pasó en el Bosque Entre Mundos, pero también presentó esa misma incongruencia en Charn, su propio mundo natal...
Otra inconsistencia que hay es sobre unos caramelos, a lo que Polly indica: «Todavía tengo los restos de aquella bolsa de caramelos en la chaqueta»; sin embargo, esta fue la primera vez en toda la historia en que se mencionaron estos dulces, y que fueron traídos a colación como si ya se nos hubiera contado algo de eso con anterioridad. A lo mejor no es más que un problema de traducción, ya que no he revisado esa parte del texto en el idioma anglosajón para corroborarlo.
Sea como sea, mi intención de agregar estas apreciaciones es a modo de curiosidad, no como crítica.

Asimismo, hubo algo que me dejó pensativo, y es que, por más que sea hipotética la intención de manipulación tentativa que haya habido por parte de Jadis, para hacer caer a Digory, es raro que una mujer adulta le diga y proponga lo siguiente a un niño: «¿Sabes qué es esa fruta? Te lo diré. Es la manzana de la juventud, la manzana de la vida. Lo sé porque la he probado; y noto ya esos cambios en mí misma que sé que jamás envejeceré ni moriré. Cómetela, muchacho, cómetela; y tú y yo viviremos para siempre y seremos el rey y la reina de todo este mundo..., o de tu mundo, si decidimos regresar allí».
O sea, que, si Digory hubiese caído en la tentación de la manzana, ¿se iba a unir con Jadis como su posible consorte en algún futuro cercano o distante? Como dije, puede que solo haya sido un intento de manipulación en base a sus intereses, pero ¿y si no?

Adicionalmente, hay algo que llamó muchísimo más mi atención que lo anterior. Y es que, cuando los personajes son transportados a la ‘’Nada’’ misma antes del nacimiento de Narnia, cobijados por un escenario en el que no había más que oscuridad y estrellas; tal ambientación de vacío cósmico me recordó sobremanera al Mundo Entre Mundos de Star Wars: Rebels.
Si a lo anterior le sumamos que en este libro hay un nexo dimensional al que se le conoce como el Bosque Entre Mundos (Wood Between the Worlds); y que más encima lo primero que mencioné como el Mundo Entre Mundos (The World Between Worlds) también funciona como un nexo en el que pareciera ser que el tiempo no transcurre, es obvio de donde salió la inspiración para crear esto en la serie animada de Star Wars. Te pillamos po', compadre Filoni.
Entonces, el Mundo Entre Mundos funciona muy similar al Bosque Entre Mundos, pero basado en cómo se veían los primeros minutos de Narnia; e incluso, hasta las pozas fueron reinterpretadas de cierto modo.

En cuanto a los personajes, están bastante bien, si es que tenemos en cuenta la simpleza de ellos y la del libro. Pero quiero aprovechar de destacar el papel de Polly en esta historia, ya que ella es quien suele aterrizar y ponerle los pies en la tierra a Digory. La participación de esta niña es mucho más que un simple adorno y decorado en la historia, considerando que tampoco es que Digory haga mucho.
El tío Andrew, aunque sea el antagonista, es un personajazo bastante simpático y llamativo, junto con sus intereses; a pesar de toda su connotación negativa, individualista y mezquina.
Aslan cumple totalmente su rol, de una forma bastante similar a como se le puede ver en la película live action del 2005.
Pero, definitivamente, el personaje que más me gustó de todos fue el de Jadis, cuyo papel es muy acorde a la naturaleza de esta entrega. Tiene un excelente rol de villana principal, con un trasfondo muy interesante que da para nuevas historias al respecto. Me encantaría ver o leer un hipotético spin-off de Las crónicas de Charn.

En general, El sobrino del mago en su totalidad es una lectura muy amena, simpática y ligera, que fluye con un excelente y atrapante buen ritmo, gracias a la narrativa de su autor, la cual se aleja de incluir contenido e información que estén demás. Es una novela sumamente amigable y siempre va al grano con lo justo y necesario, lo que hace que sea una obra muy precisa. Puede que, en algunos momentos muy puntuales, haya uno que otro diálogo que pareciera ser el de un role play o guion teatral, pero no es lo habitual y se le perdona.

Y, a pesar de que el autor aclare muchas dudas futuras sobre la saga, debo agradecer haber visto la película -que es secuela de este título- hace unos 12 años atrás (y recordarla muy bien), ya que entendí perfectamente su lore; por ende, noté que quedaron varias cosas en el tintero, y espero que sean respondidas en posteriores entregas de esta serie de libros. Me refiero a las siguientes: más información sobre Lefay, esa mujer con características mágicas que era de la Tierra y que evidentemente algo sabía sobre los viajes entre mundos; algunas pistas sobre el destino final de la Atlántida; nuevos detalles del mundo de Charn y sus ciudades: Felinda, Sorlis y Bramandin; ¿Qué sucedió con el cuento que Polly estaba escribiendo? Ya que es mencionado una sola vez; profundizar acerca del linaje de Jadis, ya que se insinúa que ella es ; con respecto a lo anterior, incluir información acerca de esta otra raza; saber qué sucedió con los primeros reyes de Narnia y su descendencia; enterarnos si es que alguna vez alguien encontrará y desenterrará los anillos mágicos; y, por último, información adicional sobre otras zonas y confines de Narnia, como la tan mencionada Archenland.
Con todo esto, el autor se encarga de ir generando un interés para que ansiemos saber más sobre el lore que creó.

No obstante, no se debe esperar espectacularidad por doquier o algo así, ya que ésta es una obra de naturaleza introductoria y a la vez explicativa sobre el futuro de la saga, como mencioné hace un rato atrás. Estamos ante una precuela cosmogónica y fundacional, por lo que obviamente no será lo más apoteósico o trepidante del mundo. Aun así, cumple totalmente su objetivo de entretener y mantenernos atrapados capítulos tras capítulos, ya que estos te enganchan precisamente por como terminan, para que quieras leer el siguiente de forma inmediata; por lo que es una novela que se lee muy rápido y que no aburre en ningún momento.
Por lo tanto, mi calificación es de 3.5 estrellas, y espero con ansías leer su continuación de El león, la bruja y el armario, ya que aquí se dejó el camino pavimentado para adentrarse en esta secuela. Y, aunque recién haya terminado esta primera entrega que me encantó, obviamente me interesa leer la saga en su totalidad. Cuando esto ocurra, en la reseña correspondiente a la séptima y última parte, incluiré mi top 7 personal de esta serie.
Creo que mi único reparo es que, al ser la primera entrega cronológica de la saga, carece de la espectacularidad necesaria para querer continuar la franquicia en caso de no haberse enganchado con El sobrino del mago; pero, aun así, cumple totalmente como libro en general.

Por último, antes de concluir, quiero citar lo siguiente: «Cuando regresó, fue Polly quién bajó y se dio un baño; al menos eso fue lo que dijo que había estado haciendo, pero nosotros sabemos que no era demasiado buena nadadora y tal vez sea mejor no hacer demasiadas preguntas»...
Y es que sí, C.S. Lewis, todos tenemos necesidades fisiológicas. Pero dado el contexto y la fértil etapa de rebosante vida primigenia y fecundadora en la que se encontraba el mundo de Narnia durante aquellos momentos, me quedaré con la eterna duda de que si efectivamente, en ese preciso lugar en donde estuvo Polly, ¿habrá crecido un árbol de caca?


- [...] ‘’los hombres como yo, que poseen un saber oculto, estamos libres de las normas corrientes del mismo modo que también estamos excluidos de los placeres corrientes. El nuestro, muchacho, es un destino sublime y solitario’’.

- ‘’No creía en la magia hasta hoy, y ahora veo que existe. Bien, pues si es así, supongo que todos los viejos cuentos de hadas son más o menos ciertos’’.

- [...] ‘’Digory ya no sentiría miedo del tío Andrew jamás, igual que uno tampoco sentiría miedo de un gusano después de haberse tropezado con una serpiente de cascabel ni le temería a una vaca después de enfrentarse a un toro enloquecido’’.

- ‘’Los niños hacen tonterías a su manera, como es bien sabido, y los adultos también, pero de otro modo’’.

- [...] ‘’pues lo que uno ve y oye depende en gran medida del lugar donde esté, y también depende de la clase de persona que uno sea’’.

- [...] ‘’el principal inconveniente de intentar volverse más estúpido de lo que realmente se es, es que muy a menudo se consigue’’.

- ‘’Ha obtenido lo que más deseaba; posee energía inagotable e infinitos días de vida, como una diosa. Pero una vida larga con un corazón malvado no es otra cosa que un sufrimiento interminable y ya empieza a darse cuenta de ello. Todos obtienen lo que desean; no a todos les gusta’’.

- ‘’Cuando las cosas marchan mal, uno descubre que por lo general acostumbran a ir de mal en peor, pero cuando las cosas por fin empiezan a ir bien, a menudo mejoran y mejoran sin parar’’.

Para no perder el hilo con las demás reseñas de la saga de Las crónicas de Narnia en orden cronológico:

• Libro 1) El sobrino del mago
• Libro 2) El león, la bruja y el armario: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
• Libro 3) El caballo y el muchacho: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews343 followers
February 23, 2017
“No great wisdom can be reached without sacrifice.”

I loved the narration of The Magician's Nephew, it's clear, imaginative, and addicting. This book took me book to the time when I was sitting and listening to my grandma's tales. She always told me about folklores. I can still remember the story about there's a ghost hiding in the closet, it made me so scared and never ever wanted to open the closet alone again.

This book literally made me feel like that. I kept wondering why I did and figured out because of its voice that was very classic and magical that I didn't want it to be over. Besides the fun I get from this book, The Magician's Nephew is alike a doctrine as if I was reading the Bible.

“What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.”

Lewis had his way to tell the story. He thoroughly showed me about this world where the origin of Narnia comes from. Not only I got to know about the wardrobe, but I was introduced to the characer that would be a big part in the next book. The Magician's Nephew should be read before The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for you to get full knowledge about this world.

Profile Image for ☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚.
931 reviews481 followers
May 12, 2020
“Awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters.”

If I could have doubts about my idea that reading this series in publication order was the way to go, this volume (number six in publication order, number one in chronological order) would have made the decision final. In this little book, C. S. Lewis talks about the origins of Narnia, how it was made and how it happened that humans got to visit it. It felt so sweet and rewarding to read the whole series wondering about this mystery, getting to know and love all the characters, and then reading this one and finally had the mystery unveiled. Anyone who would read this series in chronological order would spoil the best part of it! In fact this is by far my absolute favourite book in the series.

This book made me laugh, smile, and moved me to tears. Aslan in this one is just amazing, his words by the pen of C. S. Lewis are pure poetry; and the characters are much more likable than our four siblings. I really cannot find any flaw in this volume. If I was ever to unhaul this series (which I don't think will ever happen), and I was to keep only one book, it would be this one. I don't think these books are the best I ever read - in fact it is not a secret that some Narnia books were not exactly of my liking - but this one in particular will definitely be one of my favourite books of 2020. Beautiful!
Profile Image for Cam (Lana Belova).
163 reviews31 followers
January 15, 2025
15 February '24
And though I might already know almost every detail of this story, I found myself re-reading it again and yet again discovering something new 🙂

The Magician's Nephew | Sutori
It has been read more times than I can remember - every time I read the Narnia books I feel happy.
From the first pages I was amazed by this craftily weaved story with original and interesting ideas; written in beautiful style conveying so well this story messages and forever inscribing their beauty and importance into my mind. I remember clearly my first feelings this story has aroused and sparked. Those memories never fade. It feels like friendship, that was born on a sunny day over 10 years ago!
Thank you, C. S. Lewis, for this wonderful world growing even more beautiful with each new reading! 💗

Profile Image for Fergus, Quondam Happy Face.
1,240 reviews17.8k followers
February 21, 2025
Everything in life has value! That is the message of the Nephew, Digory, to Narnia (yes, even evil folks like the Narnian Sorceress... for they point out to an innocent child a Hidden Moral!)

Yes, for innocents, all works to the Good.

Even magic.

Don't give up on Magic. His uncle's good intentions expand his horizons immeasurably.


Last night before I woke up at 6 A.M., the idea for this review, which I summarized above, appeared for me.

I was in the utter relaxation of deep sleep, and yesterday had been quite the opposite..

My doctor had made me a hospital appointment for a CATscan. Just following a medical hunch, his intentions were good...

Well, I found the entire ordeal enervating.

So we went out for dinner afterwards with the friends who had driven us there. My wife was in fine form! She regaled them with stories about our early marriage.

I was smiling ear to ear!


You see, I guess I was a curious mixture of tensed and relaxed by bedtime, when I reviewed my day.

When you're a senior citizen with an aversion to navigating subzero sidewalks, the tension of exiting a cozy house into a minus twenty degree day can be huge.

We old folks are nowhere as nimble as we once were!

Hence my tensed joints.


But by 6 O'clock this morning I saw that all things tend to work out, as they did for the children in Narnia.

Digory and his companion are just kids -

But it took me all of my 75 years to see what they already see -

That all things DO work for the Good!
Profile Image for Adrian.
642 reviews256 followers
August 25, 2018
Oh gosh, how many years must it be since I last read this book, 30 ? or more, who knows, but I zipped through it like we were the closest of friends who met every day. A true joy to read, that is how writing should be.

Probably one of the lesser known Narnia books but the start of the series none the less and our first introduction to Aslan, and a delight to read. 5 stars all the way.
I had no intention of starting this series this year or even anytime soon, but I saw the boxed set on the shelf and thought why not. What a great decision that was.
If you’ve never read a Narnia book, you have to try it, if you have read them, never forget them and re-read as soon as you can, you will not regret it.
Profile Image for TXGAL1.
350 reviews46 followers
May 16, 2024
Rating: 5 glorious stars!

Oh how I wish I had read this book as a child. It’s incredibly beautiful and enchanting.🥲

This book is the first of seven in The Chronicles of Narnia series, first released in 1955 which included color illustrations throughout my ebook.
Profile Image for Julie G .
969 reviews3,630 followers
August 7, 2018
I hadn't been to Narnia in 11 years, and I wanted to take my daughters there for the very first time this summer, so I called my son (my Narnia expert) and asked him if I could skip The Magician's Nephew this time around, when I read it to his sisters.

My son was an only child for 12 years, (before the Disney princesses, Pocahontas and Jasmine, arrived), and I read to him, every night, religiously, for an hour, including C.S. Lewis's Narnia collection.

He's in college now, and he's a very respectful young man (not to mention a purist and a stickler), so there was a long, silent pause, then, “Well, yes, Mom, I think you need to start with Book One.”

Oh, bother.

“I barely remember it,” I groaned. “Can't we just go straight to The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe? It's so much more exciting!”

Another patient pause, then, “Mom, I think you should read them in order.” (He's, like, so much more mature than I am).

I was still hesitant, even as I started to read it to my daughters, but within just a few pages, I remembered why it's important not to skip it.

I could intuitively sense, within the first few chapters, that this book influenced not only J.R.R. Tolkien, but Robert Jordan and J.K. Rowling, as well. I could feel it, I could feel the connection between their writings and this work.

And I was reminded of how Polly and Digory (couldn't help but wonder about Rowling's Cedric Diggory here) are allowed to witness the birth of a world, along with Digory's reluctant uncle, the cockney Cabby and his horse, Strawberry. This was, for me, the most stunning part of the story, and C.S. Lewis does a beautiful job of capturing both the grandeur and awe of Creation here.

If you had seen and heard it, as Digory did, you would have felt quite certain that it was the stars themselves which were singing, and that it was the First Voice, the deep one, which had made them appear and made them sing.

“Glory be! said the Cabby. “I'd ha' been a better man all my life if I'd known there were things like this.”

We all would have, sir. Well, all of us except Jadis. . . the evil Queen who reminds us how imposing, ego-maniacal and terrifying she really is. (I startled my daughters, twice, while imitating her speech).

And Aslan. . .

Does Aslan ever get old?

I'll call my son and confirm that he was correct. Yes, you've got to read this one first.
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,225 reviews1,793 followers
January 31, 2017
I have owned this beautiful set of illustrated hardback editions of these books since childhood and am only now getting around to reading them. After reading this spellbinding first installment I am so mad at myself that I have missed out on entering this world for so long.

I decided to begin reading this series in chronological rather than publication order (as per the numbers on my books) and I am so glad I did. This brilliantly sets up the rest of the series without giving any spoilers of what is to come. The particulars of the plot for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe are well known to me, as I have seen the movie adaptation numerous times, and it made reading this so special and exciting as facets from the second book were incorporated into the first.

Regardless of the order, this is one series I believe has universal appeal, regardless of age, and is one that everyone must read at some point in their lifetime!
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,059 followers
March 2, 2021
I read the C.S. Lewis books when I was a child. I read one of the books in French, never knowing where to reach for its lost to me siblings.

Now that I've reread this book, I feel that reading was worth the weeds for flowers like this. It's often funny how the expensive e-books are the ones that prove costly and the classics, true to their reputation.

Beyond the Christian mythos in this particular book, I loved most when the boy, the girl, and the flying horse spoke the same words together. Read at your own leisure and to your own satisfaction.
Profile Image for Taneil.
127 reviews59 followers
March 5, 2014
Despite the fact that The Magicians Nephew is the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia, strangely, it is frequently overlooked. People skip straight ahead to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, and then, at a later date come back to this book.

Personally, I like this book just as well as any others in the series. I love to see how everything got started, the lamp post, the wardrobe, the White Witch. Not to mention the beautiful allegory of Creation. The Magician's Nephew also has good morals, and I really appriciate that. I would recommend this book to anyone, boy or girl, old or young.

3-4-14, edited to add:

Please feel free to read and enjoy the series however you deem best. I haven't read any of the Chronicles of Narnia in six years, and now have very little opinion on the debate of what order to read these good books in. My previous opinion was based on my long-lived, chronological order reading preference. I liked to see things in a linear sequence. Of course this was AFTER my initial reading of the series, most likely in publication order.
Profile Image for Allison Tebo.
Author 24 books430 followers
February 6, 2019
UPDATED REVIEW: Very excited about this one! :)


Once, The Magician’s Nephew was only three stars. It used to frighten me. It was different from the other Narnia books. But there were parts of it I liked very much and I tolerated the rest of it because it is, after all, Narnia.

Then I read it again at the beginning of 2018 and enjoyed it in a way I had never been able to before . . . and raised my rating to four stars.

I didn’t think I wanted to read it again in 2018, but since I planned on reading the whole series, my neat-and-tidy self demanded that I did . . . and I did . . . and The Magician’s Nephew finally snatched five stars from me, straight from the heart.


Lewis perfectly captured that 'new virgin land' feeling, the innocence of a new world and new creations. As the only book that partially takes place in the Western Wild, there is a wild, tangier scent to this novel, but it still smells like Narnia – a rich, satisfying smell that would make even the Bulldog “who resent things strongly” agree that this is undoubtedly Alive – and Narnia. The mood is very dreamy and rich "as rich as plum cake" and I was pulled irretrievably in. It is a little darker than the other Narnia books, but it still has the old sweet scent of Narnia - but a wilder, tangier scent - it feels different from all the other Narnia books.

A great deal more of the story takes place in our World, as well – and Lewis perfectly captures that grimy, clattery feel of London – and yet it’s a Mary Poppin’s sort of London. Something magical might be sparkling beyond the greyness if only we look hard enough – or climb into the right attic.

With its emphasis on portals, this book has more of a science fiction feel than the other books, and because it’s partially set in Victorian England, it could almost be called (dare I say it!) Steampunk. The setting of Charn, a dead and empty city, has a post-apocalyptic tone.


Digory: He's so different from all of Lewis' other English boys - you can really see the budding scholar in Digory. The flame will burn him, but he HAS to touch it to make sure. Digory has an inherently curious and busy mind and needs to test and question everything around him. Naturally, in the form of a little boy who hasn't learned a lot of restraint yet, that will lead to complications. He has an ego that sometimes comes with being academic, and is very much afraid of looking foolish and often does foolish things to preserve his dignity. And yet, there is a sweetness to Digory, a depth of grief that is missing in the other young heroes of The Chronicles of Narnia. The arc between him and his mother is raw, beautiful, and heartbreaking. We rarely get to see filial love in The Chronicles of Narnia, and it was so precious to witness. I also noticed that, as a Victorian boy, Digory was the most gentlemanly of the English boys - always helping Polly in and out of things or up onto things. In some ways, he is the weakest of all the English boys in Narnia, but in other ways, he is the strongest, and shares an unusual connection with Aslan, for it only they that truly understand sorrow.

Polly: Also vastly different from any other English girls in the Chronicles of Narnia. She’s quite feminine and yet there’s such a toughness to Polly – there’s nothing giggly or soft about Polly’s femininity. Far less emotional than other Narnia heroines, Polly has an immensely strong will and a strong personality – she goes toe-to-toe with Digory without flinching and sometimes wins. She’s quite determined, and one rather gets the idea that if she had a little brother, she might bully him a bit. It’s clear that Polly’s occasional pugnaciousness will one day be refined into immovable strength. Polly can be curious about small things, but when it comes to the big picture, she opts for safety and practicality, she is perhaps one of the most practical characters in Narnia but she is not a whiner about it. But even though she wants to go back to London after entering the Wood between the Worlds, she doesn't whine about it as Susan Pevensie did when she wanted to run home through the wardrobe. Polly can be afraid but she doesn't let it control her. There's a good, old-fashioned stouthearted Victorian quality to Polly. You can easily see how this young girl growing into the independent character of Last Battle who is a perfectly happy, single woman.

Digory and Polly - The Duo: Every set of children from England is so different in The Chronicles of Narnia. Polly and Digory are a far more clinical, studier lot than the children that come after them. They act older and far more self-reliant, as opposed to the more child-like Pevensies. They are far more polite than the liberalized, bad-mannered Pole and Scrubb, nor are they complainers, but put their heads down and do what has to be done. I loved how Lewis showed a very subtle and brilliantly done culture shift through his three sets of British children, and as far as their general tone, Polly and Digs might be my very favorite, because of their no-nonsense, mini-adult charm.

Frank:He might be a cab driver, but he is a true King. I love Lewis’s fondness for focusing and elevating the ordinary man, acknowledging that the ordinary can be truly great. You rather get the feeling from other authors (Tolkien does come to mind again) that no mere common citizen could ever become King. I loved the gross disregard Lewis has for someone’s class or the British social hierarchy. Frank might seem simple, but we see a core of faithfulness and goodness – a Goodness that contagious, and a Steady Heart is as irresistible as a warm fire on a cold night. From the very moment we are introduced to him, we see a kindness under the rough edges. The moment our heroes are plunged into emptiness, it is Frank who keeps everyone calm and advises that they sing a hymn and we know that here is a man who is not only spiritual, but knows where to turn during disaster – and that is what makes him great. Lewis shows that kings and queens are just ordinary people. We also, are just ordinary people, and yet God will make His ordinary children rulers.

The Talking Animals: Oh these darling, darling animals! I cannot express enough love for these creatures. Very few authors can accurately portray true innocence – but Lewis can. I rejoiced in the boundless and joyful innocence of these dear animals. These, sturdy, good-hearted and thoroughly British animals, blessed with Life by the Lion and romping for the sheer joy of it. Lewis used his talking animals to show that there is nobility in servitude and submission, and beauty in the unclutteredness of a simple spirit. I adored every one of these thoughtful and humorous creatures so much. But I must give special mention of Fledge, who, unlike the other animals, started out as a very ordinary, dull beast and was given new, magnificent life by Aslan (while still retaining that sturdy personality). The only Pegasus ever mentioned (or at least dwelt on) by Lewis, Fledge is definitely a wonderful character.

Aunt Letty: I had to mention her. I love that there is nothing pathetic about Aunt Letty. She's a spinster shouldering the full responsibility of a child, a good-for-nothing, and an invalid, but despite what some people would call being "beset on all sides" there is nothing self-pitying about Aunt Letty. She is sturdy, steady, no-nonsense, and "holds the line" with admirable elan. Aunt Letty, in all her brevity, is nothing short of a delight. Speaking of Aunt Letty requires me to mention all of the other tiny characters sprinkled throughout this book - the bobby with a small pencil, the singularly saucy crowd mocking Jadis, the maid who enjoys all the carnage and spectacle, and even the poor, dear guinea pig. Lewis is a meticulous and thoughtful author who doesn't overlook a single character - and gives a happy ending even to guinea pigs.

Uncle Andrew:Uncle Andrew: I think all authors could benefit from studying this character. Most writers style their villains off of Jadis - evil arch villains. Uncle Andrew is a human villain, and as such more unique, more humorous, more pathetic . . . and more dangerous. Jadis is a representation of spiritual evil, but Andrew is the representative for human evil – and true evil is “an unblinking gaze at Self.” Uncle Andrew is an academic, like Digory, and utterly in love with the sound of his own words and his own flawed reasoning. He is enamored with the idea of his quest, with the idea of being a benefactor and a genius – and, naturally, he is nothing of the kind. His true love is believing that he is “misunderstood” – and there is probably no other hill that he would chose to die on then to revel in the status of being “misunderstood” – even though the reader understands him entirely. Andrew is the dangerous and pathetic character of a man trapped in the refuse of their own shallowness and spiraling rapidly down the drain of self-destruction. But even those he is despicable, Lewis portrays him with a kind of pitying tone, as indeed, we pity all those who stand against the True King.

Jadis: I am so tired of the villains in fantasy—they are always painted so lavishly, their darkness is so awful. The fear they invoke seems unavoidable, their cruelty undefeatable. But then we have Jadis, one of the best allegories for Satan I’ve ever seen—a twisted, petty, small-minded, overblown, cruel bully. Here at last, at last, is Evil as portrayed as it truly is—fleeing before Light. There is a feeble act of defiance and rebellion here and there, but it is always skulking in the shadows, but when the Lion approaches, Evil shrieks and flees. One of the reason I grow frustrated with Tolkien and so many other fantasy authors; evil is given too much respect, too much power, too much dignity, and those attributes should never be attributed to evil.

Evil may be powerful, but it is not all-powerful. Satan has what he truly wanted—enmity with God—and in having what he wants, he is forever doomed to despair, fury and Hell, and we see that picture painted so clearly with Jadis, as she bites into the apple from the garden, gaining what she desires - and still finds nothing but defeat.

Truth upon truth, as Digory and Polly come to understand the villains, themselves, and Aslan better and better – they are less afraid of Jadis. They are wary of what damage or complications she might inflict, but fear no longer controls them – THEY control each encounter with her. They fully understand that they have the power to escape her tricks and attacks – and if they cannot, their trust lies in a far greater Person than Jadis. Aslan is more powerful than Jadis and is it Aslan that will save them.

Aslan: Which brings me to Him. All Narnia stories are always, ultimately, about Aslan. Always, always – it is about Aslan. Every other character, every scene, is merely dough for the filling, skin and ligaments surrounding the Heart—a beautiful, sacred Heart that beats with unending Love. In every book, Aslan grows bigger as I grow older. In every book, we see a new side of Aslan, with every re-reading. Here, in The Magician’s Nephew, we see him as Creator – and it is a wondrous sight.

That glorious lion, singing the song I love best of all, the song of life. And yet, we see a foreshadowing to His ultimate sacrifice. Even surrounded by New Life, there is a moment of grief between Digory and Aslan – but when the grief is shared and put into perspective, there is beauty in it, and it belongs. This Great and Terrible Beauty, this, Aslan’s introduction, firmly establishes, his might, his majesty and his dignity. There is a prostration here before Aslan that, I think, is a tad stronger than the other books, for this is where the tone is set for the rest of the series. This is the point where we acknowledge Him as the Core, the Song, the LifeGiver, the Lion who Must be obeyed, the King we must surrender to. Aslan is merely the reflection of the One I love – but what a beautifully and humbly crafted reflection.


This book is a bit darker than the rest of the series, partially, I think, because one of the main themes of this book is man trying to make things happen on his own outside of God’s will. Fiction nowadays will show us anything but this . . . that to surrender to God’s will is our calling. Fiction is glutted with characters trying to do things their way, railing against God, making deals with God, ignoring God. But here at last, in Aslan, we get a portrayal of God that will not be ignored. Here, in these young children flailing in their reasoning, doing the unthinkable in modern fiction – humbling themselves before the Divine.

Until we surrender utterly to him, we’ll never be at peace. Until we are at His mercy, we can’t receive His mercy.

There is also incredibly moving themes about pain in this story. Digory bears a heavy weight of loss. I connected incredibly with Digory during this reading and his quest to be free of the hurt he holds.

Jadis’s cruel temptation stabbed my heart. “You can be like other boys.” Oh, the cry of everyone holding hurt!—to be like other people. As if we are the only ones carrying pain!— and yet, we are trapped in our aloneness, trapped underneath our own weight. Until we give it to Aslan.

At first, Digory struggles to find solutions with his own power and strength and inevitably falls into sin and is pressed even deeper into the pit under the force of failure.

We cannot make deals with God—to do so is not only the height of disrespect, but shows how little we know Him. One does not bargain with a King. And finally, at the end, Digory sees the truth of that.

The scene where Digory asks Aslan if he will heal his mother brought tears to my eyes. Surrounded by excitement, joy and newness, and yet Digory feels slightly removed because of the burden he carries. The new life is around him, he has been obedient, but the life and joy has not yet entered his heart.

Until he finally learns to stop asking.

At the end of the adventure, Digory is no longer asking for favors or seeking healing—He looks into Aslan’s eyes, and he is content. He stops asking – it’s enough just to know Aslan.

I didn’t expect to find myself in you, Digory, but I did. Your journey is my journey too: I understand it intimately. The true healing was looking into Aslan’s eyes.

It is when we stop trying to force the King to our will, that we find His hand is open, reaching out to us, and full of miracles.

In the end (as Digory cuts down the magic tree and builds a wardrobe) we are filled with promise. Like a balloon billowing with a burst of air, we are filled up and caught up into a limitless sky.

And that, ultimately, is the theme of The Magician’s Nephew—promise. Lewis lays down a groundwork of faith in The Magician’s Nephew– teaching readers that God’s promises can be trusted, that His promises will come to pass, and that His promises are greater than anything we could accomplish on our own or anything our minds could ever conceive.
Profile Image for Henk.
1,072 reviews104 followers
November 20, 2020
I did not really click with this story, maybe due to the too often fourth wall breaking of the omniscient narrator and the heavy handed approach in general from the author

I remembered a lot of later books while reading this one, as diverse as the biblical sense of worldbuilding in The Silmarillion from J.R.R. Tolkien to the multiple worlds from Blake Crouch Dark Matter and The Drawing of the Three of Stephen King to the humour of J.K. Rowling, Roald Dahl and Philip Pullman.
So in terms of cultural impact I can definitely appreciate the work of C.S. Lewis.

But somehow this installment felt a bit rushed and nowhere is there any real sense or chance of danger with Aslan creating the world and being totally overpowered towards any problem one can have or imagine. Also the Fourth Wall breaking voice of the narrator in The Magician's Nephew is a bit patronizing and overly nostalgic for my taste.

I did enjoy some of the ideas and settings, for instance Charn as the garden of Eden, with the awakening of evil due to a too great curiosity, and later even a literal garden with semi-cursed silver apples, mixing Hercules and Adam & Eve. The place between worlds is nicely thought of
The all destroying word is very cool concept, no doubt inspired of Cold War fears of nuclear holocaust. And in terms of humor, uncle Andreas being planted as a tree and watered by animals was hilarious

Still the points the author wants to make in the book are too much in your face in my opinion. For instance the decent nobleness of the farmer/village dweller versus the Londoner obsessed with money, efficiency and sensation. And especially in the last chapter where we have Aslan even singling out the moral decay of our world, which is one of the most unsubtle ways I have seen a character being a sock puppet for the vision of a writer.

Having read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe after this book, I feel that is much the superior book and a better entry point into the magical world of Narnia.

Dutch Quotes:
Eerst mislukten al mijn experimenten. Ik gebruikte er cavia’s voor. Sommige gingen alleen maar dood. Andere ontploften alsof het bommetjes waren...

Om grote wijsheid te verkrijgen, moet je offers brengen.

Die plaats gaf je een verzadigd gevoel, net als een groot stuk pruimentaart.

Nu is het probleem dat wanneer je probeert je dommer te houden dan je in werkelijkheid bent, het je vaak ook lukt.
Profile Image for Alexis Ayala.
Author 4 books1,002 followers
February 12, 2018
El sobrino del mago es un libro maravilloso, lleno de magia, de valores, de reflejos de una realidad actual, que me sorprende que se haya escrito hace años.

Es una saga especial y confió a los padres estos libros para que se los lean a sus hijos, porque es de suma importancia que entiendan el mensaje, y los símbolos que tiene, además que el estilo es muy fresco y sencillo de ser interpretado.

Nunca es tarde para leer las crónicas, siempre encuentras cosas diferentes, siempre te diviertes y nunca paras de amar el mundo que creó C.S. Lewis tan bello y sutil.

Este libro es como una biblia para los niños, realmente me encanta volver a conocer a Aslan y la creación que hizo. Ahora de verdad espero tener algún tío con magia que me haga ser sobrino del mago.
October 19, 2022

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My mom used to read me THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE when I was a little kid. I had always assumed that that was where the story began and it wasn't until fairly recently that I'd learned there was a different order to the books apart from publication order, where you could read them chronologically, in the order that the events within happen in the Narnia universe.

THE MAGICIAN'S NEPHEW was the second to last book published but is the first in the chronological order to the series, and by sheer luck, I managed to pick up the entire series as reprinted by HarperCollins and for some reason they decided to number the books chronologically, so this book is #1. Confused, yet? Don't worry, I am, too. I actually think that THE MAGICIAN'S NEPHEW is a really cool place to start if you don't mind a few minor spoilers because it's in this book that you learn about the origin of not just the Witch but also Narnia herself.

This book stars two Victorian-era children named Polly and Digory, who despite their different sets of circumstances, go from being neighbors to being friends and exploring, as children like to do. Digory's uncle is a Grade-A creeper, though, and forces the children to become unwilling participants in his magical experiments, which ends up taking them to several different worlds. The use of "dust" and the idea of the multi-verse being accessible through magic gave me strong His Dark Materials vibes, and I thought fondly back to my first pleasurable reading of Phillip Pullman's GOLDEN COMPASS. I'm almost certain that he was inspired by this book in particular, and I was surprised by how chilling Charn was, and how haunting the last page of this book was, when everything is brought full circle, leading quite neatly into THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE (or, if you're reading in publication order, providing a nice callback to the events of the actual "first" book).

Really, I think it says something about how these books were fleshed out that the reading order is so flexible and still makes sense, despite being read in various orders. Now that I've finished THE MAGICIAN'S NEPHEW, I think I prefer starting the books in chronological order because the back story this one provides is so rich and good. Polly was a great character and Digory is one of those selfish characters redeemed, rather like Edmund or Eustace from some of the earlier Narnia books. You also get to learn the Witch's name, and it's funny; she sounds like a Sailor Moon villain.

I'm really glad I picked up these books and finally got around to reading them. They're YA and sound like YA, but once you can get over the way the narrative sometimes talks down to you, the story-telling is very good and will make you so nostalgic for the times when you were a kid and still believed the veil between fantasy and reality was so much thinner than it was. I won't tell you how many times I hopefully, and sadly, worked my way into the back of my own closet and pressed against the wall, wishing it would transport me into a world of endless winter filled with centaurs and talking animals and magic. Alas.

3.5 to 4 stars
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,046 reviews13.1k followers
June 16, 2024
can't unsee the old testament parallels but leave it to clive staples lewis to make creationism cunty!!

as an avid fan of the narnia movies i cannot believe i've never read them all. i love that this one reads as a prequel when you read them in chronological order, and the backstory of professor kirke and the wardrobe i think will be such a fun nugget to unravel in later books.

anyway, writing this review just spurred a research session into cs lewis so intense that i'm now tempted to book a trip to oxford
Profile Image for Tucker Almengor.
1,025 reviews1,683 followers
August 9, 2020
The Magician's Nephew is the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia (although I think it's was the last book to be published. It's the first book chronologically.) It is my favorite for multiple reasons.

We get to see the creation of Narnia and it is beautiful and heartwarming while being dark but hopeful. I love Polly and Diggory's exploration of the houses and then the exploration of the world between worlds.

I loved the magic within this book from the portal pools to the magic rings was so fun to read and it sparked my inner child imagination.

[Credit: Felt Heart]

In case you don't know, the Chronicles of Narnia is an allegory of the stories in the bible. The Magicians Nephew tells the story of Genesis in which God creates the world in seven days but unfortunately, Adam and Eve forked up because Satan is selfish and now we're all screwed.

In this book, Adam is Diggory. Eve is Polly. And Satan is the Witch. In the bible, Adam and Eve eat the fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, messing everything up, bringing sin into the world.

It's a lot of fun to see the similarities and differences of this book and Genesis. In some ways, the story is the same and in some ways it's different.

Overall, this was a bright and magical introduction to this amazing series.

The Magician's Nephew - ★★★★★
The Lion, The WItch, and the Wardrobe - ★★★★☆
The Horse and His Boy - ★★★★☆
Prince Caspian - ★★★☆☆
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - ★★★★☆
The Silver Chair - ★★★★☆
The Last Battle - ★★★★★

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Profile Image for Abigail McKenna.
780 reviews135 followers
October 31, 2024
...and the deepest, wildest voice they had ever heard was saying: "Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters."

Here's what I think: there are favorite books, and then there are books that are part of your soul. So ingrained into your heart that they have become part of your very person. Narnia is one of those soul books for me. It's been years since I've read them, and I didn't even realize how much I missed them until I started re-reading this for a children's classics reading challenge.

I looove this book. It's just beautiful. Digory and Polly's friendship? Frank the cab-driver-turned-king? The creation scene?? Ahh it's just beautiful.

- "it is a very important story because it shows how all the comings and goings between our own world and the land of Narnia first began."
- "it was the quietest wood you could possibly imagine. there were no birds, no insects, no animals, and no wind. you could almost feel the trees growing."
- "and though there was no reason why they should still go on holding hands after their jump, they didn't let go."
- "make your choice, adventurous stranger; strike the bell and bide the danger, or wonder, till it drives you mad, what would have followed if you had."
- "evil will come of that evil, but it is still a long way off, and I will see to it that the worst falls upon myself."
- "well, sir," said the cabby very slowly, "a chap don't exactly know till he's been tried. I dare say I might turn out ever such a soft 'un. never did no fighting except with my fists. i'd try - that is, I 'ope i'd try - to do my bit." "then," said aslan, "you will have done all that a king should do."
- "are you ready to undo the wrong that you have done to my sweet country of Narnia on the very day of its birth?" "I don't see what I could do." "I asked, are you ready?"
- "what you see depends a great deal on where you're standing and what sort of person you are."
- "polly and digory were always great friends and she came nearly every holiday to stay with them at their beautiful house in the country."
- "and though he himself did not discover the magic of the wardrobe, someone else did."

all in all, I loved it, and I can't wait to re-read the rest of the series very soon because I can't just leave Narnia that soon. *happy sigh*

5 stars, obviously.

Re-read November 2019:
I don't know when this became my favorite Narnia book, but here we are. This was good for my soul.

Re-read December 2019:
"both the children were looking up into the Lion's face as he spoke these words. and all at once (they never knew exactly how it happened) the face seemed to be a sea of tossing gold in which they were floating, and such a sweetness and power rolled about them and over them and entered them that they felt they had never really been happy or wise or good, or even alive and awake, before. and the memory of that moment stayed with them always, so that as long as they both lived, if they were ever sad or afraid or angry, the thought of all that golden goodness, and the feeling that it was still there, quite close, just round some corner or just behind some door, would come back and make them sure, deep down inside, that all was well."

((this very well may be a competitor for my favorite book of all time. just thought you should know.))

re-read 2021:
For the tawny face was bent down near his own and (wonder of wonders) great shining tears stood in the Lion's eyes. They were such big, bright tears compared with Digory's own that for a moment he felt as if the Lion must really be sorrier about his Mother than he was himself.
"My son, my son," said Aslan. "I know. Grief is great. Only you and I in this land know that yet. Let us be good to one another."

This is my favorite book of all time. Why? I can't figure that out. But when I open it, it feels like coming home after a long trip and getting a big hug from the person you love most.
Still kinda baffles me and makes me think "why this book?" but since I don't know the answer, I'll just go on loving it.

re-read 2023:
here we are again. no regrets.

re-read 2024:
this book is like a warm hug, I need it always 🥹🫶
Profile Image for Deborah.
4 reviews8 followers
February 29, 2008
The Magician's Nephew tells of how it all started. How Narnia was created. How the first Sons of Adam, and Daughters of Eve "traveled" to Narnia. And, how the wardrobe came to be. A wonderful read, full of magic, wit, adventure, and hope.

Next, Spoiler alert.

I noticed that CS Lewis seemed to point out similarites between Uncle Andrew and his nephew, Digory. That's not a good thing. Uncle Andrew was selfish, un-caring, and really, a blundering fool. While reading, I often found myself wondering if Digory was destined to end up like his Uncle. But, my dear friends, I can happily tell you he does not. The power to overcome our weaknesses, our evil tendencies, and even our bad genes, is very real. Especially when we surround ourselves with good people, as Digory did. Though we may not always have all the power needed residing in our own being, know there is a much higher, and greater power to call on.

The evil Queen Jadis, so horribly magnificent. She is obviously, the serpent of the story. I find it interesting that Queen Jadis had to be awakened, before she could cause any damage. Is that not how it really works? We let, and somtimes invite, our own serepnt in, even if we don't specifically mean to do just that. And it's usually through those weaknesses that it happens. Digory was a very curious boy. Digory woke her by ringing a bell that was sitting in the middle of the room. He had no idea what he was doing, when he did it. But sometimes curiosity overrides judgement.

Polly, Digory's friend throughout the story, was never even tempted to ring the bell. I find she is a great support for Digory, even though they may be very different. Surrounding yourself with others with different strengths and opinions, help us to be balanced and reasonable.

And of course, the regal and just Aslan. The king, the savior of the Story. I laughed throughout this book, but there were two times that I cried. You should know that Digory left behind a Mother who is deathly ill. He wanted nothing more than to have her be healed and well again. He missed her. Aslan sent Digory on a mission, to make up for awakening the queen, and thus bringing her to Narnia. Before he leaves, and Aslan asks him if he's ready for his mission . . . you know, I'm just going to put the whole segment here.

"I asked, are you ready?" said the Lion.
"Yes," said Digory. He had had for a second some wild idea of saying "I'll try to help you if you'll promise to help my Mother," but he realized in time that the Lion was not at all the sort of person one could try to make bargains with. But when he had said "Yes," he thought of his Mother, and he thought of the great hopes he had had, and how they were all dying away, and a lump came in his throat and tears in his eyes, and he blurted out:
"But please, please - won't you - can't you give me something that will cure Mother?" Up till then he had been looking at the Lion's great feet and the huge claws on them; now, in despair, he looked up at its' face. What he saw surprised him as much as anyhting in his whole life. For the tawny face was bent near his own and (wonder of wonders) great shining tears stood in the Lion's eyes. They were such big, bright tears compared with Digory's won that for a moment he felt as if the Lion must really be sorrier about his Mother than he was himself. [and that is where I cried for the first time in the book]
"My son, my son," said Aslan. "I know. Grief is great. Only you and I in this land know that yet . . ."

To make it a little shorter Aslan needs the seed of that fruit to protect Narnia from the Witch.

""Yes, sir, "said Digory. He didn't know how it was to be done but he felt quite sure now that he would be able to do it."

He is sent to a far away hill that contains a tree which bears special silver apples. These apples give you endless life. So he takes an apple, puts it in his pocket, and returns to Aslan. They throw the apple, and it plants itself in the earth, where a new, large and wonderful tree grows. And this is what happens next . . .

[Aslan speaking] ". . .What I give you now will bring joy. It will not, in your world, give endless life, but it will heal. Go. Pluck [your Mother] an apple from the Tree."
For a second Digory could hardly understand. It was as if the whole world had turned inside out and upside down. And then, like someone in a dream, he was walking across to the Tree, and the King and Queen and were cheering him and all the creatures were cheering too."

So that second part when I cried was when I realized after all that this boy has been through, the struggles he's had to endure, the pain and sorrow, the healing and forgiveness. After doing Aslan's bidding, knowing he will get nothing in return, he does receive something in return. What he's wanted with his whole heart throughout the book. Because of Aslan. This kind, just, and merciful creator of Narnia.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Piyangie.
566 reviews684 followers
October 21, 2018
I'm not really a fantasy fan, but I have always wanted to read the Chronicles of Narnia, especially after watching the movies.

The Magician's Nephew, although 6th in the publication order, chronologically it is the first in the series. I read that C.S. Lewis himself had recommended reading this as the first in the series. Although written way later than the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, I can understand why the author wanted the readers to start his Chronicles with Magician's Nephew.

Here the readers are introduced to the world of Narnia and the great Lion - Aslan. It also introduces the characters of Jadis who will become the White Witch, Digory who will be Professor Kirke, and it also explains the famous lamp post in Narnia and the wardrobe through which the passage to Narnia was secured.

The story is a beautiful introduction to the series was good. It sets the pace well for the chronicles to unfold. The creation of Narnia is so beautifully done and I felt so glad to have entered that amazing world. The read was interesting and engaging. I enjoyed it. Looking forward to read the rest of the chronicles in their chronological order.
May 10, 2019
I first read these books at about ten years of age, and I remember that for the most part, I loved them. The Magician's Nephew is actually the sixth book of the series, but was written with the intention of it being a prelude, to The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, which, back in the day, was my favourite of the series.

I enjoyed reading just how Narnia was discovered, and meeting Aslan himself. He is probably my favourite character in Narnia. It was interesting to have some question's answered too, such as, what does the lamppost have to do with anything? And,why did the Witch dislike Aslan so much?

Reading this book in my thirties, I realise that apart from being an imaginative fantasy book, there are some moral lessons in there for children to take away and think about.

However, I really disapproved of the rather strong and seemingly constant biblical references contained in the story. It simply wasn't needed, and quite honestly, I felt like I had the book of Genesis shoved in my face. The story would have stood well enough without it, and that is why, even though I do love the series, I cannot give this book higher than three stars.
Profile Image for Nadine Brandes.
Author 9 books3,029 followers
July 24, 2017
Just finished reading this to hubby. He is now, officially, a Narnian.
Profile Image for Ida.
134 reviews239 followers
May 23, 2019
Starting Narnia while writing my Bachelor thesis was probably not the best idea..


“What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.”

The Magician's Nephew follows Digory and Polly as they discover Narnia, how Narnia was created, how the lamp-post got there as well as the evil presence we know from the first movie, and also why the wardrobe is magical.


I love how the story was being told, and I kept hearing Liam Neesons voice while reading, but to be honest I found the book quite boring.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 23,402 reviews

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