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The Alliance #5

Destin's Hold

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New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance brings another action, adventure, and suspense-filled story to transport readers out of this world.

Destin Parks will do whatever it takes to rebuild the city he calls home, even if it means working with the new alien ambassador sent to oversee the project. His encounter with her predecessor left him hesitant to trust the alien diplomats assigned to Chicago s rebuilding. The problem is, if he doesn't work with them, they will try to replace him and that is not going to happen without a fight.

Jersula Ikera was assigned to Earth by the Alliance Council. The Council hopes her cool logic and calm demeanor will resolve the upheaval caused by the last ambassador. Jersula has fought hard for her position, and while not pleased with her current assignment as a liaison to the humans, she will do her best to help rebuild the world its inhabitants have destroyed. What she does not anticipate is her reaction to the hardheaded male that she has been assigned to. His ability to get under her skin and ignite a flame inside her leaves her confused and mystified.

Danger undermines Jersula's efforts when she uncovers another alien cartel's plans to traffic human women and children. A near fatal attack leaves her trusting no one except the one man who has sworn to protect them.

Together, Destin and Jersula race to stop the traffickers before the women and children are taken off-planet. What they don t realize is that the traffickers are not the only ones they are fighting against; the Waxian and Drethulan forces have also targeted Earth.

Can Destin and Jersula stop the traffickers and prevent the deadly forces of the Waxians and Drethulans from destroying the progress they have made? Will the Alliance be able to protect Destin when the enemy discovers his connection to a powerful Alliance family? The battle for Earth has just turned personal.

321 pages, Paperback

First published February 14, 2017

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About the author

S.E. Smith

223 books2,555 followers
S.E. Smith is an internationally acclaimed, New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of science fiction, romance, fantasy, paranormal, and contemporary works for adults, young adults, and children. She enjoys writing a wide variety of genres that pull her readers into worlds that take them away.

Readers can check out her website at https://sesmithfl.com and chat with her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/se.smith.5

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews459 followers
March 22, 2017
Has the author been reading my reviews?

Because I have a suspition she did...

In the last book of the series I was complaining that there was too much repetitions and here there were almost none!!!

The story is interesting and the hero and the heroine too.

My main compaint here is that I didn't fully feel their falling in love.

So that's the romantic part missing, but the action was fully on! And there was a lot of it! And all of it was fully appreciated by me! Call me bloodthirsty! :)

So, since this was better than the last I'm convinced that following this series is not a wate of time! :)

I think that the next story will be Trigs' and Beth's! :)
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,522 reviews218 followers
June 1, 2021
Maria Antonietta - per RFS
Care Fenici, continuano le avventure spaziali degli alieni di S.E. Smith, con il Consiglio dell’Alleanza e i guerrieri Trivator, che oramai sono di casa sul nostro pianeta Terra.

Il comando di Destin è il quinto libro della serie l’Alleanza e posso dirvi con certezza che la nostra autrice si è superata. Questo romanzo mi ha colpita particolarmente perché l’ho trovato dinamico, ricco di suspense e adrenalina, la sensualità poi è ad altissimi livelli con i protagonisti principali e la cui storia d’amore ho trovato, oserei dire, quasi fiabesca. Le descrizioni dell’ambiente circostante e della tecnologia aliena sono davvero superbe e fanno viaggiare con la fantasia.

Sono passati dieci anni da quando la terra ha avuto il suo primo contatto alieno e, da allora, molte cose sono cambiate anche se non abbastanza. La specie umana è stata l’unica che ha avuto molte difficoltà ad accettare di non essere la sola nell’universo e, i disordini interni provocati da loro stessi hanno distrutto quasi tutto, richiedendo un’opera di riorganizzazione incredibile.

Destin Parks è il paladino che si è battuto per la ricostruzione di Chicago, una vecchia conoscenza che ritroviamo con molto piacere dopo l’addio doloroso alla sorella Kali, partita con l’amate Razor per il pianeta Rathon.

In questo volume la famiglia è finalmente riunita, il ragazzo è arrivato sul pianeta alieno per la prima volta per conoscere la nipotina Ami e su Rathon è colpito dalla tecnologia avanzata e dall’organizzazione. Dopo anni a combattere per la sua amata terra e per la sopravvivenza, mai avrebbe immaginato di incontrare in una notte magica una sirena ammaliatrice che lo incanta con la sua bellezza. Lunghi capelli bianchi, occhi azzurro ghiaccio, labbra azzurro pallido… ma questa regina dei ghiacci aliena altri non è che la Principessa Jersula Ikera, (Sula per i familiari) della casa reale Usoleum e Consigliere Particolare dell’Alleanza in rappresentanza della terra e della ricostruzione di New Chicago. I due già si conoscono e il loro incontro, avvenuto anni addietro, era stato abbastanza tumultuoso.

Entrambi sono destinati a collaborare per la ricostruzione della New Chicago, e ovviare ai danni perpetrati dal vecchio Consigliere dell’Alleanza, rimasto ucciso e coinvolto anche nella tratta di donne umane di cui si è ancora alla ricerca. Una volta partiti sull’incursore stellare con destinazione Pianeta Terra, tutto cambierà e comincerà la vera avventura e l’inizio di una nuova vita.

In questo capitolo appassionato facciamo la conoscenza di nuove forme aliene, i Waxiani, i drethulani e i kassiani, insomma un’accozzaglia affascinante e fantasiosa molto coinvolgente come solo la nostra autrice è capace di creare.

Io consiglio la lettura dei precedenti perché tutti i libri hanno un filo conduttore e personaggi che puntualmente tornano fuori, anche dopo qualche libro.

In conclusione, mi sono anche emozionata e molto affezionata anche a personaggi secondari che reputo di tutto rispetto.

Per tutti questi motivi , care Fenici, vi consiglio questa fantastica lettura.
Profile Image for Tamye Whitener.
836 reviews17 followers
August 21, 2021
Another captivating Sci-Fi romance by S. E. Smith.

Sula and Destin captured my heart in this intriguing story of new worlds, alien beings (some good, some bad), and the challenges of rebuilding earth after the aliens introduced themselves and took over.

The narrator did a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life. Although I wish dual narrators had been used as the females sounded a bit whiny or uptight at times. Otherwise, he did a very good job.

The world-building is fabulous and the characters are well-rounded and engaging. The storyline held my attention and kept me up until the wee hours of the night.
22 reviews
March 24, 2018
Loved it!!!

How about an Alliance Book 5.1
About Trig and Beth coming together. He is one of my
favorites and she is just the kick-butt lady for him.
Profile Image for Sonja.
956 reviews22 followers
March 30, 2022
This was so much better than the last three books. For a couple reasons. First, those ones all kind of felt like the same story with different characters. This one was completely different. And, even better, unlike the first four books, the lead male doesn't find himself needing the female to save him. That's something that always annoys me. My biggest complaint though would have to be the connection between Destin and Sula. I just wasn't sure where it came from. Discounting their brief and pretty bad first meeting on Earth, from the moment these two encounter each other on the Trivator homeworld, they're all they can think about. It really seemed much more like an obsession on both of their parts than anything more than that.

There was a good amount of action here, which is always a plus. From attacks on Hunter and Razor's families, to an all out battle on Earth. Things are getting more complicated with each book too regarding the enemy seeking to destroy the Alliance and make a name for himself. Again, those weird French guys play a role in this story. And, yeah I'd like to learn more about them still, but not enough to read their series.

Destin has taken a long earned vacation to visit Kali and her daughter, and to also go to Saber and Taylor's wedding. One morning he's out swimming when he thinks someone is drowning, so of course he goes to save her. Not realizing that she can breathe under water he 'kisses' her to try and force air into her lungs. An action that results in a real heavy kiss happening and him not wanting to let her go.

Sula has gone to the beach to vent out her anger at being assigned as the ambassador to Earth. She had been there once before and will never forget how she was treated by the human male she met. She never expected that male to try to save her, or her strong reaction to him.

Things happen super fast between these two after that. They don't expect to see one another again, but they're both going to the wedding. And then Destin finds out that she is going to Earth as well and the two of them end up in a relationship day one. The overwhelming majority of Destin's people don't even try to hide their animosity towards Sula, but Destin makes it clear that she is his woman and an insult to her is an insult to him. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot harder to get his people to change their attitudes. But maybe because of the book's timeline there wasn't enough time for much else, but they all end up accepting her within a day or two afterwards. What I liked the most with Sula is that she knew when she had to hang back. Very little annoys more more than a female who jumps head long into a fight despite being asked not to just to prove she can do whatever she wants. Yes, Sula was still strong enough to defend herself and fight to protect those she cares about. But she was also smart enough to acknowledge when she would be more of a hindrance than a help.

The bad guy from the last book is back, still trying to make the Alliance and everyone else fear him for his greatness. He plans to launch an all out attack on the Earth as a show of his power. And maybe it would have gone better if he chose his allies better. But when the attack starts, there is still a lot death and destruction that happen. Of course the good guys still win and Sula agrees to marry Dustin. I really would have loved an epilogue or something of how her family reacted to that.

Also, what ever happened with Destin's pendant?? Considering the HUGE deal made out of it in the beginning, it was completely forgotten about.

If the next book every goes on sale, I'll probably check it out. But I didn't get into this series enough to want to pay full price. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want Trig's book though.
Profile Image for Avidchic reader.
613 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2023
it was awesome to have this book advance earth's ventures.
Destin was an untapped character in previous books, so it was great to develop his story.
finally, the head adversary is revealed. it was a fantastic plotline that entwined all previous novels into this culmination.
our heroine isn't as kickass as previous women but held her own.
it was nice to have a human male to add some difference to the mix.
it was sad in a few places and funny in others. steamy with a change and emotionally charged just about all the way through. at times, I was thinking that the plot was getting rather intricate, considering there is only 1 more book left in this series. I'm unsure if there is a different series that may continue.
and when the adversaries seemed to prevail, i felt a little frustrated. there were some decisions that H and h made that I didn't think I liked. but that's what it's all about.
the new characters in Daggers Book were puzzling, and I was glad to see some questions solved in that regard.
there were also a few loose ends and holes that i didn't get answers to . I'm hoping Edges book ties it all together.
David Brenin...what can I say. brilliant work as always
Profile Image for Kristine.
2,954 reviews37 followers
November 1, 2022
3.75 Stars 🌟

This was a series that I started a couple of years ago (I think) and ran across this addition in my library. I had a little bit of a hard time trying to remember all of the details of the plot, but I remembered that I did like the series, so I decided to keep moving forward in the series.

Truthfully, I DID NOT remember the details, but it was fairly simple to put the pieces together based on the info from the book. I have said it before and I will say it again - S.E. Smith has been such a pleasant surprise as an author. These are crazy "aliens from space" novels, but you can't but help it but to become completely immersed in the plots and in the characters. Each of her books has a great story arc, really likeable characters and scenes that build to a big climax.

Seriously, what more can you ask for?

This book has a complete story arc- we get to meet Destin who is a human fighting for Earth who has gotten a chance to meet some of the other leaders from different planets. He realizes how big the universe is and realizes that they need to be working WITH these partners instead of trying to pretend that they understand all of the ramifications. Anyway, this is Destin and Jersula's story, but there is much more drama going on along with it.

This also has a complete story arc, but sets up lots to come in the future. I guess I'm going to dive back in :)
Profile Image for Jamoz23.
5,138 reviews46 followers
April 20, 2018
A great addition to this series and world but not enough romance for me.
I love the way Ms Smith manages to combine her different worlds through just a few interactions and words.
I have read all The Alliance books and even though they are not my favourite series, once picked up they cannot be put down until finished.
We finally get the human resistance leader Destin’s story and I just loved how this book really expanded and moved on from the previous ones in relation to earths future involvement with the Alliance.
I loved Destin, have since book one and really found it interesting that Jersula or Sula was his HEA.
Though it does not negate from how good this story is, giving us more interaction, insight and belief that earth will pull through, I found it was severely lacking in romance between our two H’s. Love at first sight is wonderful but I like to go along for the ride as they fall deeper in love. More a sci-fi read and less a romance which is very strange for this talented author who is usually able to combine both beautifully.
Cannot wait for Edge’s book.
Profile Image for Dawn M. Sexton.
25 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2017
Wow! You have to read this series!

I absolutely loved this book. SE Smith is one of my favorite authors and I always am looking for the next installment of any of her series. I loved the way she connected the Lords of Kassis series to this one. As always her story was exciting and filled with danger, drama and love of course. Suri and Destin are attracted to each other immediately but circumstances get in the way. When they meet again it's instantaneous and combustible! I can't wait for the next one and hope I don't have to wait long. Start at the beginning and read the Lords of Kassis series first so you understand more. You won't be disappointed and you'll fall in love with the characters, the intricate story and this author! You can't go wrong with any of her books! I'd give this one 20 stars if I could, but I guess 5 will have to suffice.
Profile Image for JodyL.
1,644 reviews5 followers
May 13, 2019
This story is about a human male finding his alien woman instead of the opposite. Destin is on the Trivator homeworks for Kayley's wedding when he meets Jersula. He attempts to save her from drowning when she really didn't need it as her species can form gills and breathe underwater.
Jersula/Sula is an ambassador. She is attending the wedding too in scope of her ambassadorial duties. She is then assigned earth as her post. She then travels back to Earth with Destin and they form a relationship.
On earth they must work together to stop a slave trafficking ring. They must also stop the Waxians and their allies from trying to destroy earth and take over.
More thrilling things are happening in this part of the series. There is definitely plenty of intrigue to keep you on the edge of your seat!
Profile Image for Froggy.
654 reviews21 followers
November 3, 2021
This was by far the best one in the series. Mostly because it didn’t rehash everything that already happened in the previous 4 books. Although it followed the general formula for this authors books, I thought it was fresher and added some unexpected events to the action. I liked that it brought us back to Earth and we got to see how progress is happening there. I think some things were left unanswered and I would have liked to have more follow up interaction with Sula’s family but I’m guessing that is a spin-off in the SE Smith universe so I’ll probably never find out. I did start getting kinda lost in the politics although I followed the main gist. I listened on audio so I can’t make any comment on writing quality or grammar, I liked the narrator though.
425 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2018
This book was artfully crafted and uniquely designed to pull you into the pages where secrets and fairytales live and where happily ever after are the norm!

Destin and Sula's story will keep you enchanted, enthralled and endlessly entertained with everything that they go through to find happiness and love that transcends time and space! The universe is a very big place according to the imagination of S. E. Smith!

One of Your Greatest Fans,

Lena deLeon
Profile Image for Carmen.
1,886 reviews11 followers
September 13, 2019
I am totally loving this series. This one was a surprise because I didn't think Destin would follow in his sister's footprints. I love the action and the characters and how the author will kill off a character to keep the story interesting. I don't like to see characters get killed but it is what it is and like I said it does make the story more interesting. Looking forward to seeing what's happening with Edge and how his story will play out. It's a shame there are only 6 books in the series, it's like a soap opera you want to keep up with.
551 reviews2 followers
May 22, 2020

If you want a book that will take you away from wherever you are then this one is for you. It is full of action, political intrigue, and men and women who fight for what means the most. It is pure excitement and some wonderful romance. Destin and Sula are an enchanting couple and their courtship is definitely exciting. The battle for Earth continues in this fast-paced story. I loved it.
Profile Image for libraryofliv_.
156 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2017
Was nervous about this one considered Destin isn't an alien but he's so alpha male and yummy I totally overlooked that he was just a human. Loveeeed Sula she was amazing and badass as well. That's another reason I love this series. The women in these books are heroines and can take matters into their own hands and are independent.
241 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2018
Good action romance

Great sequel tying Earth into the action of the alliance. Destin and Sula are followed by action and intrigue from Rathon to Earth as they are beset again by slavers, mercenaries and rogues as they try and rebuild Earth. It was surprising to find so many editing errors, so 5-star rating could not be given.
Profile Image for Angelica.
483 reviews
October 1, 2018
Great story line the author managed to connect many crucial parts from other books in this universe and tie it in to answer questions that were left from other books. Like usual the humor is place in certain parts to where it lightens up the story before it can go dark. Can wait to see what comes next,
Profile Image for lisa jung.
4,812 reviews43 followers
February 15, 2017

Book 5 -Destin returns to a helping Earth with a new love. But she is an alien and having a hard time fitting in. But trouble is coming but together they can concer all. Read the whole series-great books
May 4, 2017
Living together

I gave enjoyed this book as I have the others in the series. They are well written with great characters and story lines. I love keeping up with all the characters and if you like Science fiction romance , you wi too.
Profile Image for Diana Woodward.
348 reviews
May 30, 2017
Warning from the future

Great story of warning from the future, given in the past, to play before a attack of today. Love, protect, defense, and many aliens to act as one to protect each other. Look forward to the continue story.
23 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2017
Action packed and we'll written. Love the series☺

Highly recommend for your entertainment. story has lots of action as well as romance.. S E Smith keeps you on th edge the entire book.☺
Profile Image for Jean.
773 reviews1 follower
September 9, 2017

Another great book in this series. While this book can be read as a stand alone it is better to read the series from the start. This book does have a conclusion but some things were left hanging. I will be getting the next book.
Profile Image for Mandie Porter.
Author 1 book
February 23, 2018

Another great read. Wasn't able to put it down, and am now anxious for thenext book. The series is flowing and the plot keeps thickening with every new book. The characters are well developed and witty. If you are into other-worldly stories, this series is for you!!
Profile Image for Dawn Carey.
718 reviews3 followers
June 8, 2018
Destin's Hold

Another Awesome job of storytelling by Smith!!!! This series is really out of this world and brings you into a lifetime where aliens have landed but all most of the aliens really want is to help humanity.
Profile Image for Kimberly Howe.
1,113 reviews31 followers
July 31, 2018
Oh man, Destin and Sula. I loved their story. I love that Sula is badasss and takes no prisoners. Destin, although human, can hold his own around the alien warriors. I was saddened by a few of the deaths but love the storyline!
3,549 reviews4 followers
October 26, 2018
Unexpected Romance

Earth is finally calming down after first contact and Destin is heavily involved in the new regime but plots abound for the Trivators and Humans. Sula comes unexpectedly into Destin's life and teaches him there is more than politics and fighting.
Profile Image for Daryl.
1,126 reviews2 followers
October 31, 2020
*2.5* I wanted to like this, I really did. But I just wasn't that invested in the characters, I didn't care and Smith did nothing to change that. I don't recommend this book and I'd go so far as to say, this series as whole can be skipped and you wouldn't really be missing anything.
Profile Image for Hollie.
797 reviews
June 8, 2021
I enjoyed reading the relationship between Destin and Sula. Even though there was a good deal of 'war' discussions/fights/etc., going on; there wasn't any build up around these two (unlike Sabar's story). I feel the lack of history made it a romance within a war zone.
Profile Image for Maraea.
647 reviews
October 5, 2022
Hes on the trivator planet with his sister and niece when he runs into Sula again. they had met on earth previously. they head back to earth and i like these books in the way that theres no anxious mucking around. he sees her onboard and goes straight into her room. some fighting and rebuiding cities, they get engaged
Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews

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