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Rebellion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rebellion" Showing 121-150 of 656
Educator X
“Reading is the quiet rebellion of the mind.”
Educator X, Tango Secrets: Your Ultimate Guide To Tango Dance & Culture

Joseph Heller
“What would happen if, deliberately, calmly, with malice aforethought and obvious premeditation, I disobeyed?
I know what would happen: nothing. Nothing would happen. And the knowledge depresses me. Some girl downstairs I never saw before (probably with a bad skin also) would simply touch a few keys on some kind of steel key punch that would set things right again, and it would be as though I had not disobeyed at all. My act of rebellion would be absorbed like rain on an ocean and leave no trace. I would not cause a ripple.
I suppose it is just about impossible for someone like me to rebel anymore and produce any kind of lasting effect. I have lost the power to upset things that I had as a child; I can no longer change my environment or even disturb it seriously. They would simply fire and forget me as soon as I tried. They would file me away.”
Joseph Heller, Something Happened

Daphne du Maurier
“How can an insurrection be orderly?" I asked. "How can students, told to be armed with any sort of weapon, keep themselves in check?”
Daphne du Maurier, The Flight of the Falcon

Sarah  Lariviere
“And when they tell you you can't do it? You do it anyway. You do it louder. You never stop.”
Sarah Lariviere, Riot Act

T.H. White
“A question was a sign of insanity to them.”
T.H. White, The Once and Future King

Khuliso Mamathoni
“Guard against the spirit of rebellion, it has destroyed the lives of so many people.”
Khuliso Mamathoni, The Greatest Proposal

Khuliso Mamathoni
“Resist the spirit of rebellion and you shall live in peace with people around your circle.”
Khuliso Mamathoni, The Greatest Proposal

Khuliso Mamathoni
“Rebellion is costly”
Khuliso Mamathoni , The Greatest Proposal

Khayri R.R. Woulfe
“Anarchy solves all rebellions. No government, no rebellion.”
Khayri R.R. Woulfe

Criss Jami
“In this blind rage, they throw their fists at Christianity and hit Common Sense, then Common Sense enters the fight.”
Criss Jami

“It is therefore easy to see why Authority frowns on Friendship. Every real Friendship is a sort of secession, even a rebellion. It may be a rebellion of serious thinkers against accepted clap-trap or of faddists against accepted good sense; of real artists against popular ugliness or of charlatans against civilised taste; of good men against the badness of society or of bad men against its goodness. Whichever it is, it will be unwelcome to Top People.”
Clive Staples Lewis

Titon Rahmawan

What is this nonsense? We're not here at the moment. At least, we don't expect to be. Trying to get out of what people think of themselves. All this futility. The earth we walk on is slowly burning.

Is that the kind of statement you want to write? You shout? Will it end up in vain? The rebellion of desire. There is no sanctity or half-truth.

All that nonsense is fake. The hatred that people cultivate from their own disbelief. A conflict of the soul, an inner struggle, or whatever you want to call it. Where will they go? After years and centuries of waiting. Will we find our way or will we forever be lost?

For too long we have slept in the illusion of this madness. This rage. Things we don't believe to be true. Everyone looking for their own truth. Ignorant and indifferent to each other.

Do we feel lucky with our ignorance? With all our naivety? Accepting everything without being able to fight back? Have we been blinded by pseudo-reality, which does not touch our very essence?

What kind of truth are we still debating? What authenticity are we still looking for? Those of you who feel poor, who are still confined by suffering. Arise, live, lift your own burdens! If you have not been able to lighten the burden of others.”
Titon Rahmawan

Frédéric Gros
“And that is what rulers are afraid of: that a people will discover the sheer joy of being together, that they will rediscover their shared humanity through their power in numbers, and they will experience in their embracing of a cause the pleasure of solidarity and of acting in their common interest.”
Frédéric Gros, A Philosophy of Walking

“In the intoxication of being twenty and swept up by my reading, I hoped to live in the light of day, in joy, refusing submission, shackles and conformity.”
Sima Samar, Outspoken: My Fight for Freedom and Human Rights in Afghanistan

“In the intoxication of being twenty and swept up by my reading, I hoped to live in the light of day, in joy, refusing submission, shackles and conformity.”
Xavier Le Clerc, Un homme sans titre

“Sedition comes from hell, and should be driven back to its accursed habitation, to roar in chains and penal fire. The monster newly born is easily quelled, but when the enormous shape grows fierce and conscious of its own strength, then whole nations perish in its jaws, or gro[a]n beneath its feet.”
John Cameron, The Messiah. In Nine Books. By John Cameron

“True rebellion begins not with raising arms but with the piercing gaze that sees the rot beneath the gilded surface.”
Y.K.Y. SADEK, Obedience is Happiness: The Promises Of Tomorrow

Don Roff
“Writing is a form of rebellion against reality. Rebel!”
Don Roff

Nick Cave
“My life is lived with a different intensity, not the burning intensity of youth. It’s something else a kind of spiritual audacity…an audacity in the face of things…a kind of reckless refusal to submit to the condition of the world.”
Nick Cave, Faith, Hope and Carnage

“If we burn, you burn with us”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay, Mockingjay

Dejan Stojanovic
“God is not utterly righteous because He rebels against Himself. Being the only rebel, He is alone.”
Dejan Stojanovic, Svet u nigdini

Bremer Acosta
“Those who rebelled were considered a threat to the group. Their very existence was proof enough of chaos.”
Bremer Acosta, Father in My Name

Hagir Elsheikh
“In a world that seeks to diminish us, the greatest act of rebellion is to stand tall and claim our power.”
Hagir Elsheikh, Through Tragedy and Triumph: A Life Well Traveled

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“A revolution of the soul carries a person to the peaks of ecstasy, for it is the noblest rebellion of the soul.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Tanner Cook
“Should they send their dogs after me in an attempt to subdue me, may they find me in the presence of a pack of wolves, equally set to task. So tend to your flock, you shepherds and dogs, but proceed with caution if you wish to cage the wolf. I have not lost my instincts. I have not forgotten who I am. My liberty will die with you and I.”
Tanner Cook, Liberty and the Will to Power: A Manifesto for the Amoral Libertarian

Adrian Wooldridge
“Один зі способів зрозуміти нещодавню історію — уявити собі чергу по каву: уранці ви йдете до «Старбаксу», відчайдушно потребуючи чашки звичайної кави, перш ніж почнете класти цеглу, а тим часом молода особа в костюмі для йоги від Lulu Lemon влізає перед вами без черги і замовляє лате без піни зі знежиреним мигдалевим молоком — на двадцять осіб. Потім ця людина, яка влізла без черги, обертається до вас і починає читати вам лекцію про те, який ви сексист, агресивний «расист, котрому, перш ніж висловлюватися, варто згадати про свої привілеї.”
Adrian Wooldridge, The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made the Modern World

“What is hateful is not rebellion but the despotism which induces rebellion; what is hateful are not rebels but men, who, having the enjoyment of power, do not discharge the duties of power; they are men who, having the power to redress wrongs, refuse to listen to the petitioners that are sent to them; they are the men who, when they are asked for a loaf, give a stone.”
Wilfred Laurier, Speech Delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier P. C., G. C. M. G., M. P., on the Occasion of a Banquet Tendered by the Montreal Reform Club at the ... Wednesday, May 29, 1912

“You call it a revolution, not a rebellion." I lift my brow, "Tyrrish isn't the only thing Dad taught us both. You think you can win - unlike Fen Riorson.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

“Nothing is more precious than freedom. Love and freedom made me do that.”
Ali Zaka (AZD), Shadows Within: A Collection of Dark Tales by Ali Zaka

Stewart Stafford
“Idolatry is inherently paradoxical. Were we an ideally-flawed replication of the divine, free-thinking, history-repeating links in an outcast chain on a smaller, mortal scale, or is our imperfection a special dispensation? Are we a sly thought experiment? Shouldn't those we admire reflect this duality and our shared humanity — not a perfection that never was and never will be?”
Stewart Stafford

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