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Canadian Jen's Reviews > The Language of Flowers

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
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Orphaned at a young age, Victoria has been moved to different foster homes, rebelling with angry outbursts and never in one place long enough to establish any solid relationships. At the age of 10, she is taken in by a woman who teaches her the language of flowers and what each flower means. Through these teachings, Victoria is able to start positively communicating. However, when the relationship is threatened, she reverts back to behaviour that will cost her the safe haven she has found and she retreats back into her own cold, dark world. It is through her passion of flowers she lands a job with a florist and is reunited with her turbulent past which she has difficulty reconciling her worthiness as a daughter, lover and mother. This is a story of healing and forgiveness and the power of love that is inherent in nature. I found the meaning of flowers fascinating and how they were used during the Victorian era as a means to express one's feelings for another. Wonderful read easy 4 ✮
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Reading Progress

August 27, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
August 27, 2014 – Shelved
May 5, 2015 – Started Reading
May 13, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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Canadian Jen Elyse wrote: "I LOVE this book you're reading? Enjoying it?"

I am really enjoying it. I picked it up months ago discounted somewhere thinking just another book to add to my pile. It's great so far!

Angela M Jen , I loved it too . Glad you are liking it .

Dianne One of my favorites!

message 4: by ❀Julie (new)

❀Julie Funny I started listening to this one yesterday but thought I might enjoy reading it more. Glad you are enjoying it so far.

Cathrine ☯️ I really liked this one

Angela M Great review, Jen .

message 7: by Suz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Suz Uh oh I think you're going to 'help' me with my tbr! :) :)

Canadian Jen Angela M wrote: "Great review, Jen ."

Thanks Angela

Canadian Jen Suzanne wrote: "Uh oh I think you're going to 'help' me with my tbr! :) :)"

I think I owed you one :)

Canadian Jen Cathrine wrote: "I really liked this one"

It was more enjoyable than I had anticipated.

message 11: by Debbie "DJ" (new)

Debbie "DJ" Can you believe a woman who lives down the hill from me wrote this...and I still have it sitting on my shelf waiting to be read! Fantastic review, MUST read soon!

Canadian Jen Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Can you believe a woman who lives down the hill from me wrote this...and I still have it sitting on my shelf waiting to be read! Fantastic review, MUST read soon!"

Thanks DJ. She lives down from you? That is awesome! You must tell me what kind of flower garden she has?! I'm really curious now :)

message 13: by Debbie "DJ" (new)

Debbie "DJ" Okay, will hunt her down!

Canadian Jen Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Okay, will hunt her down!"

Just don't take her flowers :):)

message 15: by Debbie "DJ" (new)

Debbie "DJ" Not even one? Lol!

Jeannie I loved this one.

Canadian Jen Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Not even one? Lol!"

Eek - maybe you better know what it means before you pick it! She might come at you with a shovel ...let me know how it goes...tee hee.

Canadian Jen Jeannie wrote: "I loved this one."

It was great Jeannie

message 19: by Debbie "DJ" (new)

Debbie "DJ" Jen wrote: "Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Not even one? Lol!"

Eek - maybe you better know what it means before you pick it! She might come at you with a shovel ...let me know how it goes...tee hee."

What if it's all a lie, and there's only cement?

Canadian Jen Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Jen wrote: "Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Not even one? Lol!"

Eek - maybe you better know what it means before you pick it! She might come at you with a shovel ...let me know how it goes...tee hee."

What i..."

hmmm...I may have to rethink my rating? Don't tell me!

message 21: by Debbie "DJ" (new)

Debbie "DJ" Haha! It really would be a kick to see what her place looks like. I'm thinking about it...

Canadian Jen Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Haha! It really would be a kick to see what her place looks like. I'm thinking about it..."

Now everyone who has read her book and this review is waiting for you to do it, DJ! The pressure is on!

message 23: by Debbie "DJ" (new)

Debbie "DJ" OMG!! Debbie the detective will be hard at work. :)

Cheri So glad you loved this one, too, Jen, I remember this one pretty well even after all these years!

message 25: by Lynn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lynn Great review! I loved this book.

Canadian Jen Thanks Cheri! Me too!!

Canadian Jen Thanks Lynn!

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