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Sherring Cross #1

Man of My Dreams

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Wildly unpredictable, the most desirable beauty in the land, Megan Penworthy has set her amorous sights on Ambrose St. James, a man she has never met but has every intention of marrying. And no other suitor will satisfy her especially not the common, if uncommonly handsome, horse breeder, Devlin Jefferys.

Posing as lowborn Jefferys to escape a potentially fatal confrontation, Sir Ambrose is enthralled by the brazen, duke-hunting redhead. Without revealing his true identity, he vows to seduce and tame her, thereby foiling Megan's plans to marry the man of her dreams. But the notorious rogue never imagined the enchanting schemer would turn out to be the only woman he would ever dream of marrying.

405 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1992

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About the author

Johanna Lindsey

166 books7,072 followers
Johanna Helen Howard was born on March 10, 1952 in Germany, where her father, Edwin Dennis Howard, a soldier in the U.S. Army was stationed. The family moved about a great deal when she was young. Her father always dreamed of retiring to Hawaii, and after he passed away in 1964 Johanna and her mother settled there to honor him.

In 1970, when she was still in school, she married Ralph Lindsey, becoming a young housewife. The marriage had three children; Alfred, Joseph and Garret, who already have made her a grandmother. After her husband's death, Johanna moved to Maine, New England, to stay near her family.

Johanna Lindsey wrote her first book, Captive Bride in 1977 "on a whim", and the book was a success. By 2006, with over 58 Million copies of her books have been sold worldwide, with translations appearing in 12 languages, Johanna Lindsey is one of the world's most popular authors of historical romance.

Johanna's books span the various eras of history, including books set in the Middle Ages, the American "Old West" and the popular Regency England-Scotland. She has even written a few sci-fi romances. By far the most popular among her books are the stories about the Malory-Anderson Family, a Regency England saga.

Johanna Lindsey died on Oct. 27, 2019 in Nashua, N.H. She was 67.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 482 reviews
Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews866 followers
February 8, 2017

This is my favourite by JL. It's the book in which I found the name of my first born Devlin. Who is the hero of this book and OMG Is he manly. He was the "MAN OF MY DREAMS."


Devlin is an arrogant cold polite aristocrat who thought that by virtue of his birth (aka being a Duke), the world was his and everything in it would simply bend to his will.
So your typical period hero here.
However, this soon changes when he is forced into hiding and becomes the stable trainer to the heroine's father. He sees her and his not only losses his heart but he losses frosty demeanour, that he was so famous for.
He plays up his lowly "station in live" by saying rude and crude things to the heroine.
Things like:
"... little girl you have me so hot that It's either he pond or you..what's it going to be?"
"I'll thank you NOT to say things like that to me.." she answers back
He tells her "So don't thank me..."


Megan was way too beautiful and willful for her own good. She was the only daughter to a wealthy landowner. She has been spoiled and indulged but she was still basically a sweet innocent.
She has some sass with her class.
She was very attracted to her new stable Master but wants to make an advantageous marriage to right the wrongs done to her by a cruel member of her community.
"I need to marry a man who will make Lady O green with envy and so I can't Marry Devlin..."but she wants him and lust after him.


They have loads of chemistry!!!
It's off the charts HOT!

Also, I love the fact that their first time was not good for either of them. To me, this really makes sense. I for one don't understand how in books virgins can always have an orgasm the first time without some serious foreplay. They are both disappointing but the passion remains and so does the hunger.



I loved how he was trying to keep his distance from her but he really couldn't resist her. Also, how She was just so mixed up at first and quickly became a strong woman.
Yes, he spanks her (she deserves it), yes she was spoiled and yes he was an arrogant ass but somehow together it was just hot!

This books was awesome and I would recommend it anyone who enjoys two strong individuals becoming a strong couple.
I have read it over a dozen times and the fact that I named my son after this book, speaks volumes of the estimation and regard I hold for this book.


For me, this book was one of the BEST!
Profile Image for Beatriz.
928 reviews823 followers
December 10, 2020
Leí este libro exclusivamente porque Johanna Lindsey es la autora del mes del reto Rita 4.0 y lo agradezco, ya que me ha permitido congraciarme un poco con esta autora. Hasta ahora, todo lo que había leído de ella eran heroínas trágicas que terminan profundamente enamoradas de sus captores, violadores, que las han sometido a una humillación tras otra y, en que llegando a las últimas páginas, cuando les dan una pequeña disculpa, los aceptan felices y agradecidas.

Si bien El hombre de mis sueños también presenta personajes que exageran desmesuradamente los estereotipos de la época, no vamos a encontrar sometimiento. Por el contrario, me lo he pasado en grande con los enfrentamientos verbales de esta pareja, principalmente porque ellos mismos los disfrutan y es la forma en que se buscan para no reconocer lo que realmente sienten por el otro.

Además, la novela tiene situaciones realmente hilarantes, así como otras increíblemente tiernas, en que se asiste a la evolución de sus sentimientos y, principalmente, a cómo Megan va madurando, lo que se aprecia en sus geniales monólogos internos. Punto adicional para Tiffany, la mejor amiga de la protagonista; realmente es la amistad que cualquiera desearía tener.

Reto Rita 4.0 (diciembre)
10 reviews
July 30, 2009
Ok, this is the second Lindsay I've read where the hero spanks the heroine because she 'deserves' it and it's for 'her own good'. This has completely alienated me from the book and the author. Since I picked it up because of the rave reviews, maybe if someone can get over the above they might enjoy the book.

When Megan Penworthy is introduced we see her through her friend's eyes as someone good, sweet, naive and a little spoiled. But, when she meets the hero Ambrose St. James, masquerading as a horse breeder because he needs to rusticate for a while, she is attracted to him and because he is beneath her socially is on the defensive. However, St. James a full 10 years her senior, completely loses his head around her leading to his compromising Megan and they have to get married. Of course, this is the book where the hero then spends the rest of his time being resentful because she has spoiled his life and misunderstanding everything she says. If you like misunderstanding plots, then this book is one long tedious string after another. And the heroine ends up grovelling when I fully expected it to be the hero.
Profile Image for KC.
527 reviews22 followers
May 28, 2021
If you're looking for a historical romance which ponders the social injustices of working conditions for children living in the nineteenth century, then this isn't the novel for you. But if you're in the mood for a fun read, then this lighthearted book just might be the historical romance of your dreams!


Man of My Dreams is one of only two romances I read in 2016 that I gave a 5-star rating to. So to say that I had SO much fun witnessing Megan and Devlin fall in love would be an understatement! I loved the banter, passion, and sizzling chemistry between them. Yes, Megan and Devlin argued a lot but it didn't irritate me as their sometimes silly, sometimes heated exchanges hid intense feelings they both were fighting hard to overcome.

One great example of the humor can be found in a memorable scene where Devlin overhears Megan talking to someone. He can't see her as he's in another room, but comes to an unsavory conclusion. It's the cause for Devlin's ill-humor and a laugh out loud moment from this reader. This is what he hears.

*some spoilers*

I want to ride you, you can’t imagine how much. Will you let me?...

Sir Ambrose just might be jealous, but I don’t care. I can ride you both.

As Devlin discovers, Megan's fellow conversationalist is a bit of a mute.

I especially enjoyed Megan's hilarious inner monologues with her conscience. Gotta' love a character who is fully aware of her own faults and unafraid to poke fun at herself.

Did you think he was joking?


Well, I for one don’t blame him. You never give the man any peace.

The man doesn’t deserve any peace.

Then why are you crushed by his rejection?

I’m not.

You are.


Are you cursing yourself?

Once upon a time I had given up on this author, skipping this book because I thought I would be wasting my time. I was wrong and could smack myself for not reading it sooner. Johanna Lindsey at her best!
Profile Image for Pepa.
1,013 reviews268 followers
December 11, 2020
Reseña completa: https://masromance.blogspot.com/2020/...
quizás no debería darle solo una estrella, pero es que entre el mensaje tóxico y la traducción, no puedo decir que me haya gustado. Nada
me ha parecido una novela muy pasada de moda, sin tener tantos años, pues fue publicada en el 92 si me dicen que es de los 80 me lo creo, así que no.
Moraleja machista, protagonista prepotente, chulo, manipulador y violento
Protagonista inocente y arrojada que parece castigada por su comportamiento
Relación llena de insultos a la que no le he visto el romance por ningún lado
vamos, que no... que esta novela no es para mí
Profile Image for Ali L.
308 reviews5,177 followers
July 22, 2023
Megan, who’s kind of a bitch, is simply too pretty to be treated appropriately in polite society. She decides that the best way to show up her haters is by marrying a duke who she doesn’t know and has never met. Unfortunately her dad’s new horse breeder (?) is busy seducing her via verbal and physical abuse so she’s distracted. Wouldn’t it be crazy if the trainer was actually the duke? Yeah it would be. The following is a list of terms that appeared which I simply refuse to believe were in use in 1878 England:
* “Well, whatever.”
* “She chickened out.”
* “No kidding.”
* “This whole courtship thing”
This book was written in 1992 so the hero spanks the heroine when she disobeys him. This pales in comparison to the other sexual assault that happens, which the heroine blames herself for in this unrelenting tale of feminism and enlightenment. I did not like this book.
Profile Image for Vida X.
285 reviews17 followers
February 1, 2018
Definitivamente es el ultimo libro que leo de esta autora. Quise darle varias oportunidades, pero la mayoría son un desastre. No hay una real historia de amor, los protagonistas son insufribles, la trama completamente inverosímil y los hechos y las actitudes no corresponden a la época en la que está ambientada. Caput. No entiendo cómo la autora puede ser una de las reinas clásicas del género.
Profile Image for Tammy Walton Grant.
417 reviews294 followers
March 20, 2011
I love this book. Don't know why, exactly - it's far from perfect, but something about it makes me re-read it every couple of years or so. Contrived, a bit. Realistic, not really. Familiar? Very. Nevertheless, something about this one makes it more than the sum of all of its parts.

It's pretty much your standard "Duke in disguise as a regular joe" romance. He's a gorgeous Duke in hiding, she's a spoiled brat who mouths off to him at every opportunity. They strike sparks off one another from their first meeting and the first half of the book is full of their insults and arguments.

The second half of the book is full of misunderstandings, a trip to Gretna Green, an abduction, a pregnancy, a fancy ball, a spoiled, selfish brat redeeming herself, a stuffed shirt Duke getting over himself, and one of those endings that makes you think "awww," in spite of yourself.

And I LOVE the name Devlin.
Profile Image for ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader.
633 reviews316 followers
February 7, 2017
Really liked it! Johanna Lindsey always writes the best HR Heroes! Devlin, oh Devlin. I love you!! Seriously he was amazing! He could be serious, passionate and a tease all at the same time. And I liked that he wasn't your typical rake.

Megan was a brat, but I grew quite fond of her. She got on my nerves at times but she's only 18 after all. She does have a great heart though.

I loved Duchy too! She was so fun and wise. I wish she was on more scenes.

Overall a great HR with an amazing hero and a strong, big hearted heroine. I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Pikolina.
855 reviews281 followers
October 18, 2020
Con lo bien que pintaba pero que pesado se ha hecho tanta discusión. Esperaba mucho más amor y menos niñerías.
Me ha entretenido mucho, eso sí.
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,391 reviews329 followers
May 3, 2020
Ce se întâmplă când o frumusețe precum domnișoara Megan Penworthy este umilită public de o contesă? Ia hotărârea de a se căsători cu un duce!!! O mândră și frumoasă roșcată plină de temperament, căreia îi place să discute în contradictoriu cu propria conștiință, cu o singură prietenă adevărată, aceasta reușește să devină în ochii cititorului o eroină delicioasă.
Când îl cunoaște pe noul crescător de cai al tatălui ei, între cei doi sar scântei. Devlin Jefferys este un personaj cu totul atipic, care reușește să îi dea mereu replica lui Megan, ba mai mult, reușește să o incite de fiecare dată. Atracția dintre cei doi se simte de câte ori cei doi se află unul în preajma celuilalt.
Totuși, printr-un concurs de împrejurări, cei doi se văd nevoiți să se căsătorească...
Am putea crede că de acum poveste este simplă, nu-i așa? Dar ce credeți că se întâmplă când tânăra descoperă că nu s-a căsătorit cu crescătorul de cai ci chiar cu ducele cu care spusese că se va căsători? Și ce te faci când acel duce crede că grajdurile și caii lui erau tot ce își dorea tânăra sa soție?
Avem parte de multe situații pline de umor, de momente tensionate și pline de emoții, de replici spumoase.
“Bărbatul visurilor mele” este o carte delicioasă care aduce un moment de bucurie cititorului.
Profile Image for Lauren Reads Romance.
429 reviews54 followers
June 3, 2021
3.5 stars

Fun story I enjoyed for the most part. Great writing and an easy read from HR legend Johanna Lindsey. Interesting premise, witty banter between Devlin and Megan, I like hidden identity aspect and the reveal. This felt more like a rom-com than a “bodice ripper”.

“I told the earl we’d been set upon by robbers, had all our money and clothes stolen, as well as our carriage.”

“And out of the goodness of his heart, he hands over his own coach to you?” she scoffed.

“I also told him I was the Duke of Wrothston. The man couldn’t do enough for me after that. Even threw in the driver. I do look like St. James, you know.”

“I’ve met him, remember? And you don’t look anything like him.” Which should have told Devlin that if he said the sky was blue, Megan would insist it was green.

Lol Megan, you silly chit. 😂

My only pain point - after bickering for 90% of the book, I was waiting for the sappy stuff, heartfelt declarations of love to come pouring in. But that never really happened. Nada. Zilch. Fuck all.

After Megan finally works up enough courage to tell Devlin she loves him, he says didn’t hear her because he was “drunk” and she is understandably disheartened. Turns out he was only teasing again. I get that they have a jokey and sarcastic type of relationship and it is truly adorable and even relatable. But seriously, for the love of god - grow up and just tell each other you love each other properly.

This is literally what we read romance for. I want the wretched, sobbing, glorious “I’ve always loved you even when I hated you” crap. Not just “I love you - brat.”
Profile Image for Millie.
89 reviews38 followers
February 20, 2022
A little story before we begin: The guy at the used-book store ripped the illustration page of this book, at first I can't imagine why. I didn't realize he did until after I bought it. After a little digging on the internet (a mistake) turns out the illustration has a butt-naked man. I now would like to publically apologize to the seller for my prejudice and I would like to say I understand why you ripped it off. You don't want little kids opening books out of curiosity and seeing a butt. Understandable, have a good day.

This is a good time to say that I dislike enemies-to-lovers (I know, right? How dare I?). What happened here? Why four-star rating? Well, turns out I still dislike it, but only the specific kind. This one (more specifically, the first half) is filled with enemies-to-lovers I can tolerate. (look at me being reasonable and trying new things!)

the Duke, Ambrose Devlin St. James disguised himself as Devlin Jeffreys to avoid a problem back home (someone tried to blow his head off). He went into hiding in Squire Penworthy's country home as a horse-breeder, and inevitably meet Megan Penworthy, the daughter. Megan is a red-headed aphrodite, which is to say she is unbelievably pretty. Megan who had every man fall at her feet is intrigued by the horse-breeder because one, he is handsome, and two, he's very vulgar and fights her. They really liked each other. She has thousands of suitors lining for her hand, and she needed to marry a gentleman, most preferably a duke in the name of Ambrose st. James (who is literally Devlin, but she didn't know that). Problem is, she really like this horse-breeder guy. But he's a horse-breeder, she can't marry him! You know.. the usual girl problems.

Let me tell you why I hate enemies to lovers, and why the first half of this book didn't count. My dislike for the trope is caused by the heartache: usually enemies-to-lovers think her/his love interest hated them, they kept their feelings bottled up. And I like feelings to be clear out in the open. I don't like misunderstandings about feelings ok??

But the first half of this book they have a fun banter and they don't feel miserable. They want more, they keep coming back for more. And I love the banters. I actually for real giggled and got all soft from their early interactions. But it all changed when they got married (which was unromantic. They skipped the whole thing. Didn't have a proper wedding). They started getting bitter and miserable (the usual for enemies-to lovers) and I hated seeing that.

When they were married I wanted to smack the both of them. I get that it's in their nature of relationship with one another that they fight, but good god they cannot stop fighting when there's real stuff to be talked about. They literally admitted they liked each other to different people, not each other. By then I was ready to start studying psychology and get hired as a couple's therapist.

Most of the time they fight, I sided with the heroine, except that one time .

The hero has a stick up his butt. Especially that time when Ugh, I can't imagine why this man is the man of Megan's dreams. If I was Megan I would give up sleeping in order to not dream about him any longer. But, you know, love is a mystery and all that. And I guess he's not all bad. Afterall, Megan has needs, and she likes fighting. I'm not gonna blame her for this kink.

Aside from the characters, this book has top notch writing, funny banters, and *my most important one* romantic comedy. If it wasn't for the miserable few pages, I would've given this book five-stars. But a girls gotta be fair. This book is enjoyable, and FUN. I read this in a day. I'm considering reading the next one just to see what's up with Megan and Devlin. And that says a lot about this book: It leaves a good impression on you. This book is good, folks.
August 25, 2015
2.5 unfortunately I'm disappointed in this book Stars. Grrr

I tend to love every Regency book I read because I love the whole titled gentleman with money, marrying a nobody. However, this just don't work. I wanted to stop reading this so many times but continued only because I had to know how it ended and really loved the hero.

I loved the Hero Devlin. He was delish and all man in every way. I would so marry him.

Devlin is sent to the country by his grandma because his best friend believes he impregnated his sister and is out to kill him.
He hides out at the squires house pretending to be a horse breeder, hoping after two months his best friend will discover the truth.
While posing as a horse breeder he falls for the Squires beautiful daughter Megan.

The heroine, Megan. I refer to her as the TSTL female who ruined the whole book.

She was spoiled, I mean to the point of

She was a complete snob, first off she was a Squires daughter, she needed her best friend to get her into parties and here she demands everyone do as she says like she was born a duchess and God forbid you come around her with no Stature.

Throughout the whole book we are reminded of how beautiful she is, how she can get a Duke because her face has every man in love with her within seconds.

Pretty much the whole book is her being extremely arrogant, childish, throwing tantrums and down right ridiculous. I just couldn't seem to like her, even at the end
Profile Image for Tara Lynn.
537 reviews26 followers
July 16, 2008
I suppose there comes a moment in every woman's life when there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new to read in the house, and the only thing that presents itself is A ROMANCE NOVEL. Generally not a fan of drivelly romance to begin with (even Catherine Coulter lost interest for me after she thought she could write mystery novels,) I had to pick up this book for lack of better reading material.

Even worse than anything my expectations had ever prepared me for, this had to be one of the most trite, obnoxious pieces of drivel I've read read in my life...and considering that I'll read anything, that's saying something.
Profile Image for Neus Gutiérrez.
1,014 reviews643 followers
August 29, 2020
Es un libro típico que está bastante bien, pero que no mata. La historia tiene demasiados altibajos, y yo esto de que los personajes se pasen el 90% del libro odiándose, insultándose, sacándose de quicio y llorando por los rincones porque el otro no le corresponde, me resulta cansino y malo. No encuentro que eso sea una bonita historia de amor, lo siento.

Tenemos a una chica medio despreciada en sociedad porque no es de la alta nobleza y es muy guapa, y como muchos hombres se fijan en ella hay muchas mujeres que no la quieren cerca. Ella sólo quiere que la dejen tranquila, tener una vida normal con sus caballos y su padre, y un hombre que la ame. Pero una de las mujeres con más influencia de la zona la desprecia, y ella trama una especie de plan para seducir al duque y así darle en las narices a esa señora.

Aunque a primera vista pueda parecer una cazafortunas no lo es, porque ella lo que reamente ha planeado ha sido casarse con el duque una vez ambos estén completamente enamorados y sean felices. Si no, pues tendrá que buscar otro. Con eso, que tiene la mala fortuna, de que ese duque que ella quiere conquistar y que adora desde niña por la finca de caballos que tiene, llega a su casa haciéndose pasar por sirviente huyendo de una afrenta. Él, al conocerla y oír sus intenciones, piensa lo peor de ella, y en una fiesta, cuando los presentan la trata como un vulgar vividor y le propone ser su amante, por lo que ella lo desprecia y deja atrás ese empeño de conquistar al duque.

Él queda bastante sorprendido al ver cómo cambia ella de opinión, pero no ceja su empeño en ser borde con ella. Por eso, cuando caen en la tentación y se acuestan, al quedar embarazada él le pide matrimonio –sin decirle quién es en realidad- y se fugan a Gretna Green para tener una boda exprés. Y desde ese momento siguen siendo un par de tontos que se quieren pero que se pasan el día sacándose de quicio. No ha conseguido gustarme porque odio las historias en que todo el rato los protagonistas se están insultando y tratándose mal, que el único momento de paz es cuando se acuestan, y a veces ni eso. Y el final precipitado con todo de color de rosa sólo ha terminado por molestarme aún más. No es mi estilo.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,720 reviews564 followers
April 13, 2016
Did I ADORE this or what?!
This had all the best JL elements- but in a much sweeter sassier way. Loved the heroine-especially her inner monologues- Megan made me crack up so many times.
Then our sinful horse breeder aka the hero/rake Devlin- hot- obnoxious- but also a very redeemable character.
I loved everything about this. The book had practically ZERO angst-and it was a sweet bodice ripper(ish).
Profile Image for Zoe.
762 reviews195 followers
March 19, 2016
I give up. I hate this heroine. I really cannot deal with such adolescent behaviors, not in real life, not in fiction.
Profile Image for Aline.
77 reviews41 followers
February 7, 2012
This book could be describe in one word, HILARIOUS ^-^ A friend of mine recommended this one a long time ago but I only got the urge to actually read it a couple days ago LOL.. silly me ;)

From the first chapter, this book already caught my interest and made me smile by only reading the 1st line, "Just what do you think you’ re staring at, Tyler Whately?". I thought "WOW.. this girl is really a shrew" LOL

I must say that I kinda like Megan despite her temper, she maybe 'perfect' in appearence and looks but she definitely not that perfect in characters.. And I do love her friendship with her best friend Tiffany, how she deliberately show her ugly side in order to prevent Tyler to fall for her instead to Tiffany.. *grin*

It gets more interesting when Megan, the shrew met Devlin, the horse breeder aka Devlin the Duke (although she didn't know that before). I actually laugh at their 1st encounter when they deliberately "stare" at each other.. I love the way he called her "brat" or "spoiled brat" ^-^

And Devlin?? well, what more could I say.. I'm a sucker for an alpha Duke LOL.. I mean, the guy could be grouchy but still adorable.. I love how he constantly argue with Megan but sometimes it kinda exasperating and useless especially when he already blown his cover up.. But nevermind, this book still earns 4 stars from me ^-^

Profile Image for Debby.
1,298 reviews18 followers
June 8, 2022
~ “We’re alone now. Would you like to examine me with your hands as thoroughly as you did with your eyes?”~

This H was wicked. He made me swoon.

I felt the sensuality he created with his words and with his actions. He was ready to take his clothes off to satify her virginal curiosity for his male body any time, and he wasn’t shy about it.

The first half of the book was definitely 5 stars because of him.

But the second half of the book was a bit mweh. I didn’t like the events that happened there with some guy kidnapping her.

And other than that, it became repetitive that every man who saw her wanted her and that every woman was jealous of her. His nickname for her was ‘brat’ and that summed her up quite nicely.

Anyway, this book is not safe for anyone who likes a gentle H. Johanna Lindsey’s H’s are cruel.

4 stars.
Profile Image for Севдалина.
749 reviews50 followers
February 18, 2020
Мегън е дъщеря на провинциален благородник. Тя е зашеметяващо красива и всички мъже се влюбват в нея от пръв поглед. Мегън обаче иска да се омъжи по любов. Когато обаче е пренебрегната от местната аристократка, която кани на бал всички освен Мегън, тя се зарича, че ще се омъжи за мъж с по-висока титла, за да натрие носа на жената. А най-подходящият мъж е дук Амброуз Сейнт Джеймз. Мегън никога през живота си не го е виждала, но е чувала, че е красив и знае, че има първокласна конюшня. Няма как да не е е достоен за любовта й.

Девлин трябва да се скрие, за да избегне дуел с най-добрият си приятел. Сестрат на приятеля му лъже всички, че Девлин я е прелъстил, защото иска да се омъжи за него. За да не му се налага да се дуелира с приятеля си, баба му го изпраща да се скрие в дома на неин познат, където Девлин да се представя за коняр, докато измамата се разкрие и приятеля му спре да иска да го убие. Девлин се съгласява с нелепия план, примирен, че ще умре от скука в забутаната провинция, докато не среща дъщерята на мъжа за който ще се представя, че работи. Мегън въплащава всичко, което избягва при избора си на партньорки. Тя е млада, невинна, наивна, устата и най-вече червенокоса. И все пак, той е привлечен неимоверно от нея, а караниците им са нещото, което го кара сутрин да става от сън с желание и вечер да заспива с усмивка. А тя дори не подозира, че е решила да се омъжи именно за него, защото той е дук Сейнт Джеймз.

Много любима и адски забавна книга. Още от самото начало, с възмутения дук:

— Не можете ли поне мъничко да се попрегърбите?
— Не. — И това „не“ определено прозвуча като край на спора. — Вървя пеша — пеша, за бога; на рамото ми е преметнато проядено от молци сако, нося смачкани ботуши, които никой не би взел дори и като подаяние, и се потя, господин Браун. Потя се! Няма да се подложа на още едно унижение. На нито едно.
— Потите се в бяла риза от фин лен, по дяволите — измърмори под носа си Мортимър. — Каквито носят само джентъл…
— Моля?
— Нищо, господин Джефрис, нищо — каза Мортимър. — Но ако усилията ни се окажат напразни, поне ще знаем чия е вината, нали?
— Да, наистина.

Девлин буквално НЕ ЗНАЕШЕ как да се държи като обикновен работник в конюшня, което букавлно подлудяваше Мегън. Тя не можеше да излезе на глава с него, а се предполагаше, че той работи за нея. Това доведе до толкова забавни и сладурски моменти, че превърна книгата в едно безрпрецедентно бижу, което ще се хареса дори на най-притенциозния читател. Джоана Линдзи е подходила към историята с обичайният си хумор, в добавка приключения и романтични моменти. Наистина обожавам книгата <3
December 17, 2017
So I wanted a safe historical and I love reading about enemies to lovers (if it's safe). I also love a hero that's sorta mean at first but falls so hard he grovels later.
I saw Chantal had it marked epic grovel.
But there wasn't one moment of grovel. Not even any romance. Just fighting, leaving her night after night. Then finally at the end after she tells him she loves him he says it back.
Also he said several times he needed to go find another woman to sleep with. Even after he realized to himself that he was in love with her he said he needed to go find his mistress to rid him of his feelings. It never said whether he did or not because he was away from her a lot. Night after night he was away. But I surely hope he wasn't.
What bothers me is that I wanted him to be nice at least for one chapter. He did get jealous a few times. I was happy the heroine kissed the Scott that kidnapped her because devlin deserves that.
I tried. Maybe my idea of grovel is different. But oh well.
Profile Image for Piper.
318 reviews87 followers
November 22, 2017

She sighed. "I love it when you put the duke on the shelf."

This only rated 3.5 stars from me. I didn't love it, but I didn't dislike it either. The hero won me over. The heroin did not. I wanted to strangle her. I suppose my expectations were too high after reading Prisoner of My Desire which I loved. Ah well, one doesn't know till one tries. On to something new. :)
Profile Image for Jessica.
610 reviews48 followers
March 28, 2013
The only reason I'm keeping my copy of this is the spectacular step-back cover that features a naked Fabio apparently trying to bang his way into the heroine's shoulder blades. Other than that, it's typical early 90s Lindsey: tempestuous heroine, autocratic hero, not enough sex, society stuff, or dress porn to make up for hundreds of pages of the leads fighting and bickering before suddenly deciding to fall on each others' genitals as a symbol of true love.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 482 reviews

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