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Flash Games and Compatibility

Gaia have many games built on Adobe Flash throughout the years, and today they are supported by Ruffle, a Flash Player emulator. Ruffle is still under development and many games have compatibility issues, but Ruffle is working quickly to resolve many of them.

Alternatively, you can play Flash games through an older browser with Adobe Flash support..

Waterfox is an open source version of the Firefox browser.
Versions released before 2021 will have flash browser support.
Direct link: (Windows) (MacOS) (Linux)

You will also need to install a Flash client if you don't already have one. Note that newer versions of MacOS no longer support Flash clients of any kind.
Download an archived Flash client from the following links:

  • Windows - flashplayer32_0r0_344_win.exe

    Additional note:

  • After isntallation, the 2020 Waterfox browser cannot be upgraded or its Flash support will be removed..

  • For security reasons, do not use Waterfox Classic outside of Gaia Online as you can come across unsafe Flash programs.

  • Fishing

    zOMG Air Application



    You can download zOMG as its own app which don't have to worry about browser Flash support!

    First, download the Adobe Air installer here
    (Windows) (for MacOS, follow instructions here)

    Then download the beta version of the zOMG application here (updated: 01/28/2021)

    Install the Adobe Air installer, then launch the zOMG application and it will be installed on your computer. Look for an application named "battleair" in your application folder.

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