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NHS News
Brain inflammation linked to uncommon type of 'early-onset' dementia
NHS News
Letting babies "cry it out" does not affect behaviour in later life, reports study
NHS News
Young people who vape may be more likely to start smoking
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Babies' sleep problems may raise chances of anxiety later in childhood
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Being tall and lean as a child linked to increased risk of endometriosis
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Eating an egg a day does not raise risk of heart attack or stroke
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"No evidence" that full-fat milk and dairy products lead to overweight children
NHS News
Frequent teeth brushing may be linked with lower risk of diabetes
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Sugary fizzy drinks could affect your cholesterol level
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'Electronic nose' sniffs out condition that can lead to cancer
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A diet high in fruit, veg, fibre and dairy is linked to lower stroke risk, study finds
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Is it easier to burn off a big breakfast than a big dinner?
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Western-style diet may impair memory and encourage unhealthy eating
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No proof that the Mediterranean diet reduces frailty in older age
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Skin cancer "more common" among gay and bisexual men
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Light activity may improve mental health for teenagers
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Can a single injection prevent cervical cancer?
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Could a new study give hope for earlier diagnosis of cancer?
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Red meat and processed food 'not back on the menu' according to new review
NHS News
Study claims a common food compound could lower dementia risk
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