An innovative idea with a conventional approach
With HUNDREDS of completed buildings in The United States, Canada and India, The GIRDER-SLAB® system has been globally accepted by industry design and construction professionals as an efficient, cost saving, approach to multi-story residential building applications.
The GIRDER-SLAB® system in combination with a structural steel frame offers a complete steel and concrete superstructure. It is ideal for use in mid to high-rise residential structures such as hotels, student housing, apartments, senior housing and condominiums.
The GIRDER-SLAB® system greatly improves construction operations and the ability to meet critical deadlines. Unlike cast-in-place concrete structures, the GIRDER-SLAB® system uses off site prefabricated components that are quickly erected on site by one trade even in cold weather (Ironworkers).
The components of the system, structural steel (including the D-BEAM® girder) and precast hollow core slabs, can be manufactured and supplied by many subcontractors guaranteeing the owner competitive procurement of the building's superstructure.
With practically an unlimited source of supply, the D-BEAM® girder is manufactured by your local steel fabricators as part of a complete structural steel package.
Clear safe working platform permits quicker follow up trades in schedule
Erect up to four floors in ANY weather condition, before commencing grouting operations
With a crew of 7 laborers, the GIRDER-SLAB® can be installed at a rate of 17,000 square feet per week
In the news
less labor
safer jobsite
higher profitability
Simply Safer
Sustainable Strength
Structural steel is the premier green product, and the multi-cycled rate exceeds that of any other construction material. It contains 93% recycled product and and can be recycled endlessly