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 designing with change

 testing landscapes

nurturing a culture of adaptability


The Tree Time Workshop, hosted in partnership with the Walker Art Center, explores spatial and temporal time scales of trees. The free, outdoor, self-guided event was lead by Karen Lutsky in Spring of 2021. Prompts for this event are posted below and free to be used at any time.

The prompts encourage you to consider your own relationships and lines of communication with trees. Prompts include writing a letter to a tree and designing a tree clock. Additional instruction is provided for participants to familiarize themselves with a selected tree through various levels of analysis including geolocation, visual observation, collection of sample material (fallen leaves, seeds, cones), and measurements. These methods of engagement aim to expand and disrupt our typical ways of knowing in order to develop new methods for better understanding the non-human world around us.

Lead instructor Karen Lutsky is joined by project assistants and Great Lakes Design Lab collaborators Ozayr Saloojee (Carleton University, Architecture), Sean Burkholder (University of Pennsylvania, Landscape Architecture), Jamie Vanucchi (Cornell University, Landscape Architecture), Bria Fast (University of Minnesota, Landscape Architecture), Mae Davenport (University of Minnesota, Forest Resources), Marcella Windmueller-Campione (University of Minnesota, Forest Resources).

Link to the Walker Art Center Tree Time event page.

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