Let us be clear: Chad Johnson is great. He's the best thing to happen to The Bachelorette (and reality TV, really) in 2016. His turn as a whole yam-eating, lunchmeat-snacking, rooftop pull-up enthusiast after Jojo Fletcher's heart was impossible to look away from. If we—and every single American—get what we want, Chad will reign over his very own love mansion come 2017. But before that happens, he needs to get his face grooming in check.
Appearing on Extra, Johnson sported what can only be described as a Wolverine-level beard. And while the sheer volume of his facial follicles is commendable (that is most definitely a manly beard), the real estate they're taking up falls decidedly outside of GQ-approved territory. Specifically, we're talking about those cheek-grazing tufts that are threatening to merge with his eyebrows. We have to assume Johnson would rather have people focus on his sparkling personality or his A+ burns of the other guys in the house than be distracted by a bad grooming move.
Luckily there's an easy fix to the situation. Johnson just needs to get in there with a razor and clean up his cheeks. Two passes and order will be restored (we're not advocating for a precise chin strap—just something a lot less werewolf). Plus, the clean patches will balance out his skin-to-hair ratio. Once he's done that he'll be ready to oversee a house full of "honest to a fault" rose hungry female friends of Chad.