Online tax payment is available. Click this button.
No need to make an account. Enter just your road name
(less is more), hit search and the list of properties will come up.
Select your property and put into shopping cart. Be sure to select
e-check if you don't want to use your credit card.
Please call if you need assistance.

PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT In an effort to address concerns regarding traffic safety in Green Township, we have utilized grant monies and contracted with Andover Township Police Department to supplement the State Police and provide traffic enforcement throughout the Township. We anticipate seeing Andover Township Police vehicles in the Township on more frequent basis starting this week.
2025 Outstanding Older American now accepting nominations for Green Township's Outstanding Older American for 2025. Deadline for nominations are due by May 15, 2025. Click here for information and application.
Reassessment click here for Presentation
For more information, click here to Appraisal System's website.
Any inquiries with respect to the inspection and/or valuation procedure
should be directed to Appraisal Systmes, Inc. at (201) 493-8530.

Please click here for the Winter Green Grapevine Newsletter. Find out what's going on around town!
Lock It or Lose It -Vehicle Safety Tips
Family Promise of Sussex County is a non-profit that assists individuals with services such as locating housing and
paying back rent as well as many other services. See the attached flyer for more information on how to apply for assistance.
The following Boards and Committees are seeking members:
Environmental Advisory Committee
Recreation Advisory Committee
Sussex County Water Quality Management Policy Advisory Committee (representative for Green Township)
If you are looking to volunteer in your community, please contact (908) 852-9333.
Elizabethtown Gas Energy Assistance Program Click here for the Energy Assistance Fact Sheet.
NJ BPU Tool Kit to Reach Those in Need of Utility Assistance
The NJ BPU is providing a tool kit to towns to use to reach those in need of utility assistance. Income limits are temporarily
increased enabling more people to be eligible.
Please click the links below for more information:
Energy Assistance (English)
Energy Assistance (Spanish)
Spotted Lanternfly - click here for information from the Department of Agriculture to understand this insect and how to report a sighting.
Green Township COAH Affordable Housing
2023 Annual Monitoring Report
Sussex County Upcoming
Vaccine Assistance for Seniors
New Jersey Department of Health
COVID-19 Vaccination webpage
Senior Tax Freeze - The PTR Property Tax Relief program (BLUE BOOK) for senior citizens has mailed out to homeowners.
The deadline to file is October 31, 2024. Copies available at Town Hall.
Volunteer Opportunity - Looking to volunteer as a Green Township Representative? Please let us know if you are
interested to become Green Township's representative on the Sussex County Water Quality Management Policy Advisory Committee.
The purpose of this Committee is to critique and aid the staff of the Water Quality Management Program in determining the best,
fairest and most practical means of dealing with water quality problems, issues and to make recommendations concerning the
same to the Board of County Commissioners. The meeting dates are monthly on the first Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the
Sussex County Administrative Center in Newton. Please call the Municipal Builing at (908) 852-9333, Extension 11.
Energy Aggregation - Sussex-Warren Area Energy Aggregation Cooperative's (SWAEC) Energy Aggregation Program
Tax Appeals - Petition of Appeal may be obtained from the Sussex County Tax Board,
located at 83 Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860, 973-579-0790 or
Call Before you Dig - Call 811 before any digging projects, commercial or residential
REGISTER READY – New Jersey’s Special Needs Registry for Disasters allows New Jersey residents with disabilities or access and functional needs and their families, friends, caregivers and associates an opportunity to provide information to emergency response agencies so emergency responders can better plan to serve them in a disaster or other emergency. Sign up at https://www.RegisterReady.nj.gov
Mosquito Control - Sussex County Mosquito Control Annual Municipal Information Packet