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Meet Darcy & Brian

Our family in downtown Cedarburg. Photo credit: Little x Little Photography

You know how overwhelming motherhood can feel?

How lonely and stressful it gets when nursing your baby at 3AM?

What is feels like to be holding your baby all the time because they wake up and cry every time you set them down?

Or the struggle of mom guilt when you can’t catch up on laundry, forgot to defrost meat for dinner (again), or dream about going away to hotel room in the next town over all by yourself simply because you want to sleep uninterrupted for one night?

I’ve been there – for all of that and more.

Heck, I am still in the trenches of motherhood with two young children. That’s why I share sanity saving tips on parenting, kids activities, self care, and family travel.

I don’t have all the answers though, and I hope you feel less alone when I share my struggles, my fears, and my failures.

Headshot photo of white woman with short purple hair, glasses, smiling, wearing a dark pink top.

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Check out our video content

Click here for my book Breastfeeding 101: Beauty in Breastfeeding

Meet Darcy

Hey, I’m so glad you are here! I’m Darcy, a mom blogger living in Cedarburg, Wisconsin (which is a suburb in the Milwaukee area). I am the mother of two high spirited children who are 25 months apart (my daughter was born in 2010 and my son was born 2012) and married to my soulmate, Brian (read about how I met my husband online).

And because we are crazy, we also have two cats and a dog.

I’ve lived in Wisconsin all of my life. After growing up in central Wisconsin, I moved to Waukesha to attend college. After graduating college, we went on a trip to Disney World where Brian proposed. Now we reside in one of the suburbs outside of Milwaukee.

I’ve always been driven to helping others and am a life long learner. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, though I never went on to law school. Before getting pregnant, I worked as a case manager assisting at risk youth and families and as a case manager helping adults seeking addiction treatment.


I struggled with infertility for nearly 3 years before conceiving our oldest. While on maternity leave, my previous office job was eliminated. After blogging off and on since 2001, it was time to revive my lifelong dream of becoming a writer. From the trenches of motherhood, I started a new journey and discovered how to work from home while nursing and wearing my baby. My writing has been featured on Babble, CafeMom’s The Stir,, and Yahoo’s Shine.

Fast forward to 2017 and now I have two kids in school (preschool and first grade), I’m the PTO co-secretary and the school’s Box Tops Coordinator. My daughter is in dance class and Girl Scouts and is our social butterfly. We love going on local adventures, playing video games and board games together, as well as quiet nights in watching movies or reading books. We embrace our geekiness and encourage our children to be themselves too. (Check out our family gaming blog and family gaming YouTube channel.)

Interested in working with me? Email

About the Blog

When I started Life With Darcy & Brian, it was more of a pregnancy diary where I shared my thoughts and fears about becoming a mom. I was filled with self-doubt about my parenting abilities and paid too much attention to unsolicited advice. As I stumbled through life with a newborn, I discovered what kind of parent I was, even if it didn’t always match the “ideal mother” in my head.


It’s taken years to feel comfortable in my own skin, and I know how much transitioning into motherhood can rattle our sense of sense. Even now, I often do not feel like I fit in with the other moms at school drop-off with my purple hair and geeky shirts. But, I’m slowly finding and building my village – my tribe. All mom groups are NOT the same, and it took searching before I found where I felt comfortable.

Along the way, I learned how passionate I am about helping other moms find their confidence, and became a trained Postpartum Doula a couple years ago.

I’m proud how Life With Darcy & Brian has evolved into a place where busy parents can find information to make their life easier and more enjoyable. From easy recipes, activities, and recommended products to intimate stories about parenting, resources, and advocacy of birth choices and normalizing breastfeeding.

Brand Partnerships

We LOVE partnering with brands that are a good fit for our family and our readers. We’ve worked with a variety of brands and sponsors such as Disney, Johnsonville Sausage, Meijer, LEGO, Shipt, Pley, and Hallmark. We also enjoy attending media events and press trips as a family when appropriate. If you are interested in working together, please contact me at to discuss partnership opportunities.

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Connect with Darcy


Pinterest: @darcyz

Twitter: @darcyzalewski

YouTube: DarcyAndBrian

Instagram: @darcyannz

Facebook: LifeWithDarcyandBrian