Amsterdam University Press (AUP) has run a successful print and digital programme of peer-reviewed academic publications for over thirty years. AUP specialises in the Asian Studies, Film, Media and Communication, History, Language and Literature, and Social and Political Sciences. On average, AUP publishes over 120 books a year in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Coordinated by a dedicated team, the prolific output of the Academic Programme is the result of a company-wide commitment to spread knowledge swiftly and effectively in the academic market.
Arc Humanities Press (Arc) operates as a specialist ALP (academic-led press) from its registered office in Yorkshire, with a focus on the history and impact of the past. It was established as the publishing arm of the learned society for medieval studies worldwide, CARMEN Worldwide Medieval Network. Arc publishes scholarly research across premodern interdisciplinary studies. It takes in the late antique, medieval, and early modern periods from a global perspective, area studies (within and beyond Europe) and digital humanities.
Leiden University Press (LUP) is a prominent academic publisher, pivotal in the global dissemination of scholary knowledge and research. While LUP’s primary focus lies in publishing books within the humanities and social sciences, the press remains open to interdisciplinary research, producing titles that traverse diverse academic disciplines and approaches. Concentrating on various field, including History (with a focus on Military, Dutch, Global, and Environmental history), literature, Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, Asian studies, and security and conflict studies, LUP maintains a diverse and comprehensive publishing portfolio.
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- Academic Studies Press
- Association of Canadian University Presses
- Berghahn Books
- Boydell & Brewer
- Bristol University Press
- Central European University Press
- Channel View Publications
- Columbia University Press
- Cornell University Press
- Duke University Press
- Edinburgh University Press
- EDP Sciences
- Fordham University Press
- Gorgias Press
- Gütersloher Verlagshaus
- Harvard University Press
- Iberoamericana Vervuert
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
- Manchester University Press
- Multilingual Matters
- New York University Press
- Penn State University Press
- Princeton University Press
- Rutgers University Press