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Founded in 1949, Edinburgh University Press is one of the leading university presses in the UK. EUP’s books and journals enjoy the highest academic standards through the scholarly appraisal of their Press Committee, combining original, cutting-edge research with first-rate editorial and production values to produce works of lasting importance. The press’s publications carry the imprimatur of one of Britain's oldest and most distinguished centres of learning and enjoy the highest academic standards through the scholarly appraisal of the EUP Press Committee. They publish across a wise range of subject areas including: Classics & Ancient History, Film, Media & Cultural Studies, History, Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies, Language & Linguistics, Law, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Politics, & Scottish Studies.

Ilkhanid Capital Cities Transcultural Interactions Atri Jatef Naiemi
Mystical Landscapes in Medieval Persian Literature Fatemeh Keshavarz, Ahmet T. Karamustafa
The Collected Works of Kenneth White, Volume 3 Between Two Worlds: Autobiography Kenneth White, Cairns Craig
Keeping to the Point in Athenian Forensic Oratory Law, Character and Rhetoric Edward M Harris, Alberto Esu
The Orange Order A Global History Patrick Coleman
Shakespeare High and Low Character, Audience, Career Jeffrey Knapp
Morphology From Data to Theories, 2nd Edition Antonio Fábregas, Sergio Scalise
Sublime Reciprocity in Milton, Kant and Wordsworth Light Out of Darkness Sanford Budick
Literary Illusions Performance Magic and Victorian Literature Christopher Pittard
Post-Exceptionalism Art After Political Theology Arne De Boever
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