Chi siamo.

Angela Agorini

Angela Agorini

L’innovazione deve essere sempre volta allo sviluppo sostenibile, altrimenti è solo impresa.
Angela Agorini

AREA OF EXPERTISE: Research and activation of subsidised funding (EU, National government, Regions), Strategy consulting, Data lead & Reporting

My interest in tech start-ups beginned during my studies, participating in a marketing project for a seed-stage tech start-up and working on my dissertation on startup WORLDZ. Despite my propensity, I decided to begin my professional career in the field of accounting auditing, in order to get in touch with a variety of different client companies. This experience represented a compass for my path, helping me to understand where I was and where I wanted to go. So I landed in Digital Magics, a place that I really like and where I can wear jeans and have the same credibility as someone who wears a tailleur.


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