Welcome to the College of Science

The thrust of the College of Science is to nurture and sustain an academic community that is intellectually, socially, and spiritually responsive to the needs of our nation and its people, using the vision and capabilities of science.  Through the College’s various programs and services, we strive to imbue ourselves with the values manifested in the different scientific disciplines.  The College of Science adheres to the principle of providing curricular offerings of the highest quality, with a particular emphasis on research and development.



Science is a journey. It is never confined to the pages of a textbook or to the parameters of a theory. Science is also an adventure, a constant unraveling of mysteries through relentless pursuit of knowledge. And because science is such, the College develops in its students the skills to question, experiment, analyze, and find solutions. It teaches them how to conduct research. It equips young scientific minds with the best possible tools and environment, along with outstanding academic mentors, in order to aid them in their quest for answers.

Students who are interested in enrolling in the degree programs of this college must be capable of analytical and logical thinking, must be creative in problem-solving, and must have a good grasp of mathematics. They must also be able to express themselves effectively in both oral and written communication.


A dynamic and responsive College committed to the development of a community of responsible scientists attuned towards a sustainable earth, harnessing their knowledge, skills, values and expertise, being a resource for the Nation and Church especially in the service of the poor and the marginalized.


Advances in Science and Technology are a necessary drive and support toward economic development. A sustainable progress thus requires a pool of competent scientists who are excellent researchers and educators, and are truly practicing Christians committed to value of respect for humanity.


  1. Enhance capability to offer world class science and mathematics instruction and research through:
    • a significant increase in the number of PhD Degree holders by hiring and by supporting the professional development of faculty members,
    • the acquisition of more advanced equipment/instruments,
    • the formation of research teams/ groups that will optimize research capability and increase research outputs/publications,
    • the training of junior faculty and graduate/undergraduate students as research assistants, and
    • the fostering of linkages with academic and research institutions abroad.
  2. Increase the pool of skilled human resources for scientific, industrial, business, and environmental establishments by offering more courses that are responsive to the current needs of Philippine society and the Asia-Pacific Region.
  3. Hire more faculty members who are experts in the identified fields of specialization; and offering more training programs which emphasize skills development.


Dr. Mary Jane C. Flores


Ms. Regina M. Tresvalles

Associate Dean

Dr. Maria Carla F. Manzano

Assistant Dean for External Affairs and Lasallian Mission

Dr. David P. Peñaloza, Jr.

Assistant Dean for Research and Advanced Studies

College of Science

Tel. Nos.: (632) 524-4611 loc 520 (trunk line)
(632) 524-0451 (telefax)
E-mail: [email protected]
Room 202 William Hall, 2401 Taft Avenue, Malate

1004 Manila, Philippines