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Recent & Upcoming Releases

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Cover art for first Starfinder 2E books.
Paizo's getting into the holiday spirit with sales and giveaways.
Play as 10th-level characters using the Starfinder 2E playtest rules.
This adventure takes characters through level 4 and takes place on Absalom Station where strange things are happening.
Even though this is just a playtest, you can tell that the team put a lot of hard work into the production of this book.
I met up with Jenny Jarzabski, Senior Developer, to discuss the future of Starfinder.
Fan Content Policy will be switched back to the original policy
Paizo's Keynote Address shines a light on the upcoming project updates and announcements.
Fan content and third party creators all get new rules!
Jason Bulmahn is now Director of Games!
Paizo released information on in-person and online events
PaizoCon lived up to its calling as a "celebration of all things Paizo" with new product reveals for Pathfinder, Starfinder, a board game crowdfunding announcement, and more.
Pathfinder Player 2, Curtain Call Adventure Path, and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest are set to make the convention the biggest event of the year. When the doors open on August 1st, fans will find a whole slew of new releases waiting for them at Gen Con. Pathfinder Player Core 2 Pathfinder Player Core 2 will significantly expand on the options for players. This 320-page rulebook...
This will be the final season of the Starfinder Society to use Starfinder First Edition. Paizo just announce the title and metaplot theme for Starfinder Society Year 7: the Year of Era's End. With Starfinder Second Edition playtesting this fall, this will be the bombastic end to Starfinder Society First Edition. This is a time to celebrate the end of Starfinder First Edition. Time to...
Season 7 goes out with an adventure on a machine planet and a bunch of ancestries made available.
The Pathfinder and Starfinder publisher's online convention coming in May 2024

This Week in TTRPG


A unique setting for those more interested in exploring a strange new world than conquering one.
Tell some spooky haunted house stories with friends without any dice.
A guide to running tough but fair OSR adventures.
My favorite cyberpunk campaign in years.

Dungeons & Dragons

From the teeny-tiny to the only kind of tiny.
Check out the iconic monster’s stat block from the upcoming monster book!
Check out a ton of new art from the new Monster Manual.
Some of these monsters will be portrayed in both genders for the first time.
The wizard Enkarona's enchanted courier is in a bind and needs some guidance.
A thirty-pound puppet will be used to depict the infamous beholder.

Industry News

Who's in this year's Top 10?
As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year!
The indie gaming storefront was offline, blaiming Funko's "Brand Protection Software"
In this episode Jessica is back from her stint as Vice President of the USA, and Elon Musk explodes all over D&D.
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