Snowplow drivers’ chief task is to ensure travelers can go, but sometimes I appreciate even more the ability to stop.
My endeavor to visit automated snow-measuring sites is much closer to quixotic than to Homeric.
The rumpled terrain that characterizes Northeastern Oregon writes compelling tales for anyone willing to walk even a modest distance.
I left home anticipating my favorite view of the Wallowa Mountains.
Snowshoeing always fools my internal thermostat. I shiver as I step out of the car and kneel to tighten the straps.
I hike so rarely in the rain that I appreciate the experience in a way I would not if I lived in a soggier place.
I have driven so often across Oregon’s midsection that I feel I know its anatomy in something like the way a thoracic surgeon is familiar with the places she plumbs.
Went for a hike in the woods on a recent Sunday to check on the tamaracks’ annual autumnal show.