Woman Filming Herself Rescuing Ducks Films Herself...
- But how were the ducks?
Media videos
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This Backflipping Dude Is Spinning Way Too Fast
- Somebody stop him!
Man Terrorizes Build-A-Bear With Inappropriate...
- C’mon, man — this is a place for kids.
Kid Has Unhinged, Swear-Filled Reaction to Falling on...
- Jesus, kid, it couldn’t have hurt *that* badly.
Idiot Gets Kicked Off Flight Because He Won’t Stop...
- Yet another dumb reason to end up on the no-fly list.
Man Bumps His Head on Trunk, Then Gives the Trunk What...
- It’s an understandable reaction.
Congressperson Spends Hearing Watching Netflix Instead...
- Are any of you guys paying attention to, you know, the...
Thief Gives Into Temptation, Snatches Money Bag from...
- He just couldn’t resist.
Girl Saves Dog Right Before Backyard Gets Torn to...
- Good for her.
Buff Protester Gets Spotted Ripping Push-Ups in the...
- Not the time nor the place, but damn cool nonetheless.
Watch a Car Crash Right Into a Big Hole
- That’s a three-pointer!
Grandpa Expertly Calls Out Teens Vaping on the Bus
- He’s got a point, you know.
Eager Batter Hits Piñata Straight Into Kids’ Faces
- Uh, at least there’s free candy?
Russian Airport Worker Caught De-Icing Plane with a...
- That’s one way to do it.
British Aristocrat Complains About Poor People Before...
- Yeah, these people shouldn’t have money.
Hockey Players Stunned After Dude Plays the National...
- Oh say, can you see? *brappa-rappa-pa-pa!*
Someone Keeps Shining Dick-Shaped Laser Pointers at...
- And they’re not thrilled about it.
Job Interviewers Say They Keep Getting Applications...
- A.I. isn’t just for writing your cover letters...
A High School Coach Got Fired for Yanking a Girl’s...
- Don’t do this.
Epcot Center Suddenly Started on Fire Over the Weekend
- What will the future look like? Well, there will be a...
Meet the Fastest Man on Four Legs
- Here I am still running on two legs like an idiot.
This Sport Has People Being Pulled on Skis Behind...
- And it’s incredibly entertaining to watch.
Popcorn Maestro Expertly Crafts Two Buckets of Movie...
- The “unskilled labor” crowd has been real silent...
Dude Films Himself Getting Slowly Stalked by a Pack of...
- A trip to Thailand isn’t always all it’s cracked...
Musician Makes the Most Pathetic Stage Dive Attempt of...
- This is the kind of stuff that puts people into...
Cop Accidentally Runs Over Another Cop With Their Car
- A classic “oops.”
Motorcyclist Gets Dramatically Run Over By Car,...
- Thank goodness for helmets.
They’ve Got Robots Doing Side Flips Now
- Just in case we ever need a robot to be John Wick.
The New Grift? Selling Your Place in Line at the DMV
- We’re running out of side hustles, huh?
Police Interrogating Man During Roadside Stop...
- Cops really don’t like it when you blow up a bomb in...
Police Discover Man Who’s Been Held Captive in House...
- In new bodycam footage, cops show the shocking moment...
Food Delivery Driver Accidentally Runs Over Woman Twice
- Sorry! And, uh, sorry again!
Entire Crowd Cheers on Woman Getting Into a Screaming...
- Yeah! Get ‘em!
Watch the Terrifying Insanity of an Invisible Methanol...
- It may look like nothing’s happening, but that’s...
Child Takes Mom’s Minivan for a Joyride Through...
- Preparing her for many more years of crashing her...
Painful Videos from the Bumpiest Water Slide in the...
- Every bump is another dollar in the pocket of the...
Disabled Music Producer Uses His Tongue and Lips to...
- Ladies, this is your man!
Homeowners Catch Mouse Using Their Glue Trap Like a...
- Watch him ride away to freedom!
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