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Filter the best
of your job applicants.
In minutes.

Your next 10x hire is waiting.

Filter the best of your job applicants. In minutes.

An AI powered form
find top talent fast.

Cut from 10,000
applicants to 10.

Smart AI questions

AI will generate relevant questions for you based on the job description your provide.

Quick setup

Most common questions can be added to the form in one click. You can also save the best questions for other jobs.

Smart filtering

AI knows the answers, and will automatically filter applicants to show you who got it right.

Test aptitude

Is the applicant good with logic? At a specific language? Use AI questions to find out.

An AI powered form to
find top talent fast.

Send a link.
Filter responses.

So good - it’s gonna be your recruiter’s first wish.

But hey, it’s just code. Written with heart.

So good - it’s gonna be

your recruiter’s first wish.

But hey, it’s just code.

Written with heart.

Fill in the job details - as easy as copy & pasting from your job portal.
Or generate one!

Create a smart form with the help of AI to test your applicants’ skills and fit.

Send applicants the form and automatically filter out responses that aren’t amazing.

The future of hiring.

And the history of it.

"We started building Blueberry to make our own lives easier"

Hiring as a startup is hard. We’re a small team, and when we get 4000 applicants on a job post, it gets real hard to find the best resumes.

We built Blueberry to solve this problem, realized how easy it had become, and want to help you find the joy of hiring easily and efficiently.

Ankur's photo
Prashanth's photo

Time is the highest currency.

And your leisure’s on us.

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© 2024 Ellenox

Located at the heart of the Indian startup system, Ellenox helps build the next generation of tech startups. If you're looking for a comprehensive list of services, you're in the wrong place. Ellenox just helps you do what you need to do, to succeed.

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by Ellenox
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