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Support undergraduate nursing students in developing their clinical reasoning skills through realistic interactions with Digital Standardized Patients™.
Support graduate nursing students in developing their diagnostic reasoning skills through realistic interactions with Digital Standardized Patients™.
Shadow Health supports nursing education with:
Digital Clinical Experiences™ with patient-focused, screen-based simulations
A wide range of simulation characters, or Digital Standardized Patients™, allow students to practice clinical skills in nursing disciplines from Fundamentals to Advanced Primary Care.
Students use their own words to communicate
Features 80+ life-like, diverse patients
Patients can answer millions of unique questions
Accurately measures student clinical reasoning
Provides instructor insights in Practice Readiness Dashboard
Builds clinical judgment skills
Aligned with AACN’s new Essentials
Students — engage in valuable, patient-centered learning experiences
With Shadow Health, undergraduate and graduate students can practice your skills in a safe, simulated clinical environment.
Gain exposure to realistic patients and conditions with Digital Clinical Experiences™
Master the skills needed to communicate effectively with a diverse range of patients
Receive feedback on areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
Learn how to have more effective and efficient patient interactions for improved outcomes
Digital Clinical Experiences™ - Bringing Real-World Experience to Simulation Design
Tina, Lucas and Tanner are just three of the Digital Standardized Patients™ that are part of Shadow Health’s simulations for undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.
These Digital Clinical Experiences™ are a vital part of the education of more than 700,000 nursing students across the country – giving them the opportunity to practice as often as they need with realistic, simulated patients.
Explorar Shadow Health
Digital Standardized Patients™
Diverso en datos demográficos y condiciones médicas
Motor de conversación de lenguaje natural
Los estudiantes interactúan con los pacientes usando sus propias palabras.
Actividades de examen del paciente
Los estudiantes recopilan datos de evaluación y toman decisiones de atención
Student Performance Index™
Mediciones inmediatas de las habilidades de razonamiento clínico