WordPress agency

Get exclusive WordPress solutions

Thanks to our ser­vices in hos­ting, moni­to­ring, main­ten­an­ce and deve­lo­p­ment of Word­Press appli­ca­ti­ons, you can work more rela­xed.

WordPress Wartung & Support
WordPress Wartung
WordPress Entwicklung

High-quality WordPress plugins made in Germany

Get access to powerful & pri­va­cy-com­pli­ant web appli­ca­ti­ons. Deve­lo­p­ment takes place exclu­si­ve­ly in-house in Ger­ma­ny / Donau­eschin­gen.

Fast & secure WordPress hosting

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we can pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with hos­ting tail­o­red to Word­Press.

WordPress Hosting / Server
WordPress Hosting / Server
WordPress Hosting / Server

WordPress maintenance & monitoring from the experts

As a main­ten­an­ce cus­to­mer, you bene­fit from a secu­re web­site, redu­ced down­ti­me and the latest updates. Secu­re. Effi­ci­ent. Pro­fes­sio­nal.

WordPress IT support from developers

As a main­ten­an­ce cus­to­mer, you have a direct line to our deve­lo­pers at all times. They will help you quick­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly with tech­ni­cal pro­blems.

WordPress Wartung & Support
WordPress Wartung & Support
WordPress Wartung & Support

Discover our exclusive WordPress plugins

As deve­lo­pers, we also crea­te our own plug­ins, which are available in the Word­Press plug­in store. Some of our plug­ins are also offe­red as pre­mi­um ver­si­ons and include exten­ded func­tions.

  • Geschenkoption für WooCommerce

    Ver­wand­le Ein­käu­fe in beson­de­re Geschen­ke! Mit dem Wrap Pro­duct as Gift-Plu­g­in für Woo­Com­mer­ce kannst du dei­nen Kun­den die Mög­lich­keit bie­ten, Pro­duk­te als schön ver­pack­te Geschen­ke zu bestel­len. Erhö­he die Kun­den­zu­frie­den­heit und stei­ge­re dei­nen Umsatz – ein­fach, fle­xi­bel und voll inte­griert!

    29,00  / year

  • WooCommerce Package Quantity Control

    Con­trol the order quan­ti­ties in Woo­Com­mer­ce with the Packa­ge Quan­ti­ty Con­trol plug­in! Defi­ne fixed quan­ti­ty packa­ges for your pro­ducts and pre­vent incor­rect orders. Ide­al for retail­ers who only want to sell pro­ducts in cer­tain quan­ti­ties.

    19,00  / year

  • Min/Max Quantity for WooCommerce

    With “Min/Max Quan­ti­ty for Woo­Com­mer­ce”, store ope­ra­tors can defi­ne indi­vi­du­al mini­mum and maxi­mum order quan­ti­ties for pro­ducts. Pro­tect your stock and opti­mi­ze orde­ring pro­ces­ses with dyna­mic quan­ti­ty limits — direct­ly in Woo­Com­mer­ce!

    19,00  / year