The U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition in the 20s and 30s, killing over 10,000 people.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Every hour, at least
1 person is killed by a drunk driver in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
100 acres of Pizza are served in the U.S. every day.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
If you have US$10 in your pocket and no debts, you are wealthier than 25% of Americans.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
An American Soldier ran across the border to North Korea in 1962 and lived there for the rest of his life.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
7%of americansclaimthey never bathe.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Exposure to Secondhand smoke causes nearly 50,000 deaths each year in the U.S. alone.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
One American consumes as many resources as 32 Kenyans.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Every second, Americans collectivelyeat 100 pounds of chocolate.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
America's first slave owner was a black man.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
1 in 3 Americans is obese.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
9 million people are in prisons around world, and a quarter of them are in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are at least 97 people called "LOL" in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1962, the U.S. blew up a hydrogen bomb in space that was 100 times more powerful than Hiroshima.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for just US$7.2 million in 1867.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The average U.S. worker stays at each of its jobs for 4.4 years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
8 billion chickens are consumed in the U.S. each year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
40%of births in the U.S. come from unmarried women.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Apple has more operating cashthan the
U.S. Treasury.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
It's completely legal for
minors to smoke cigarettesin the U.S. and parts of Europe, but they can't purchase them.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
Every day, nearly 4000 teens in the U.S. smoke their first cigarette while 1,000 start smoking on a daily basis.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Smoking causes 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S. every year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Four planet Earths would be required to sustain the levels of consumption of the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
About 20 million Americans live in mobile homes.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Every tweet Americans send is being archived by the Library of Congress.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Medical errors are the 6th leading cause of the death in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. has 115,000 janitors, 83,000 bartenders and 323,000 restaurant servers with bachelor's degrees.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
College textbooks prices in the U.S. have risen faster than health-care, housing, and inflation.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
African-Americans are twice as likely to be shot in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Christmas was illegal in the U.S. until 1836 as it was considered an Ancient Pagan Holiday.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
After Christianity, the largest religious affiliation in the U.S. is Judaism.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the U.S., you are twice as likely to commit suicide than be murdered by someone else.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are more single people than married people in the U.S. nowadays.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the U.S. it costs US$245,000 to raise a child, before college.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It costs the U.S. Government US$2,768,902 per year to hold a prisoner in Guantanamo.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
80%of the land in Nevada is owned by the U.S. government.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
U.S. former presidents John Adams, and Thomas Jeffersondied within hours of each other, on the 4th of July in 1826.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Four Corners Monument is the only point in the U.S. shared by four states.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. State with the longest official name is theState of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the U.S., there's an official
Rock Paper Scissors League.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
There are more Facebook users from the U.S.than U.S. citizens that voted in the 2012 election.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. has no official language.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
63%of U.S. prison inmates can't read.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are more public libraries than McDonald's in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
60,000plastic bags are being used in the U.S. every 5 seconds.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Bananas are the most popular fruits in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Every day in the U.S., more than 100,000 people get a speeding ticket.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The biggest bill the U.S. issued was a US$ 10,000 bill.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
At least 1 in 25 people sentenced to the death penalty in the U.S. are innocent.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1893, an amendment was
proposed to rename the U.S. intothe "United States of the Earth".♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
US$1 in every US$5 paid in taxes in the U.S. goes to defense.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
97% of rapists in the U.S. never spend a day in jail for their crime.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 31 states of the U.S., Rapists can legally sue for child custody if the rape results in pregnancy.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. Government spends US$1.8 billion per year printing documents.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There's a town called "Big Ugly" in West Virginia, U.S.A.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. Tax Code is 5,000 pages long while The Bible and "War and Peace" only have about 4,500 pages.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Nelson Mandela was not removed from the U.S. terror watchlist until 2008.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Valentine's Day is also National Condom Day in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Almost half the world's credit card frauds happen in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. spends US$30 per American per year of foreign aid on health, which can buy enough measles vaccines for 120 children.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are more TVs in the U.S. than people in the U.K.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The poorest place in the U.S. is Allen, South Dakota, where 96% are Native American.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
1 in 25 U.S. teenagers has attempted suicide.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are still cases of bubonic plague reported in the U.S. every year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The launch code for all U.S. Minuteman nuclear missiles for 20 years used the same code: 00000000.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2010, General Electric made over US$14 billion in profits but paid US$0 in taxes in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Afghan War is the longest war in U.S. history.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
More U.S. soldiers committed suicide than died in combat in 2012.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
10%of all U.S. companies go out of business every year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Hackers cost the U.S. economy up to 500,000 jobs each year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1943, the U.S. banned sliced bread as a wartime conservation measure.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
No U.S. presidenthas been electedafter being divorcedexcept for Ronald Reagan.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
50%is the lifetime risk of developing Cancer for a man in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are 2 pets for every 3 people in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
An average person in the U.S. eats 35 tons of food in a lifetime.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
By the time an average child leaves schoolin the U.S., he has seen 40,000 murders on TV.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
4%of women in the U.S. are pregnant right now.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
American flags made in China are banned in the U.S. Military.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The State of New Jersey, U.S.A., was originally called Lorraine and New Sweden.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. spends more money per person on healthcare than any other developed country, yet its life expectancy is below average.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In WW2, the U.S. and New Zealand secretly tested 3,700 "tsunami bombs" designed to destroy coastal cities.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It's estimated 1.5 million people are "missing missing" in the U.S.; people who have disappeared but haven't been reported as missing.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Gerald Ford was the only to have served as both U.S. President and Vice President without being elected to either position.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. government spent US$1.1 million on puppets from 2009 to 2013.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Interracial marriage was banned in the U.S. for much of its history: from 1776 to 1967.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The cost of college in the U.S. has gone up 500% since 1985.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. has 19 aircraft carriers, compared to the rest of the world's 12 aircraft carriers combined.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Before the Holocaust, Hitler gave the U.S., Great Britain, and many other nations a chance to take in Jewish refugees. They refused.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The first Friday of June is National Donut Day in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
If the U.S. can raise its 34.5% recycling rate to 75%, it will be the CO2 equivalent of removing 50 million cars from the road.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
30%of businesses in the U.S. are owned by women.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
U.S. Families living in extreme poverty, with less than US$$2 per day, has doubled to 1.5 million since 1996.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
GPS is owned and controlled by the U.S. Government. It can be 'switched off' at any time.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
47%of the U.S. remains unoccupied, despite having a population of 310 million.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. is currently in it's longest period of not having a president die in office.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. has more people of Norwegian descent than Norway.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The first President born in the U.S. spoke Dutch as his first language.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Gun sales in the U.S. actually increase after mass shootings.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the U.S., more than 1.2 million people have HIV.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. uses less water nowthan it did in 1970.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the U.S., sitting on a sea turtle is a third degree felony.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
More than half of the U.S. is now abnormally dry or officially in a drought.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. has more museums than Starbucks and McDonald's locations combined.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The constitutions of 7 U.S. states (Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas) specifically ban atheists from holding public office.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
90%of plastic bags in the U.S. are not recycled.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The poorest 5% of people in the U.S. are stillricher than 68% of the world's inhabitants.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It takes a single one-page form and about 4 minutes to apply to become an official presidential candidate in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
By law, only dead people can appear on U.S. currency.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Your fingerprint is not protected under the 5th amendment, so police in the U.S. can force you to unlock a phone with a fingerprint but not a password.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
was the most dangerous U.S. city in 2015, with a violent crime rate of 1,988.63 per 100,000 people.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE -
Generic and brand name drugs are required by U.S. law to be equally effective.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
1145 people were killed by police in the U.S. in 2015.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
19 U.S. states still allow spanking in school.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Empty Homes Outnumber The Homeless 6 To 1 in The U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2015, the marijuana market in the U.S. was bigger than craft beer, wine and organic food.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. officially adopted the metric system in 1975 when President Gerald Ford signed the Metric Conversion Act.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
A small town in Minnesota decided to secede from the U.S. in the 70s and declared war because "it is much easier to get assistance as a foreign country, which we need badly."♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2015, U.S. home ownership rate reached a 48-year low.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
"In God We Trust" was declared the U.S.national motto in 1956. It first appeared in 1861 because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The longest prison sentence served in the U.S. was over 68 years long.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the 1980s, the financial sector claimed just 10% of U.S. corporate profits. By the 2010s, it's almost 30%, supplanting manufacturing as the biggest profit center in the economy.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
One of the thirteen articles in the 1781 U.S. Articles of Confederation states that if Canada wants to be admitted into the U.S., it will automatically be accepted.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The first American woman to win an Olympic event received a porcelain bowl instead of a gold medal.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Nixon was the first (and, to date, only) U.S. President to resign from the Presidency and be pardoned by another President.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
At the beginning of WW2, the U.S. army was smaller than the army of Portugal.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
From 1974 to 1976, Shirley Temple was U.S. Ambassador to Ghana.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The eternal flame at Bullhead City, Arizona, only lasted until city officials received a US$961 gas bill. It has been relighted after complaints by veterans groups.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Two-thirds of all US$100 bills are held outside the US.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
American cows produce 4 times as much milk as they did in 1944.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In August 2016, a dog was elected mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota, for its third term in a row.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The United States paid US$25 million in gold for the Virgin Islands in 1917.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are 4,746 people in the U.S. with an identical first and last name, being Thomas Thomas the most common.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. is the world's largest exporter of sperm.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There is a city in the United States called George, Washington.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
New York nightlife is a US$10 billion per year industry.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
5,840 people in the United States have a last name that ends with their first name, with Donald MacDonald being the most common.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It's estimated that 93,000 Canadians live in the U.S. with expired visas, more than any other group of immigrant.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Canada's immigration website crashed on U.S. election night of 2016.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
2-1-1 is a U.S. 24/7 hotline run by the United Way that assists people in need by connecting them with assistance programs that may help them.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Just 0.21% of the U.S. total population live in its capital city, the lowest percentage in the world.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The city of Oatman, Arizona, hosts a Solar Egg Frying Contest every 4th of July.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are 189 things named after George Washington: 1 state, 7 mountains, 8 streams, 10 lakes, 33 counties, 9 colleges, and 121 towns and villages.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, has been burning since 1962.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2012, about 42 million Americans had never been married, twice as many as in 1960.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
If the U.S. freed all its prisoners except murderers and rapists, it would still have more people in prison per head than Germany.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The greenest, safest and most productive buildings in the U.S. are airports, followed by government offices and hospitals.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Houdini drew on his arsenal of magician's tricks to provide special instructions to American troops during WWI.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The dress worn by Marilyn Monroe during filming of The Misfits sold for US$66,000.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Favorable views of the U.S. around the world rose from a median of 51% in George W. Bush's final year in office to 66% during Obama's final 2 years.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
When electricity was installed in the White House, President Benjamin Harrison and his wife, Caroline, were scared to use the light switches for fear of getting shocked.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2015, life expectancy in the U.S. decreased for the first time since 1993.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The 1962 escape from Alcatraz, the only successful one, is still under investigation by the U.S. Marshals Service.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Ronald Reagan'spet name forNancy Reaganwas ‘Mommy Poo Pants'.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The Battle of Bunker Hillin fact took place on Breed's Hill.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
More people die in car crashes each year in the U.S. than in other high-income countries.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
U.S. presidents earn less salary now than any time in American history, at just US$400k per year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2014, individual Americans gave US$258 billion to charity —more than twice the amount given by corporations and foundations combined.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Ernest Hemingway's son, Gregory, was transsexual and died in the women's section of the Miami-Dade county jail.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
To enlist in the U.S. army, you have to have all ten of your toes intact.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
1 in 4 Americans did not read a book last year.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
60% of Americans order food for takeout or delivery at least once a week.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1912, as a young man, former president of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh worked as the cook's helper on a ship bound for the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There are only 3 countries in the world that don't offer paid maternity leave: Suriname, Papua New Guinea and the United States.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 2013, there were 8 deaths and an estimated 11,400 U.S. consumers who sustained injuries related to fireworks.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
One of the most expensive wigs ever auctioned off was one that belonged to Andy Warhol, which sold at $10,800.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
As of 2017, every American would have to contribute US$43,503 to pay off the U.S. national debt.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Only about a third of Americans consider themselves "very happy."♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
38% of American children under the age 12 who died in car crashes in 2013 were not wearing seat belts.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Salvador Dalí made a painting for the prisoners at Rikers Island (NY), which hung in the prison dining room for 15 years. In 2003, the painting was stolen by 4 guards.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Richard Milhous Nixon (who resigned when facing impeachment) and William Jefferson Clinton (who faced an impeachment trial in 1998) are the only US Presidents whose full names contain all the letters to spell the word ‘criminal'.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It is legal in 43 U.S. states to sue former inmates for the cost of their incarceration.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The first female governor of a U.S. state was elected in 1924.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1835, an unemployed house painter tried to kill the US president Andrew Jackson. Both killer's pistols failed, and Jackson beat his attacker several times with a walking cane.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In the 1960s, most Americans didn't support the idea of a moon landing and thought the government was spending too much money on space.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
When the Declaration of Independence was being drafted, Benjamin Franklin suggested that the word "sacred" be replaced with "self-evident" because he believed that the nation should be founded on reason, not faith.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Under the original terms of the U.S. Constitution, the President could not choose his vice president, instead it was the candidate with the second most votes.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
More than 90% of all jury trials in the world occur in the United States.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
69%of Americans have less than US$1,000 in savings.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
A Harvard study found that 80% of Trump press coverage was negative during his first 100 days in office.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
It's estimated that more than half of all people claiming a new Ph.D. in the U.S. have a fake one.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The navy blue uniforms adopted by many police departments in the U.S. were simply surplus army uniforms from the Civil War.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. joined Syria and Nicaragua as the only nations that aren't part of the Paris agreement to limit carbon emissions.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The town of Whynot, North Carolina has its name because as residents were arguing over a name for the town, someone stood up and said "Why not name the town Why Not and let's go home?" And so they did.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
In 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote and got the most votes in the electoral college, but lost the U.S. presidential election anyway.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
There is a castle in Scotland that looks like a giant pineapple.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Tear gas is banned for use in international warfare, but is still legal to use in the U.S.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Studies have found that Millennials are the least religious generation in six decades, and possibly the United States' whole history.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
Under the original terms of the U.S. Constitution, the President could not choose his vice president, instead it was the candidate with the second most votes.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
The U.S. Navy has 3,700 aircraft, making it the second largest air force in the world.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE
William Henry Harrison, the 9th president of the United States, had the shortest term in office, lasting just one month, from March 4 to April 4 1841.♦ SOURCE♺ SHARE