Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 23, 2013 in

Given the middling success of Pacific Rim domestically, and the actual success internationally, I wasn’t expecting to see much kaiju-related media pop up following the trend here in the US. But, here’s X-Men director Bryan Singer working on a kaiju TV series for Syfy! He’s producing it via his Bat Hat Harry production house and will be creating a 90-minute pilot that’ll focus on the aftermath of a kaiju attack on a small town in northern California. It seems there won’t be many giant robots and monsters clashing (because of MONEY), but will instead try to feature the human side of such an attack. It could be a very interesting take on the genre! Hopefully this show will take shape soon. Read more…
Tags: Kaiju, Syfy
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 11, 2013 in

Many people have heard of it, even at international film festivals, but in case you’ve somehow missed it, here’s something crazy. Sharknado is the latest b-movie from The Asylum, and it’s airing tonight (Thursday, July 11, 2013) on SyFy at 9PM EST. It’s a movie about a tornado — of sharks. There’s not much more can be said about without spoiling bits! There’s a lot of hype surrounding this for a TV movie. I’ve personally seen some early segments, and Sharknado embraces the schlock wholeheartedly. But if you’re not yet convinced, try watching this trailer to prepare you for the premiere! Read more…
Tags: Syfy
Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 9, 2011 in

I know! It’s crazy, right? But we have definitive proof that Syfy has actually not cancelled a science-fiction television show. In fact, the news is even better — they’ve gone so far as to renew said science-fiction television show! The show in question is newcomer Alphas, which I’ve never seen but like anyway due to the presence of master actor David Strathairn. Perhaps this could be the dawn of a new era for Syfy, a programming era of unprecedented not-wrestling. We’ll see. Read more…
Tags: Alphas, Syfy