The Little Prince animation
- Original title
- Le petit Prince (The Little Prince)
- Year
- 2015
- Running time
- 106 min.
- Country
- France
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Jeff BridgesVoice
- Rachel McAdamsVoice
- Paul RuddVoice
- Bud CortVoice
- Marion CotillardVoice
- Benicio del ToroVoice
- James FrancoVoice
- Ricky GervaisVoice
- Paul GiamattiVoice
- Riley OsborneVoice
- Albert BrooksVoice
- Mackenzie FoyVoice
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Animation
- Producer
- Genre
- Animation. Fantasy. Drama | Stop Motion. Literature. 3D
- Movie Groups
- Little Prince
- Synopsis
- The story centers on a pilot who crash-lands in the Sahara desert and comes across a little boy who says he is a prince fallen to Earth from his home on an asteroid. As the pilot repairs his plane, the little prince regales him with stories about his home and the foolish inhabitants of nearby asteroids.
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