Enemy at the Gates
- Original title
- Enemy at the Gates
- Year
- 2001
- Running time
- 126 min.
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Jude Law
- Joseph Fiennes
- Rachel Weisz
- Ed Harris
- Bob Hoskins
- Ron Perlman
- Eva Mattes
- Gabriel Thomson
- Matthias Habich
- Sophie Rois
- Ivan Shvedoff
- Mario Bandi
- Hans Martin Stier
- Clemens Schick
- Mikhail Matveyev
- Alexander Schwan
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Co-production United Kingdom-United States-Germany-Ireland;
- Genre
- War. Drama | II World War. Based on a true story
- Synopsis
- During the WWII battle of Stalingrad, two snipers, Russian Vasily Zaytsev and a German, are locked in a battle of wills and marksmanship, while the Russian is boosted to the status of hero by a political official.
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- Rankings Position
- Awards
2001: European Film Awards: 3 Nominations for Audience Award
- Critics' reviews
"A thinking man's war movie with a more compelling story than that of Saving Private Ryan"
"It's this human understanding of an inhuman conflict that gives Enemy At The Gates so much power, despite its defects"
- Show 3 more reviews
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- Ranking Lists Position
- 7 My Favorite War Movies (620)
- 13 My Top 10 Movies from 2001 (336)
- 60 My Favorite Movies from Europe & Latin America (39)
- 75 My Top 20 Movies from the 2000s (93)
- 75 My Top 10 Movies from 2000 (24)
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