I’m the creator, designer, and stylist behind all of the content that lives on Fun Cloth Crafts. My mission is to make your crafting journey easier. I focus not only on designing craft patterns but also on sharing tips, tricks, ideas, and inspiration for making your own awesome felt crafts. I love to learn new and share my learnings with you.

If you love felt, sewing, and crafts, you’ll feel right at home here.

Hi, I’m Anna!

Creativity is intelligence having fun.

— Albert Einstein

About Fun Cloth Crafts:

This is how it all started. In 2015, my friend Bohunka showed me the Quiet Book she had sewed for her daughter. I was astonished. I thought the kids could learn so much with it, and I immediately wanted to make one for my children. At that time, I knew very little about sewing. My friend showed me many small, simple tricks and helped me sewing my first Quiet Book. After that beautiful work, came the idea of starting a blog to share the learning, tricks, and tips to encourage other moms like me to make their own creations. 

Since then, that first book has traveled from Mexico to Argentina, the Czech Republic, Austria, and many more places. Today still, many people comment on how fantastic the book is. My children have spent hours playing with the book. By now, they have over-grown the book (in age) but still come back to it. Moreover, I believe that by making crafts for my children, I can bring them closer to the handmade world. And maybe one day, crafts will become their passion.

I’m Anna Nellar Otahalova, a stay-at-home mom of three gorgeous kids and craft-lover. I am born Czech, lived in the Netherlands, Mexico, and Austria with a husband from Argentina. I enjoy internationality; I look for it in my sources of inspiration and try to bring it to my creations. 

I did Supply chain studies in the Netherlands and worked in a multinational company. By then, my passions were sports and numbers. I was convinced to have no talent for the creative world. With Olivia (my oldest daughter) being born and our transfer to Mexico, I decided to embark on a new adventure as a stay-at-home mom.

About Anna:

After several months in Mexico, I bought my first sewing machine with the idea of making some basic sewing stuff. At that point in time, I would never think I can make a Quiet Book (I didn’t know it even existed). Soon after Lukas (my 2nd child) came to this world, I met my friend Bohunka (they call her Bo in Mexico, as Bohunka is nearly impossible to pronounce for them). With my motivation and her guidance, I made my first Busy Book. When Tomas (my 3rd child) was 1 year old, we moved to Austria. Now that my kids are a bit older, I came back to the initial idea that began in Mexico of writing this blog.

I hope you like my work, and it inspired you to take the sewing machine or simply needle and thread and do your first, second, or hundreds sewing project.

I will be delighted if you want to send me feedback and comments.

You can reach me via the web page or through social media,

Hear from you soon!

XO Anna

Follow along on Instagram for more behind the scenes!