Sunday, March 23, 2025

Purrs and Prayers for Giovanni


Hi everybody, it's me, Giovanni!

Last week, Mama packed Tylan up in his carrier to take hims to acupuncture. But then hers grabbed me and put me in a carrier, too! Me was not amused.

Once at de vet, me busied myself trying to find a way out of de room to go back home while Tylan made himself comfortable on de floor and waited for de vet to come rub his belly. 

Me was there to get a pedicure since Mama can't see well enough to do it herself at home. So, de tech took me to de back, which was really scary! When hers brought me back to Mama, hers said me was really brave. Once de tech put me on de floor, me wedged myself between de bench and de wall while me waited for Tylan to have his acupuncture.

Mama was talking de vet about me. She said they found some kind of bump on my foot. 

As Tylan was getting his pedicure, Mama picked me up and set me  on de table. And then came de poked my foot bump, and de vet went away for a few minutes. 

And then hers came back and gave Mama de news.... Me will let Mama tell you about it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Thankful Thursday

 We are joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday blog hop today because we have a special reason to be thankful today.

Some of you might know that Dad Terry from Brian's Home - Forever is my best friend. That's right, he is a saint and puts up with my babbling away at him every single day! 

A lot of you who know Terry know that he has 9 kitties and a wonderful wife named Celesta. Today is Celesta's birthday, and we are thankful for HER today!


I don't know Celesta as well as Terry, but here are few things I DO know about her:

  • Celesta's favorite color is purple (I love purple, too!).
  • She is a good cook. Terry is always making me jealous by telling me what he's having for dinner. I wish I could go and taste some of Celesta's delicious cooking myself!
  • Celesta loves kitties as much as I do.
  • She loves Christmas movies, and she reads a lot of books. 
  • Celesta is thoughtful, kind, and sweet! 
I have even gotten to talk to Celesta a few times before, which was really cool! 

The boys and I hope you have a most wonderful birthday today, Celesta! We are thankful for you and your friendship, and we love you!

Purrs and love,

Tylan, Giovanni, and Mom Sierra 

Thankful Thursday

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Thankful Thursday: Good Days

 Hi everyone! 

We are joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday blog hop today.

Tylan and Giovanni

Today, I am thankful for the good days Tylan is having. For over a week now, he's been eating more (still not enough, evidenced by the fact that he lost another 1/3 pound these past two weeks, but he is definitely eating more!) and acting much more like his old self. In fact, he no longer sleeps with me, which is bittersweet because I loved having him sleep with me, but it means he's feeling better. 

He spends a few hours in the basket on his tree sunbathing every afternoon like he always used to. And the past couple of days, he's even tried to escape into the building hallway and make me chase him around the building like he used to do! In fact, he made an escape once these past couple of days, but he didn't get very far before I brought him back in to the apartment.

I honestly don't know if Tylan is rallying or if he's actually getting better and will stay that way for a while. I guess time will tell. In any case, I'm so happy he is feeling good and enjoying his life again.

What are you thankful for today? Please share with us in the comments!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Thankful Thursday

Carmine watched over Lita when she didn't feel well.

Today, we are thankful for Angel Carmine. You might have seen that his brithday was earlier this week. He would have been 20 years old.

Even though Carmine is no longer here in his kitty body, he is still here in spirit. I have seen him several times in the past few weeks after not seeing him for a while. My animal communication instructor has told me more than once that Carmine has been around in the past few weeks to help support Tylan and me as we go through this difficult time with Tylan's end-stage kidney disease and other health issues. She says that Carmine is often right by Tylan's side. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Birthday at the Bridge, Carmine


Happy Heavenly Birthday at Rainbow Bridge, Tiny Lion! It's hard to believe, but you would have turned 20 today!

I sure hope Lita, Jewel, and all of your other friends are helping you celebrate today. I miss you so very much but know that you are still watching over us. 


Carmine loved boxes of all kinds - cardboard or soft and squishy. To celebrate  this day in Carmine's honor, please find your favorite box and curl up on or in it for a little while. 

We love you, Tiny Lion!


Mom, Tylan, and Giovanni