FWsim was created by Lukas Trötzmüller, out of personal interest in pyrotechnics.
Lukas has a Master's degree in computer science. Besides his work on FWsim, he enjoys playing pipe organ and weightlifting. As a member of Giving What We Can, he donates 10% of his income to effective charities.
My name is Marcus Athmer - I’m working on effects design for FWsim as well as strategy & marketing. I also make customized virtual shows for corporate clients and event management companies.
In the first years of my life I was already fascinated by fireworks. Early on I started to plan fireworks and study the industry in depth. In search of a simulation software I came across FWsim many years ago, and have used it ever since. On weekends I work as a DJ at weddings and festivals, and I also use pyrotechnics at some of those events.
I have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration & Management. In addition to working at FWsim, I study marketing management at IU International University.
Josué Beauregard (Splash Screen for FWsim Basic & Creative Edition)
Walther_P22 from feuerwerk-forum.de (Sounds, Suggestions)
maximus from feuerwerk-forum.de (Effects)
Colposcuro from feuerwerk-forum.de (Effects)
Pyro and Giga-knall from feuerwerk-forum.de (Sounds)
Pichu from feuerwerk-forum.de (Launch Flame Photo)
russmer from sxc.hu (Background Photo "Sinai Sky")
Pyro-Art.de (Sounds)
Everaldo Coelho, David Vignoni, and Mark James (Icon-Sets Crystal, Nuvola, and Silk; respectively)
Pyroland - der Feuerwerks-Shop (Partnership)
All beta testers
FEUERWERK.net (in German)