Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix


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This article is about the Heartless.
You may be looking for the location from Halloween Town.

Graveyard KHII.png

Graveyard KHIIFM.png

Japanese グレイブヤード
Rōmaji Gureibuyādo

Type Emblem Heartless
Game Kingdom Hearts II
Toy Soldier

Kingdom Hearts II
It boldly approaches its target, but catch it off guard after it attacks.

It summons persistent ghouls when it turns into a headstone. Defeat it before it has a chance to call forth these annoying ghouls.
Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Halloween Town
Episode 2
215 39 22 620
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

MP prize (3) ×2, Drive prize (3%) ×4
Lucid Stone (12%), Ether (10%), Serenity Shard (4%)
Halloween Town
Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Halloween Town
Episode 2
215 39 22 496
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

MP prize (3) ×2, Drive prize (3%) ×2
Lucid Stone (12%), Ether (10%), Serenity Shard (4%)
Halloween Town
Cup HP Strength Defense
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 41: 2 Graveyard

453 87 51
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Cup HP Strength Defense
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 41: 2 Graveyard

453 86 51
Physical Fire Blizzard
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Thunder Dark Neutral
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0

The Graveyard is an Emblem Heartless that is found in Kingdom Hearts II.


The Graveyard has two forms, one of which it is a jack-o'-lantern. In this form, the upper half of the Heartless is an orange pumpkin with two spindly, black arms and a slender, tube-shaped body. This body has purple, white, and blue stripes, and is carries a small hatchet and a carving knife in its hands. The jack-o'-lantern has a jagged mouth, triangular nose, semi-circular eyes, and a curled stem. Two thin, black legs with worn, tan shoes sprout out of its underside, and the tips of the shoes curl upward. It also has an alternate form, in which its upper half becomes a large, grey headstone. This headstone has a large, black section on its front, a design resembling a ghost near its top, and two bony, three-fingered hands crawling out of the dirt near its base. A crow is perched on the top of the headstone, and there is a tall, twisted, black fence behind it. Three white ghosts, each with glowing, yellow eyes and jagged mouths, fly around the Heartless in this form. The Graveyard's lower half in both forms is a tattered, grey and black box with a black and yellow spiral with a red outline on its front lower right corner. Its Heartless emblem is on the top of its lid. It is very similar to the Toy Soldier Heartless.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the jack-o'-lantern's eyes, mouth, and nose all glow, seemingly indicating that the jack-o'-lantern is lit. The stripes on its body are now dull green, white, and black. The box is now predominantly black, as are its shoes, and the outline of the symbol on its front is now white instead of red.

The Graveyard's name is a reference to the fact that its upper half can turn into a headstone, objects used as grave markers.


Graveyards are relatively difficult to defeat. It will usually start in its graveyard form so use Reflect when it gets near. Reflect also works well when it slashes Sora with its two weapons. Because the Graveyard is a generally close-range opponent, Wisdom Form can defeat it easily without receiving damage. Also while they are using the Ghost Rush attack, they are unable to be defeated until the attack ends, but they will take damage down to 1 HP.

When reduced to 50% HP, the Graveyard will often counter with Kicking Headbutt after being knocked back, and it will begin alternating between Pumpkin Slash and Ghost Rush.

Technique Element Power Guard?
Kicking Headbutt (蹴り頭突き
Keri Zudzuki
Physical x1.0
Hit 2+: x0.5
After kicking, the pumpkin emerges from the box and headbutts.
Pumpkin Slash (カボチャ斬り
Kabocha Kiri
Physical x1.0
Hit 2+: x0.25
The pumpkin emerges from the box and slashes with weapons in both hands.
Ghost Rush (ラッシュゴースト
Rasshu Gōsuto
?, lit. "Rush Ghost")
Physical x1.5
Hit 2+: x0.5
A gravestone emerges from the box and attacks with ghosts surrounding it.
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.