Kristen Lombard


My vision.

To transform the world from the inside-out by strengthening our awareness, understanding, and ability to love.

my mission

…is to cultivate a community that explores and remembers our wholeness, strengthens our resilience, uses all our ways of knowing and celebrates our collective empowerment as we move into the future with confidence and bravery.

my privilege is to work with people who are

…open and curious. Together, we co-create experiences which enhance personal well-being, growth, innovation, and positive work environments through presence, honesty, strength, and care. We learn together through creative interaction, intellectual understanding, dialogue, reflection, storytelling, movement, and joy. I connect globally with diverse individuals, groups, and businesses online, on-site, and co-create custom retreats in healing locations.

My Credentials.

PhD from IUPUI in Nursing Science (2012) with a minor in Relationship-Centered Care. PMHCNS-BC stands for Psychiatric-Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist-Board Certified (ANCC) since 1987. AHN-BC stands for Advanced Holistic Nurse-Board Certified (AHNCC). MSN from the University of Virginia (1987)and BSN from Syracuse University (1982).