halaltrip story

Our Story

When Fazal founded Crescentrating in 2008, his vision was also to build a Trip Advisor-like travel platform for Muslim travelers. HalalTrip was founded by Kareem in 2010 as a Muslim hotel review site. In 2013, Crescentrating acquired HalalTrip.

Our mission for HalalTrip is to empower Muslims to explore the world with purpose and compassion while remaining true to their faith, and foster meaningful relationships with all communities.

Through HalalTrip, we strive to make place discovery and trip planning fun and intuitive with our growing library of travel content and discovery videos. We aim to bring together the global community by encouraging you to share and review mosques, Halal restaurants, Halal food, attractions and travel tips.

We will continue to embrace new technology and innovate, to enable Muslims to explore the city they live and travel to in a fun, intuitive and a worry free experience.

Our Amazing Team

Fazal Bahardeen

(Founder & CEO)


Raudha Zaini

Strategic Partnerships & Projects Lead

Kafeel Ahmad

Technical Lead

Nur Hazirah Jamaludin

Nur Hazirah Jamaludin

Brand Communications Strategist

Nurul Ain Azhar

Nurul Ain Azhar

Content Creator & Contributor

Moiz Mustafa

Product Innovation & Digitalization Lead

Maryam Mohammad

Maryam Mohammad

Product Development Strategist

Muhammad Ridhwan

Muhammad Ridhwan

Digital Content Strategist

Lily Qistina

Lily Qistina

Marketing & Communication Strategist

We provide comprehensive Muslim friendly guides and directories for Muslim travelers. Over 16,000 listings and guides across these categories

A Quick Glimpse!

Look at the app's many features.

Halaltrip-playstore-btn Halaltrip-appstore-btn


For the convenience of all, the app is now available in English, Turkish, عربى, Bahasa Indonesia and Malay.

Our Clients

We have worked with national tourism boards, government agencies, destination marketing organizations and travel operators.

Download Halal Travel Guides

  • Australia Halal Travel Guide for Muslims

    Australia Halal Travel Guide for Muslims

  • Discover Jeju - Muslim friendly map of Jeju, South Korea

    Discover Jeju - Muslim friendly map of Jeju, South Korea

  • Philippines Halal Travel Guide for Muslims

    Philippines Halal Travel Guide for Muslims

The Halal
Travel Podcast

Check out Hazirah, Nurul and Raudha as they talk candidly about travel, food, life and everything else featuring inspiring individuals from all around the world!

halaltrip media kit

Partner with us to connect with Muslim travelers

Connect with the world's fastest growing audience of Muslim Millennial travellers and influencers.

We create unique and engaging content & experiences for destinations and businesses looking to connect with them. Contact Us to discuss how we could partner.

halaltrip media kit

Get expert comments and advice for media

As the world's leading Muslim/Halal travel online platform, HalalTrip provides expert comments and advice for media. Contact Us to arrange interviews with our team of Muslim Travel market experts.

We have been featured in


"Halal Trip is an app that helps Muslims traveling to new cities to find mosques and halal restaurants...Halal Trip has plenty of specific features for Muslim users, including an interactive map."


"To this end, Halaltrip.com is worth a look. It shares similarities with Tripadvisor.com, but it specifically targets Muslims. Hotels are rated on their quality and service, but they also receive a rating on other features, such as whether they are located near mosques or halal restaurants."


"لأول مرة.. تطبيق إلكتروني يتيح لصاحبه "السياحة الحلال" بتحديد مواقع المطاعم والمساجد عالميا"

For the first time an App allows the users to identify the locations of restaurants and mosques globally.

Was also included as one of the most important applications that Arab travelers can benefit.

Halal Trip: يستخدم السياح المسلمون هذا التطبيق لمعرفة المطاعم القريبة منهم في رحلاتهم السياحية والتي تقدم اللحوم التي تُذبح على الطريقة الإسلامية، كما يمكن للمستخدم إضافة مطاعم جديدة لمساعدة السياح الآخرين.

Halal Trip : Muslim travelers can use this application to find nearby restaurants while travelling that offer Halal food. The user can also add new restaurants to help other travelers


"HalalTrip, an in-depth information guide and resource for destinations across the world."

news straits times

“For those who like to eat out for breaking of fast and look for new culinary places, you can try Halaltrip app to find recommended places which are guaranteed Halal. In addition to finding the nearest restaurant, you can also add your favourite places here."


"Halal Trip, an online travel website specializing in halal and family-friendly travel, has allowed its mobile app to give Muslim travelers a simple way to find prayer times and locations whether on air, land or sea. "

"The new feature instantly calculates the prayer times for the current location, the distances for nearby mosques and the time it will take to reach them."


"HalalTrip.com, which is like a TripAdvisor for Muslims, with city guides, reviews, dining passes and more."

stay interesting

"HalalTrip.com, has popped up to offer Muslim consumers everything from halal restaurants to a booking service for Muslim-friendly hotels, and a prayer guide that calculates the correct time for those in transit to pray according to their flight path."

We partner with


Download the first ever Muslim Millennial Traveler Report

Understand the needs, motivations and potential of the next generation of Muslim travelers.

"Young Muslims Catch a $100 Billion Travel Bug" - Bloomberg

"Young Muslims to drive $300 bn boom in Islamic travel" - Study AFP

"The real Muslim travel niche" - TTG Asia

"Singapore a top travel spot for Muslim millennials" - The Straits Times