Jim Henson(1936-1990)
- Besetzung
- Drehbuch
- Produktion
Jim Henson wurde am 24 September 1936 in Greenville, Mississippi, USA geboren. Er war Schauspieler und Autor, bekannt für Die Muppet Show (1976), Sesamstraße (1969) und Der dunkle Kristall (1982). Er war mit Jane Henson verheiratet. Er starb am 16 Mai 1990 in New York City, New York, USA.
- Kermit the Frog
- Waldorf
- Rowlf
- Link Hogthrob
- The Swedish Chef
- Muppet Newsman
- Dr. Teeth
- The Newsman
- Swedish Chef
- Rowlf the Dog
- Gloat
- Jim
- Zeke
- Pig
- Whatnot Dancers
- Accordion Player
- Beaver
- Ernie
- Jugband Member
- Newsman
- Prairie Dog
- Australian
- Baby
- Beaker clones
- Beautiful Day Monster
- Black Rooster
- Blue Frackle
- Boppity
- Boston Pops Conductor
- Brown Bear
- Bug
- Bun-Bun Brother
- Butch the Tiger
- Cantaloupe
- Clodhopper
- Construction Worker
- Dancers
- Doglion
- Droop
- Eel
- Fazoob
- Flower-Eating Monster
- Gills Brother
- Gingerbread Man
- Girl Dancer
- Gypsy
- Hillbilly Singer
- King Rupert the Second
- Lefty
- Lenny the Lizard
- Leo
- Link Hoghrob
- Link Hogthtrob
- Mahna Mahna
- Marvin
- Mary Louise
- Mean Mama
- Miss Kitty
- Miss Kitty's Dancing Partner
- Muppaphones
- Muppet Newspig
- Nigel
- Old Man Singer
- One of the Students
- Piano
- Pigs
- Pretty Monster
- Rat
- Robot Kermit
- Rover Joe
- Rowlf's Dancing Partner
- Scientist
- Shaky Sanchez
- Silver Beak
- Singer
- Singing Fireman
- Slim Wilson
- Tennis Balls
- The Muppaphones
- The Muppet Newsman
- Timmy Monster
- Turkish Whatnot
- Viking Pig
- Villager
- Villain
- Wally Whoopie
- Whatnot
- Whatnot Dancer(Synchronisation)
- Ernie
- Kermit the Frog
- Guy Smiley
- The Baker
- Kermit
- Thomas Twiddlebug
- Anything Muppets
- Bad Bart
- Bip Bippadotta
- Erine
- Sinister Sam
- Harvey Monster
- Tony
- Blue Martian
- Jester
- Spaceship Surprise Captain
- Cowboy
- Fat Blue Victim
- The King of Eight
- Baker
- Boy
- Father
- Roberta
- Rowlf the Dog
- The King
- Additional Anything Muppets
- Barry Rhymie
- Captain
- Captain Vegetable
- City Hipster
- Fat Blue Cheerleader
- Fat Blue J Friend
- Fenwick
- Frances's Last Line
- Juggler
- Lance
- Lavender Alien
- Mahna Mahna
- Mailman
- Marvin
- Mr. Nose
- Postman
- Prime Minister
- Salvador Dada
- Bartender
- Ben
- Blue Man
- Boater
- City Boy
- Cookie Monster
- Dwarves
- Fat Blue Guy
- Fat Blue Man
- Flakey
- Frog
- Geefle
- Goldfish
- Granny Fanny Nesselrode
- Green Cowboy
- Kermit The Frog
- King of 8
- Lavender Cowboy
- Lavender Singer
- Lavender Vocalist
- Lefty
- Pokey
- Prince Charming
- Royal Cook
- Sam
- Sam the Snake
- Singer
- Soldier
- Store Clerk
- Additional Muppets
- Baby Monster
- Baritone
- Beginning
- Bert
- Bip BIppadotta
- Bip Bipadotta
- Blue Victim
- Blue Villager
- Boy in Circle
- Bread
- Bruce
- Carpenter
- Casanova
- Court Jester
- Dan
- Fat Blue Witch
- Fred the Monster
- Garbage Man
- Garbageman
- George Washington
- Green Man
- Green Monster
- Guitarist
- Head Cheerleader
- Henry
- Herry Monster
- Hipster
- Janitor
- King Peter the Persnickety
- King Richard the Chicken-Hearted
- L-Sweater Man
- Lead Singer 'Listen to the Bells'
- Lead Singer 'One Banana'
- Lead Singer 'Street Garden Cooperation'
- Little Chrissy
- Lord Lester
- Marshal McClean
- Maurice
- Monsters
- Mr. Essex
- Nature Lover
- Newsdealer
- Nose
- Officer Stan
- Pat Playjacks
- Royal Fireman
- Sammy the Snake
- Scudge
- Sneaky
- Stagehand
- The Geefle
- The Young Son
- Zizzy Zoomer #1
- 1st Elevator Passenger
- 2nd Elevator Passenger
- Anything Muppet
- Apple
- Aristocrat
- Attendant
- Baker (segment "Song of Two")
- Banker
- Barry
- Basketball
- Bats
- Beatnik
- Billy
- Bip Bippadota
- Bip Pippadotta
- Blue Cheerleader
- Blue Guy
- Blue J Friend
- Bruce Monster
- Bumble Ardy
- Bus Driver
- City Man
- Clerk
- Cop
- Dad
- Diver
- Doc
- Drippy
- Elmo Monderporg
- Elmo Mondiporg
- Emperor
- Employer
- Ernie Statue
- F Cheerleader
- Fat Blue 'J Friends' Singer
- Fat Blue Dentist
- Fat Blue King
- Fat Blue Man ('ET Family')
- Fat Blue Man (Sun Sketch)
- Fat Blue Man in 'ET Family Song'
- Fat Blue P Lover
- Fat Blue VIctim
- Father ('Five People in My Family')
- Father (Pumpkin)
- Fiddler 1
- Fireman
- Freddy Smith
- Gato
- Genie
- Glaser's Patient
- Grand High Grouch
- Grandmother Happy
- Green Boy
- Green Cheerleader
- Green Man 'Exercise'
- Green Mouse
- Grocer
- Grover
- Guy Slimey
- Harold Happy
- Harry
- Harvey's Victim
- Ivan the Icky
- Jack
- Jerry Nelson
- Jim the Juggler
- Juggler (on-camera)
- King Digitus
- King Gerry the Generous
- King of Eight
- King's Attendant
- Lead Singer 'Bells'
- Lead Singer'Listen to the Bells'
- Librarian
- Little Bird
- Lost and Found Clerk
- Man
- Marius Monderporg
- Marvin (music store owner)
- Masked Man
- Maurice Monster
- Motorperson
- Moving Man
- Mr. Jenkins
- Orange Gold Subject
- Pa (Fat Blue)
- Park Attendant
- Pedestrian
- Pig #4
- Pigs
- Pumpkin AM Cowboy
- Purple Boy
- Purple Monster
- Radiator Mover
- Rancher Ernie
- Royal Bass Player
- Sheldon the Turtle
- Short Branch Cafe Bartender
- Sonny Friendly
- Storekeeper
- Swedish Man
- Taxi Driver
- The Baler
- The Count
- The Emperor
- The Genie
- The Juggler
- The King of 8
- The Letter W
- The Mailman
- The Prime Minister
- Tom Smith
- Tuba Player
- Two-Headed Monster's Mom
- Uncle (Fat Blue)
- Unicorn
- Various Monsters
- Various Muppets
- Villager
- Villagers
- W
- Woman
- Yodeling Cowboy
- Yorick