[Working on The Man Who Wasn't There with Joel and Ethan Coen] has a special place in my heart. It was one of the most serendipitous and synchronicitous events in my life where reality and fiction overlapped. Being a francophone, French resident and also a classical pianist, the role fit me like a glove. I knew piano teachers like Jacques Carconogues and shared stories (some shocking) with Joel and Ethan when we met to discuss my participation in the film. On set, it was a dream come true...so organic...so...well...great! They welcomed my interspersing French with their original dialogue and when I improvised in the midst of the scene and sat down and played the opening of the Liszt Piano Concerto they were kind of shocked. After the take, Joel took a beat and said, "Well...I guess you really play the piano!" I froze thinking I had overstepped but immediately he said, "Man, that was great." And the cast and crew laughed and clapped and my little contribution is there on film forever. What an experience...so grateful.