Sarge Lintecum was a decorated soldier who served three tours in Vietnam between March 1966 and November 1968. His first tour was eleven months in the jungle with the 101st Airborne Paratroopers as a combat infantryman. During that time he advanced to Squad Leader. Sarge came down with malaria three times, jungle-rot, immersion-foot, two varieties of internal parasites, a shrapnel wound in his leg, exposure to Agent Orange, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which Sarge says is the Vietnam Blues. On his second tour, he was at the base camp of the 101st at Phan Rang as a perimeter guard and reaction force for the area. He spent his third tour as a senior security guard in the "Saigon Machine-Gun Patrol." He was a gunner and in charge of a gun-jeep patrolling the streets of Saigon at night. He received the Purple Heart, the Good Conduct medal, a three tour Vietnam Service Medal, Parachute Jump Wings, the Combat Infantryman Badge, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, a Valorous Unit Emblem, a Republic Of Vietnam Gallantry Cross With Palm Unit Citation Badge, and five Overseas Bars. He is now a modern-era veteran poet and musician sharing his talents with others. His poem, "The Invisible Soldier," formed part of the Women Veterans Memorial dedicated at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona in 1996.