Stage prod: Bran Stokers Dracula-playing Dracula, Various locations USA (2014)Stage prod:A Christmas Carol- playing Young Scrooge, Terrace Hill, IA (2014)Stage prod:A Christmas Carol- playing Fred, Terrace Hill, IA (2014)Ballet prod: A Walk with Jesus-playing Jesus, Hoyt Sherman Theatre, IA (2014)Iowa Motion Picture Awards - Host/MC, Capital Theatre, Burlington, IA (2014)Stage prod: The Tempest-playing Prince Ferdinand, Various locations USA (2013)Stage prod: Bram Stokers Dracula-playing Dracula, Jordon House, IA (2013)Stage prod: Othello-playing Cassio, Various locations, USA (2013)Stage prod:A Christmas Carol- playing Young Scrooge, Terrace Hill, IA (2013)Stage prod:A Christmas Carol- playing Fred, Terrace Hill, IA (2013 Ballet prod: Esther-playing King Xerxes, Hoyt Sherman Theatre, IA (2012)Stage prod: Romeo and Juliet-playing Mercutio, Various locations USA (2012)Stage prod: Romeo and Juliet-playing Prince of Verona, Various USA (2012)Stage prod:A Christmas Carol- playing Young Scrooge, Terrace Hill, IA (2012)Stage prod:A Christmas Carol- playing Fred, Terrace Hill, IA (2011) Stage prod: Antony&Cleopatra - playing Antony, Simon Estes Theatre, IA (2011) Stage prod: McBeth - playing Witch, Simon Estes Theatre, IA (2011) Stage prod: Hamlet- playing Polonious, Simon Estes Theatre, IA (2010) Stage prod: Midsummer Night's Dream- playing Oberon, Simon Estes, IA (2009) Stage prod: Much Ado- playing Quince, Simon Estes Theatre, IA (2009) Stage prod: Taming of the Shrew - playing Petrucio, Simon Estes, IA (1997) Stage prod: Various - playing various - Drake University, IA