The Tail Job is an Australian action-comedy skilfully Written and Directed by Daniel Miller and Brian Moses to near perfection. With interesting, amusing and deep characters, the experience is an exciting and funny one.
The story follows Nicholas (Blair Dwyer) an everyday man who finds out his fiancée (Laura Hughes) might be cheating on him, after hiring a taxi driven by an eccentric driver, Trevor (Blair Dwyer) to follow her around on her supposed date, things get a little more complicated as an unlikely adventure ensues. Without spoiling the movie, the story is extremely creative and surprising well structured. Big set piece scenes are split up with intimate scenes between the 2 charismatic leads. Although it is hard to talk about without revealing too much, the creative and brave nature of the story really adds a lot to the overall experience of the film.
As stated previously, both leads are extremely colorful, an essential trait in a character-focused story such as this one, this is certainly brought about by the brilliant acting work of both Blair Dwyer and Craig Anderson. Side characters such as Stacey, played by Kellie Clark, breath an extra life into the film as a whole. Extra details squeezed into all of the characters make the film interesting and entertaining at every turn.
The cinematography and make-up in 'The Tail Job' were extremely impressive, especially in cramped car scenes. Even in this taxi location, the shots stayed dynamic and interesting, in a low budget film like this I couldn't believe it. Make-up, especially of the blood variety, drew me right into the story and characters.
Funny, tense, clever, independent, why wouldn't you check out this gem of low-budget filmmaking.