Now or Never has actors whose previous work I've greatly enjoyed (Dani Rovira, Maria Valverde, Clara Lago). But it also has a basic plot that I totally despise: a quest - here, getting to the wedding on time -- is endangered by happenstance, aggravated by bad decisions and incompetence. What results is not quite "irresistible force meets immovable object," but I watched it fearing the worst.
This isn't Rovira's, Valverde's, or Lago's best film. It isn't even their best rom-com, and Rovira and Valverde hardly share any scenes. But, fortunately, good acting and sympathetic characters overcame the plot limitations. I laughed as much as I groaned. My eyes teared up a little at the end. (In Billy Crystal's voice: Hate it when that happens!). It's enjoyable, overall.