if you have never seen Duel (1971) my suggestion is to watch that than to waste your money going to see this modern day movie or buy it on blue-ray.
Starts off as a typical road movie where two young women are driving across the U.S in a Red Mustang. After watching them talk about boyfriends for the first part of the movie and seeing endless scenes cutting to them accelerating up and slowing back down travelling roads after roads they come across a trucker towing a car that they decide to overtake.
The rest basically ends up becoming a game of cat and mouse after. They are chased to where one of the girls ends up being taken and her friend is left to chase the truck and ends up being chased down even more roads.
The woman has so many opportunities in the movie to report what has happened to people instead babbles like a wreck to just race off down road after road. Even after getting her hands on a dead traffic cops gun who gets run over she catches up with the truck and points the gun at the drivers door and does nothing, never once thinks to threaten the driver to get out in order to find out what he has done with her friend..
This movie has so many flaws it is almost laughable if it was not so boring or even worth a total review.
The plot and whole story line including acting is so weak you feel like shouting at the screen for gods sake how pathetic is that.
The ending of this movie was so much worse than the beginning
Avoid this movie like the plague...