I'm not gonna lie..Jacqueline Wright's "Eat Me" is a tough film to watch...but not in a begrudgingly masochistic way. It is one of those rare films that takes the dynamics of a human relationship, puts them in a blender, and serves it as part of a five-course meal complete with a bloody rare slice of veal, bottle of Dom, and a slice of tiramisu to close. Wright's character Tommy has lost her will to live, and, when confronted by a home intruder with the question and relevance of her mortality, both perpetrator and victim are called to answer. The roller coaster that ensues is like no other, with acting by Wright and Carter as gold as it gets. Martin Carrillo's score adds an impending urgency that these two haunting humans need for understanding and redemption, and Adrian Cruz's direction pulls focus to the characters' plight and inner demons as a way to justify the horrific actions that ensue. It is a game of living. It is a game of loving, and, most poetically, it is a game of connecting to the traumas and childhoods that create us..that will help us understand..and ultimately heal. "Eat Me" will make you THINK. Live a little. GO SEE IT.