This is ultra low budget for sure. Just look towards what is happening, it is a must see because this is so bad that you will love it. To give an example, the cover is the most terrifying thing to see.
It's just one big joke, there's no horror, the story itself is unbelievable and the effects if there are any are laughable too because you never see what is happening, yes, off-camera we call it. yes, the red stuff do flies here and there on faces but that doesn't make a horror flick. It takes a while before the girls set-off for a hike and by the conversations they are having and the stupid situations at home you do know immediately what kind of flick you will see. The first encounter with horror is so dull. They are sitting in the woods and after a lazy conversation one of them says, what's that smell. Suddenly all girls do smell it and what does it reveal, rotting flesh laying a bit further, admit it viewers, you would smell it instance and not after 1à minutes of yawning talking.
And so this flick goes on and on, with one girl touching some poisonous leaves while wiping her crouch, yes, you've guessed it, itching fingers and itching crouch, a must see how those girls are handling that.
So weird that this flick didn't bother me at all, and towards the end the possession of the woods comes in with stock footage of a beer. All girls weekend? Guess they are more stupid then dump and dumper.
Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0,5/5 Story 0,5/5 Comedy 0/5