Just viewed this Australian feature on Vimeo, and it was a muddled piece of nothingness. I wish it was so bad that it was good fun, just like an Edward D. Wood Jr. movie, or a work of trash art, just like an Andy Warhol production. Unfortunately it was just pretty bland with self-centered characters going, BLAH, BLAH ,BLAH!
I love classic movies with rapid machine gun dialogue that worked so brilliantly in Howard Hawks' HIS GIRL Friday (1940), but in this film the machine gun dialogue was just shooting blanks with a bad sense of timing and nothing of interest to say. There were times when it slowed down and the actors seemed more comfortable, enabling the audience to make some connection with the characters. But that never lasted long, and it was a shame, because deep down I'm sure this film had something to say about love, sharing and understanding.
I noticed that this is the director's directorial debut, and they have never made a short film, just jumped straight into the deep end of the sewer. The direction was too theatrical, and lacked any creative flare. And then it seemed it was just thrown together in the edit, with no image grading, and without even a decent sound mix. Maybe this would be perfect for the stage, but a painful cringing experience on the screen.