Jimmy: Hey, I never sucked dick.
Charlie Mills: [startled] Good for you.
Jimmy: Some guy did blow me once, though. What? It was for some H.
Charlie Mills: Some guy sucked your dick for heroin?
Jimmy: Sure. Why is it such a big deal? I'm not gay. I was desperate.
Charlie Mills: But... you gave some guy heroin to suck YOUR dick, so technically speaking...
Jimmy: Wait. No, no, no, no. He gave ME the H. I was jonesing.
Charlie Mills: Oh. Wait. That doesn't make any sense.
Jimmy: It was a fucked up time. I'm not proud of it.
Charlie Mills: Hold... but wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Some guy gave YOU heroin to suck YOUR dick.
Jimmy: Yeah. It's not that complicated.
Charlie Mills: But...
Jimmy: Addiction is a disease, man!
Charlie Mills: No, I get WHY you did it. I get what YOU got out of it, but what does HE get out of it?
Jimmy: Fuck if I know.
Charlie Mills: I can't believe I'm saying this, but that doesn't sound like such a bad deal.
Jimmy: Yeah, if you close your eyes and think of Jessica Alba, it's really not that much of a difference.