This movie has a lot going for it. It has some truly creepy moments, very solid acting on everyone's part, moments of good scoring (despite some cliched choral passages), and a promising story line.
Unfortunately, for reasons I cannot understand, about two-thirds of the way through the script introduces a cliched, hackneyed domestic melodrama plot line which, while it does thematically connect with other aspects of the story, could have been dispensed with in favor of something less predictable and inane. I'm avoiding going into detail because I don't want to drop spoilers in case you decide to watch this movie. I myself have little patience for scripts that are inconsistent and which suffer under choices which the writer should have known were bad ones. The conclusion, while apropos of the story that precedes it, is also something we have seen time and time again in similar movies. It's frustrating to see what could have been and memorable movie become ultimately rather forgettable.
If you're hard up for a ghost story flick and you've seen everything else out there, I Remember You is probably worth a look, but it's not one that's going to be on my own re-watch list; which, for the sake of context, does include the likes of Ringu, The Ring, The Grudge (Japanese), Dark Water (Japanese), The Fog (original), The Haunting (original), The Innocents, Pulse and Retribution (both Kioshi Kurosawa), and the number of others that I watch repeatedly because they avoid most of the mistakes made by I Remember You.