After meeting his new future brother-in-law, our main character, after now hearing an old legend, involving the town they live in, Wasco, decides to poke fun at the said legend, by taking pictures of himself, dressed as one of the three clown killers from the legend - only to resurrect said clowns, of which cursed the town, and swore their revenge. First off, this plot just didn't seem to make much sense. I found it unique, but not in a good way. Having killer clowns resurrect because of some pictures posted on social media? Really? The plot resolved nothing, building barely any story, and, or any character development. The entire plot just seemed really boring, and dull, as said before, it heads nowhere, and on top of that adds no real excitement, thrills, or really anything that'll have the audience entertained, only to throw us into boredom. Following that, the pacing of this film. The pacing was just really bad, in all honesty, we literally get pointless character convocations more than anything. It's true too, barely any of the constant chatter really mattered toward this film / toward the supposed town legend. It's as if the writers ran out of ideas, and decided to make this more of a drama than horror! It truly felt more like an MTV drama, rather than a clown themed horror film, as this film heavily seems to focus more on the characters bonding, rather than anything else. Moving on, through out this movie, we get some clown activity, but it's quite pointless. We literally see the clown run around killing completely random, thrown - in characters that we could literally care less about. Having the killer randomly thrown in kill scenes, with characters that we've never seen before is just random, and does nothing for the movie. Even with that, we barely see any on - screen kills, and the gore factor is practically at a complete 0, we get some syrup thrown about, but that's about it. However, an actual pro to point out. Around the end of this film, the gore / kills became decent. Finally, the characters we have to put up with are bad. Honestly, the actors of the main characters had their moments, but at points seemed to be all over the place with their executions. I personally felt as it, also, these characters were quite clichéd. We have the weak, yet faithful hero, the innocent, worried girl, and the tough, yet strong hearted guy with secrets. Sound familiar? They overall seemed clichéd, and their deliveries as actors were mixed bags, but in all honestly could've been so much worse.
In conclusion, sorry, by the way, if the review seemed a bit jumbled, this movie was puzzling to review; This film didn't succeed. As said before, this felt more like a drama, and not a horror. Almost all the decisions of this film resolved nothing, and added no suspense, and no thrills. The characters were clichéd, and even with that the film decides to randomly throw in characters that come in just to die, adding more pointlessness. The plot was odd, and not in a good way, once again resolving nothing, and shaping this film to be extremely hard to follow. There's barely any gore, and no on-screen kill excitement. Would I recommend this? No. I personally think you're better off seeing a better known film, because this wasn't great, becoming underwhelming, and headstrong disappointing.