Most low-budget, student films look like ...well, low budget student films. Stas Lavrik is the exception. I went to NYU with Scorcese and way back in the 60s you could see he was someone special. If one watches most any of Lavriks many shorts there is a special quality to almost all of them. It's only a matter of time until his genius shows thru ...and then the sky's the limit. Life in Pictures is a strange sort of film. Fascinating but weird. However, the casting is brilliant. Most impressive of all this is this is a feature quality movie made for under $10,000! If you run into Lavrik ...get his autograph now. For sure you will be able to sell it on eBay before 2036 for big bucks. He is tomorrow's superstar director. One of those few special people you meet in life. A little off, kooky, sometimes spooky... Life in Pictures is (for lack of a better word) different yet special. Nonetheless, the Stas Lavrik genius shines thru. Life in Pictures is worth seeing if for no other reasons than (a) the brilliant casting and (b) in a few years you will be able to say "That guy Lavrik that won all those Academy awards last night ... I am one of the few people that saw his first feature film back in 2016"