A young and recently married couple Adam and Gracie are murdered in cold blood by one Lee Walsh, a small time mugger. Lee then commits a car theft at knife point and drives off to the Scottish countryside to finish what he had started. As fate would have it, his car meets with an accident and overturns, gravely injuring him. But strangely, he has landed up in the farm of the Elliott and the Douglas families, Adam and Gracie's folks, respectively. It sounds too much of a coincidence, and therefore, it perhaps isn't.
Almost unconscious, Lee is rescued by the two families in mourning already due to the tragic loss of the lives of their loved ones, it takes them no time to discover who Lee Walsh actually is. They hold back their retribution, albeit only temporarily, giving sanity a chance. In the dead of the night though, someone's unrestrained anguish and hatred for the murderer get the better of the senses, and Lee's death is inevitable. Each one of the members is aware that the culprit is one among them, but no one owns up. In the meanwhile, police detectives arrive at their doorstep to speak to them about the double murder and Lee Walsh. It's showtime - do they discover about Lee's death at the barn too, and is retribution the real motive?
"One of Us" is a gripping BBC mini series based on an apparent coincidence that really isn't one. It's a complex web of mysterious liaisons and relationships, family secrets and emotional turbulence. Created & written by Harry & Jack Williams and directed by William McGregor, the series is brutally fast, deeply disturbing and sharply narrated. The performances are commendable, and the Scottish countryside is beautiful. There is a subplot playing by the side about the dilemma of the investigating officer, and it was altogether avoidable as it's not relevant to the theme.