1st of all I commend Leigh for having a go directing and staring in any film this is a huge achievement in ones self. Considering this is his first big film its a credit to him for trying. I agree and disagree with some of the other reviews. First of all to say that this film is unwatchable and i turned it off after 5mins is complete and other horse crap, I sat through the entire film with ease. I see where they were going with the whole handheld shakey feel and approach but this needs to be done in such away that doesn't distract and turn away viewers one thing I learnt when making my film "The Count" which does have a similar handheld style feel. I wish that I would of shown my actors how to use the camera properly before we started. Lesson learnt, ..and you do learn such things while making films something in which I don't think a lot of these reviewers fully understand on the mechanics behind making a film they are a bit to quick to judge I think. Acting was off and some/almost most of it felt forced, there were some good bits but a lot of cringe worthy robotic feels going on. Sound design def needed to be re-worked some of the audio that I heard while watching was off and not smooth this is so dam important to get right, if you nail the sound and music the footage follows, I felt at times I couldn't be immersed because the sound through me out of whack. Some of the effects where pretty cool. Makeup wasn't to bad but not over-ally great. Overall I gave this film a (4/10) for trying. Well done to everyone involved and keep trying ;)